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Squadron PESTO Pillar Course
Personnel Equipment Training 1 January, 2019
Introduction This presentation covers the following topics:
From the assessing Commander’s perspective, Personnel, Equipment, Supply, Training, and Ordnance (PESTO), or Facilities (PESTOF) resource information for some, within DRRS-N is a compilation of data to assist in making a relevant and consistent subjective assessment of task and capability performance potential. PESTO resources Figure of Merits (FOMs) also provide information to enterprises as to their ability to support operational forces in those resource categories. As you are provided background on the PESTO “pillars” and the underlying systems that feed the pillars, remember that the CDR’s assessment trumps all. Your feedback to DRRS-N will help add fidelity between the PESTO condition indicators and CDR-provided assessments as DRRS-N evolves.
Introduction - Objectives
At the end of this presentation, you will have a basic understanding of: The aviation squadron PESTO metrics and their authoritative data sources The aviation squadron PESTO data flow to DRRS-N The aviation squadron PESTO drill downs available in DRRS-N At the end of the presentation, you will have a basic understanding of the Aviation Squadron PESTO: Metrics and their authoritative data sources. Data flow to DRRS-N. Drill down data available in DRRS-N. Notes: The DRRS-N graphics used in this presentation contain notional data and are for illustration purposes only PESTO = Personnel, Equipment, Supply, Training, Ordnance
Overview - Authoritative Data Sources
DRRS-N compiles unit resource values (called FOMs or Figures of Merit), using authoritative data sources. These values and associated data are available to the Commander as a guide for making unit assessments. Authoritative databases and sources support the values that are displayed in the PESTO pillars. Behind the user interface of DRRS-N, intricate mappings of tasks, resource levels, as well as detailed algorithms for scoring are at work. The goals of the PESTO pillars are twofold: First, to provide Commanders with reporting readiness insight into their underlying resource conditions at the task and capability level. Secondly, to provide the various concerned enterprises with a unit’s resource readiness in a capability and task construct. The authoritative data sources used within the Figure of Merit algorithms are highly dependent on information reported by the unit on PESTO conditions. Units that fail to make timely reports on significant changes to PESTO conditions will not see FOM scores reflecting their true readiness conditions. Therefore, they will not be helped by computed assessment scores when they make their assessments.
Overview - Authoritative Data Sources
In the following slides, we will introduce the three PESTO pillars which are calculated within DRRS-N for all Aviation Squadrons. Detachments will only display the Equipment and Training pillars. Each section will discuss a specific pillar using the following format: An overview of the pillar The metrics, which drive the calculations of that pillar The inputs (authoritative data source) and data flow to DRRS-N The drill down analysis provided within DRRS-N The discussion format for each PETSO will consist of: An overview of the pillar, The metrics, which drive the calculations. The inputs and data flow to DRRS-N. The drill down provided in DRRS-N.
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Overview
The personnel (P) pillar represents a detailed capture of individual skills that affect the ability of a unit to perform its mission. The personnel metrics in DRRS-N tie the BUPERS process to Fleet readiness. The first pillar we are going to look at is the personnel pillar or P pillar. The biggest impact for the P pillar is that the bulk of unit level personnel data will be fed directly from the Bureau of Naval Personnel, known as BUPERS. This provides greater visibility to how navy manning impacts operational readiness. The P pillar also pulls schools requirement and accomplishment information from FLTMPS as a contributor to individual training readiness.
