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Kindness Incorporated

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2 Kindness Incorporated
Wellbeing in Construction Summit We need a burnout revolution 10:15am – 11:00am Anna Pinkerton Burnout Prevention Specialist Kindness Incorporated

3 We Need A Burnout Revolution

4 ‘Burnout Is SO Much More Than Needing a Holiday’

5 Burnout; a Drip Drip JourneyTo Breakdown

6 It’s Not Personal It’s Neurological

7 It’s The Hardworking, Strong, & Dedicated Who Burnout
These people are used to extending themselves beyond their limits Fine and necessary occasionally, but NOT a way to live & stay well These people know how to focus, & put projects, profit and others’ above themselves These people believe having their own needs, of rest, nutrition, play time, and desires, is secondary

8 The True Cost Of Burnout
Physical health Emotional and Psychological health Nutritional health Relationship health Sexual health Parenting health Friendship health Financial health Happiness health

9 It’s Time To Start a Revolution

10 To Look After These People

11 These People

12 and these

13 ‘Traumatic Breakdown’ You can’t break gently
Rupture Collapse Despair

14 Burnout = Traumatic Breakdown, & PTSD
Flashbulb and flashback memories Hyper-vigilance & startle response Can’t interpret physical or auditory stimuli Avoid all triggers Sleep problems: getting off to sleep, staying asleep, fitful sleep, nightmares Memory difficulties Neurological overload, retching, trembling Extreme Anxiety

15 6 months to 2 years to RECOVER Some do NOT

16 Think about the real price....

17 12 Signs of Burning Out I don't recognise myself anymore
My head is so full I can't take another demand Some days I wonder what would happen if I just kept walking, driving, or stayed on the train? I'm embarrassed about feeling worn down I feel, most days, no one truly appreciates me Every morning I have a gut deep dread of the day

18 I'm anxious, all the time and I can't put my finger on one thing.
My mind used to be sharp, and quick I've lost my 'mojo' and don't feel excited by things anymore I swear at, harangue and berate myself I physically hurt myself So many things make me angry, even the smallest things

19 Almost Everything CAN Wait, We Just Don’t Believe It Can!

20 The simplest of things early on help prevention
Say yes to the cup of tea you think there's not time for!

21 Why is the break important?
1) It gives your body and mind a rest 2) It reduces adrenalin & cortisol within your system 3) It tells your brain that you are looking after yourself, you are looking after your whole system and life

22 The Burnout Revolution
Accept we’re all fully human Become companionable to ourselves as well as others Become our own best mate not our own worst enemy

23 People Need Permission and Help To:
Take breaks every day Eat lunch everyday Stop & think 'What do I want, what do I need?’ Be KIND in their thoughts and actions towards themselves Find a way to play in their day Carry on with due regard, not regardless ADJUST their day accordingly Allow them to change their mind Know tough times shouldn't break them or you

24 Remember The TRUE cost of Burnout and Traumatic Breakdown is a complete collapse of everything you know

25 Early Burnout Detection Prevents Precarious Mental Healthiness

26 Please Help People To “Consistently give their work life all they've got, but not consistently more” Thank YOU

27 Kindness Incorporated
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION TELEPHONE: WEBSITE: TWITTER: Anna Pinkerton Burnout Prevention Specialist Kindness Incorporated


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