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Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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1 Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Program: Erasmus+Capacity Building in Higher Education   Project Title: Enhancement of HE research potential contributing to further growth of the WB region   project presentation

2 Motivation Low adoption of human research principles in the region and the need to enhance them Lack of transparency and corresponding low competitiveness Lack of clear criteria for career advancement Low quality of the researcher training coming from the uncertain status of PhD researchers Very low level of professional development of transversal skills Lack of cooperation with industry

3 Excellent university for the researchers and
Basic idea Excellent university for the researchers and Excellent researchers for the community

4 Partners Programme country institutions Partners country institutions
Politecnico di Torino University of Montenegro University of Coventry University of Sarajevo University of Liege University of East Sarajevo University of Vlora ’Ismail Q ’ University of Tirana University of Niš (project coordinator) University of Novi Sad University of Kragujevac University of Belgrade Center for promotion of science

5 Aim and objectives Contribute to enhanced management of human research potential at WB universities (improving institutional policies and practices) Practical implementation of the policies Training of administrative staff Sustainable exchange of knowledge and experiences in dealing with HR issues in region Improving professional and transferable skills Promotion of the career development and cooperation opportunities HR Excellence in Research label

6 Five steps of HRS4R process

7 Expected impact of the project
The basic target group are researchers, besides administrative staff and members of Ethical Boards: improving the promotion procedures more transparent all job vacancies and other information important to researchers rearchers’ databases will be established at each of the WBP universities university centres and offices dealing with researchers will be reinforced and improved through appropriate bylaws and some training seminars, organized by EU partners.

8 Ethical Committees will be reinforced by making appropriate legislative changes and trainings which will be organized for EC members by EU experts Appropriate plagiarism monitoring tools will be installed for use by Ethical Committee members, supervisors, reviewers, etc. Cooperation with scientific diaspora will be improved through creation and expansion of Alumni networks Trainings of researchers on various subjects, at which about 5000 researchers will be trained by WBC and EU experts A pilot mentoring system will be introduced intended to aid the newly promoted assistant professors, and young researchers after completion of their PhD studies Guidebook in English with the purpose of providing young researchers with answers to many questions typically asked at this early stage of their careers

9 Inovations Mentoring System for junior professors
Trainings in non-formal education transversal skills System of Awards for excellent research achievements HRS4R adoption by all WBC partner universities Guidebook for Young Researchers

10 Trainings Training for the trainer by EU partners – best practices in HR strategies and policies Trainings for administrative staff on research services (min 60) Trainings for ethical committee members Trainings for young researchers (min 5000) Research methodology Soft skills and Enterpreneurship Multidisciplinary approach to research Trainings for young teachers Teaching methodology

11 Work packages Preparation WP1: Preparation for the HR research management reform Leader: University of Nis Development WP2: Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Development WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Leader: University of Kragujevac Quality WP4: Project quality management at Leader: University of Montenegro Dissemination & exploitation WP5: Dissieminaton and exploitation at Leader: Center for promotion of science Management WP6: Management at

12 Management Project Consortium Board (PCB) – all members of the project
Steering Committee (SC) – only some of the WBC members Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) WP leaders Project website and project management platform Each activity must be followed by a report Regular quality reporting by WP leaders (every six months) to QAC Each partner institution reports on progress once a year to QAC

13 Budget Total: 866820 EUR Budget categories: -Staff costs -travel costs
-costs of stay -equipment costs -subcontracting costs

14 Thank you for your attention!

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