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Metrics
PFOM (Personnel Figure of Merit) scores are calculated for each NMET PFOM is the compilation of [requirements - gaps / requirements] in the following areas: Active (AC) and reserve (RC) component officer and enlisted rating Fit AC and RC enlisted NEC Fit Government civilian Fit –generally not applicable to fleet units (no civilian billets on AMD) T&E school requirements (currently VP only) (Same as on screen text)
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Metrics
The personnel metrics provide an analysis of the gaps in manning. The formula in its basic form measures Skill Requirements less Skill Gaps divided by Skill Requirements. View a sample (No-Weight) PFOM Calculation on the next slide
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Metrics
Sample (No-Weight) PFOM Calculation: Skill OFF Rates T&E NEC Total PFOM Rs 40 56 30 145 271 77 Gs 6 22 34 62 The basic PFOM calculation compares requirements (Rs) to gaps (Gs). The result of the calculation is an integer which is normalized to a whole number. If a unit does not possess one of the requirements listed above, then that requirement is left blank. PFOM = (Rs – Gs) = (271 – 62) = Rs 77
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Inputs/Data Flow
All Aviation Squadron Personnel Departments are required to report personnel data. PFOM, the data management and decision support system, collects, tracks, and analyzes personnel data received from Ashore manpower databases. The results of the algorithms within PFOM are fed to DRRS-N. For PFOM to provide an accurate picture of manpower readiness for a unit, personnel transaction information has to be fed back to the Shore data systems in a timely and accurate manner. View Explanation of Terms on the next page
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Inputs/Data Flow
Explanation of Terms: AQD Additional Qualification Designator BA Billets Authorized BIN Billet Identification Number COB Currently On Board DESIG Designator FIT Billet to qualification match based on DESIG/NEC, Rank/Pay band, and Subspecialty (AQD) FLTMPS Fleet Training Management and Planning System NEC Navy Enlisted Classification. A critical NEC manned less than % will automatically make a NMET red. NOBC Navy Occupational Billet Code RCN Rating Control Number TFMMS Total Force Manpower Management System
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Drill Down
Clicking on a P pillar cell for a given NMET displays a Personnel Details window specific to that NMET. The drill down provides detailed data on the unit’s personnel and skills available for supporting the NMET. In DRRS-N , expand the Capability Areas to view individual METS. The next slide displays a sample PFOM drill down.
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Drill Down
93 77 Clicking on a P pillar cell for a given NMET displays a Personnel Details window specific to that NMET. The drill down provides detailed data on the unit’s personnel and skills available for supporting the NMET. 271 62 77 PFOM = (Rs – Gs) = (271– 62) = Rs
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Overview
The equipment (E) Pillar represents the equipment material condition for performing each assigned NMET The E Pillar compares the equipment authorized in the Type Commander TMS Readiness and Resource Standards to what is assigned to the squadron Authorized aircraft (flight line standard) Mission capable aircraft (RFT/RBA standard) Mission Systems (FLIR, Guns, PODS, etc) In DRRS-N, the E Pillar only considers the deployed standard for all equipment The equipment (E) pillar represents the equipment material condition for performing each assigned NMET and capability. Under DRRS-N authorize aircraft and mission capable aircraft are combined under the equipment pillar. Equipment is largely based on Current Readiness Standards entitlements for aircraft and mission systems.
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Standards
The E-Pillar uses the T/M/S specific look up table to determine aircraft and mission systems points-to-color-relationships. The reference for the look up tables is the COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANT (series) T/M/S RBA & RFT definitions. All the standards are available in the CNAF Readiness Reference Tool under the Resources Tab in the Reference Library menu. 15 Partial HSC (CVW) TMS Readiness and Resource Standard - for illustration only
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Sample HSC Metric
1. AMSRR supplies the data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and Aviation Figure of Merit (AMFOM) 2. AMFOM ties the equipment resources required to the NTA (mapping) and applies the D+1 standard (threshold). 3. DRRS-N displays the data in the E-pillar drill down. The process begins with the AMSRR (Aircraft Material Supply Readiness Report). AMSRR data is collected and compiled in the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and AMFOM (Aviation Maintenance Figure of Merit). 16
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Sample HSC Metric
(Partial mapping - for illustration only) D+1 Thresholds for determining G, Y, R 1. AMSRR supplies the data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and Aviation Figure of Merit (AMFOM). 2. AMFOM ties the equipment resources required to the NTA (mapping) and applies the D+1 standard (threshold) 3. DRRS-N displays the data in the E-pillar drill down. The second function of AMFOM is to map maintenance related Navy Tactical Tasks (NTAs) with Flight-line Aircraft, RBA, and the various mission systems requirements. 17
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Sample HSC Metric
1. AMSRR supplies the data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and Aviation Figure of Merit (AMFOM). 2. AMFOM ties the equipment resources required to the NTA (mapping) and applies the D+1 standard (threshold). 3. DRRS-N displays the data in the E-pillar drill down The compiled data in AMFOM is displayed in DRRS-N in the Equipment pillar. The user can drill down on each computed Figure of Merit to determine which component of the equipment metric is causing degradation. Note: The E pillar values exist only to generate a given color in DRRS-N and are not representative of the amount of equipment assigned or ready for a given NTA 18
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Inputs/Data Flow
All Aviation Squadron Maintenance Departments are required to report equipment data. Data on the quantity of aircraft and mission systems and their material condition is compiled by AMSRR on the NIPRNET side. AMSRR then feeds the data to the ADW database on the classified side. ADW is the central repository for AMSRR data. ADW feeds data to AMFOM, which then calculates and reports a percentage of readiness for aviation equipment and mission systems based on the documented materiel condition.
