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2 Paul’s Epistles To The Churches & Saints In
4 Galatia Philippi Ephesus Colossae

3 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
REVIEW Outline Salutation & Opening Concern 1:1-10 Paul defends his apostleship 1:11 – 2:21 Spiritual blessings based on God’s promises, not works of law 3:1 – 4:31 How one lives if he is “free in Christ” 5:1 – 6:18 APPLICATION SECTION

4 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
REVIEW Additional Information Re: Outline PROPOSITION 1 Paul’s message came from God…it did not come from men 1:11 PROPOSITION 2 Justification is by faith, not works of law 2:16 PROPOSITION 3 One can’t walk in the Spirit if he doesn’t live by the Spirit 5:1, 16-18

5 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
REVIEW Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Paul Defends His Apostleship 1:11-24 1st Proposition 1:11 “My message is from God; it didn’t come from men.” Proof Statements Nobody taught me…Jesus revealed it 1:12 My former lifestyle & conduct 1:13-14 My initial preaching efforts 1:15-20 My literal & virtual anonymity 1:21-24

6 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
Lesson 3 – Galatians 2 Paul Defends His Apostleship 1:11-24 1st Proposition 1:11 “My message is from God; it didn’t come from men.” Proof Statements The “Jerusalem Conference” 2: Acts 15:1-29 I confronted Peter’s hypocrisy to his face 2: Acts 11:1-18

7 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
Lesson 3 – Galatians 2 5th Proof Statement vv. 1-10 When time came to meet with other apostles, it wasn’t to be taught…it was to discuss Paul went up “by revelation” (directed by the Holy Spirit) v. 1 Paul told them what he had done Acts 15:12 Paul chose a “private” meeting v. 2 Paul wouldn’t let Titus be used vv. 3-5 The other apostles agreed with, accepted, and endorsed Paul’s labor vv. 7-9 “Jerusalem Conference”

8 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
Lesson 3 – Galatians 2 6th Proof Statement vv Peter stood condemned…needed confronting He played the hypocrite v. 12 He influenced others v. 13 What made Peter a hypocrite? Acts 11:1-18 In confronting Peter, Paul reasoned from the “straightforwardness” of the gospel v. 14a Paul’s words to Peter vv. 14b [Bridge to 2nd Proposition 2:16] Confronting Peter’s hypocrisy

9 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
REVIEW Additional Information Re: Outline PROPOSITION 1 Paul’s message came from God…it did not come from men 1:11 PROPOSITION 2 Justification is by faith, not works of law 2:16 PROPOSITION 3 One can’t walk in the Spirit if he doesn’t live by the Spirit 5:1, 16-18

10 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
Lesson 3 – Galatians 2 6th Proof Statement vv Paul’s words to Peter vv. 14b-21 “You compel the Gentiles to do the opposite of what you’ve done” v. 14b A strong dose of sarcasm v. 15 “No one is justified (pronounced innocent) by works of law, but by faith in Christ” v. 16 “Jews (apostles) are also sinners…is Christ a Minister of sin? God forbid!!” v. 17 “Rebuilding what was destroyed makes one a transgressor” v. 18 Confronting Peter’s hypocrisy 2nd Proposition

11 Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians
Lesson 3 – Galatians 2 6th Proof Statement vv Paul’s words to Peter vv. 14b-21 “It is through the Law that one dies to the Law” v :24 Jer 31:31-34 “One must be crucified with Christ to live again” v Rom 6:3-7 “Such a death doesn’t nullify God’s grace” v. 21a (no such “favor” anymore for O.T. Israel) “If righteousness comes through law, Christ died needlessly” v. 21b Confronting Peter’s hypocrisy


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