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Drill Down
Clicking on an E pillar cell for a given NMET displays an Aviation Details window specific to that NMET. The drill down provides detailed data on the unit’s equipment material condition for supporting that NMET. In DRRS-N , expand the Capability Areas to view individual METs. The next slide displays a sample E-Pillar drill down when the E-Pillar score is selected.
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Drill Down
Clicking on an E pillar cell for a given NMET displays an Aviation Details window specific to that NMET. The drill down provides detailed data on the unit’s equipment material condition for supporting that NMET. Unit T/M/S Standard Deployed Entitlement (TMS Standards) Available (AMSRR Data) Calculated Readiness The numbers in the value column only exist to determine a color for the E pillar (Green = , Yellow = 60-79, Red = 0-59). The worst value in each drill down determines the E pillar score the given NTA.
PESTO Pillars - Training - Overview
The training (T) pillar represents the performance and experience of the Squadron for performing each assigned NMET and capability NTIMS (the Navy Training Information Management System) calculates the values that are displayed in the T pillar of DRRS-N The T pillar represents the performance and experience of the Aviation squadron for performing each assigned NMET and capability. The SHARP program allows aircrew to log flights and record training data. Through the Current Readiness Assessment (CRA) process, a squadron sends their training data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) for the initial processing to feed the DRRS-N T Pillar. NTIMS (the Navy Training Information Management System) calculates the values that provided by ADW and populates the T pillar of DRRS-N.
PESTO Pillars - Training - Metrics
The Capabilities-based T&R Matrix supports DRRS-N by providing the mapping and Training Figure of Merit (TFOM) scores for the T-Pillar. TFOM is a function Performance (Pf) and Experience (Ef) TFOM metric is a measure that describes a unit’s training capability in a given NTA SHARP allows squadrons to collect flight and training data and feed that data to the TYCOM and the DRRS-N T pillar via a Current Readiness Assessment (CRA) report every 15 days. The training index is a function of a Performance factor (Pf) (skilled crews) and an Experience factor (Ef) (squadron level requirements). View Performance (Pf) and Experience (Ef) metrics on the next slide
PESTO Pillars - Training - Metrics
If Ef <1 and Pf is held at .80. Note: COB = Crews on Board SRS = Squadron Requirements Section Pf = Number of Skilled Crews Complete Number of Skilled Crews Required Ef = Number of SRS Items Completed Number of SRS Items Required Note: When Ef is less than 100, Pf is capped at 80. This prevents a unit from showing green in the T-Pillar unless all squadron level requirements have been completed.
PESTO Pillars - Training - Inputs/Data Flow
All Aviation Squadron Training Departments are required to report training data in SHARP V5.1, on the NIPRNET side. This data is passed to ADW, on the SIPRNET side. Data from ADW is then transported to the Navy Training Information Management System (NTIMS), where it is compared with MET standards and exercise completions. The result is an index of training that is fed to the T pillar in DRRS-N.
PESTO Pillars - Training - Drill Down
100 The training pillar values are a function of the Performance (Pf) and Experience (Ef) factors. Clicking on a T pillar cell for an NMET displays a Training Details window specific to that NMET. The drill down provides detailed data on the unit’s performance and experience capability for supporting that NMET. In DRRS-N , expand the Capability Areas to view individual METs. The next slide displays a sample TFOM drill down.
PESTO Pillars - Training - Drill Down
The Training Details window has two tabs, one for displaying performance factor data and the other displaying experience factor data. The content provided in the Training Details window is provided by NTIMS. Performance Factor Tab - CRA date and Pf score only Experience Factor Tab - CRA date and Ef score - Actual Ef Items mapped to the NTA
Contractor Support Leads
CNAF DRRS-N Pillar Leads CDR David “Lanezies” Lane DRRS-N Program Manager Mr John Olanowski P Pillar LCDR Joseph Stierwalt E Pillar Mr. Timothy Leonard T Pillar Contractor Support Leads CNAL Support Mr. Chris Soler Mr. John Bryson CNAP Support Ms. Mary Erausquin Mr. Derek Teachout Mr. Dan Scholtes Lead SHARP Support Rep Mr. Mark Burgunder SHARP Aviation Support Programs
Summary This concludes the PESTO presentation. Are there any questions?
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