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Project Overall Status – November 12 to 23, 2018
G Program is on track and making expected progress Key activities are being executed per timeline and budget Scope Y Monitoring scope and timing of Chart of Accounts, Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, and OBIA implementations Schedule Analyzing resource overlap between DG2 and DG3 tasks Project Plan has been baselined but will need a second baseline once training activities are defined Budget ctcLink Budget currently tracking under budget: Delayed hiring Timing of re-implementation of solutions (Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Budget) Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Review and definition of scope for each deployment is still underway due to the rework of key solutions. Deployment Group 2 (DG2) is in the Structure Phase, focused on Local Configuration and Conversion activities. DG2 Go-Live is scheduled for October The Global Design/Configuration Framework and previous Common Process Workshops (CPW) recommendations continue to move through governance for approval. DG3 is gearing up as 2018 winds down: Peer Review Readiness, Dec. 5-6; Pre Kick-Off, Dec Individual College DG3 Kick-offs will be mid-January 2019 and official DG3 Kick-Off is Jan. 28, 2019 Remediation work continues to be a priority working in parallel with the Deployment activities. The Continuing Education RFP closed Nov. 15 and work on the OAA solution is underway. Remediation Status Campus Solutions Open Tab - 13/45 Closed Tab – 2/13 Financial Management Open Tab - 14/39 Closed Tab – 1/35 Human Capital Management Open Tab - 09/25 Closed Tab – 0/07 Faculty Workload Package 2 postponed until Spring Quarter due to calculations issues discovered during testing, work in progress to resolve DRS Waiting on approval of the formula from SBCTC and then can complete the development. Absence Management Waiting on migration to begin UAT Security Audit Controls Incorporated into Security Redesign Student Billing FDD/TDD is complete and development work in progress Budget Planning Solution Begin sub-committee in Jan 2019 to review and finalize requirements Online Admissions Solution OAA workgroup to begin reviewing other OAA options Continuing Education Solution RFP closed, proposals under review. Team responding to questions to shortlist vendors, schedule demos for work group. Risks Mitigating Actions H ctcLink PMO – Guided Pathways (GP) Impact to Academic Structure If there’s a requirement to reconfigure the Program Plan structure, there could be a scope/budget/timeline impact. Continue to monitor GP requirements gathering via future workshop. M ctcLink Campus Solutions – Student Experience in 9.2 CS team has expressed concern about how students will execute transactions in 9.2. More FLUID development may be needed or create tiles to re-direct. CS team has been working with ctcLink Tech team. C Clark - Global Implementation Led by SBCTC Governance at multiple levels at Clark has been implemented. Better reporting on status is helping. Clark has suggested ctcLink use existing listservs for the pillars regarding decisions made at SBCTC. This information has been shared with ctcLink Communications team. LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H M L LEGEND: High Medium Low Issues LEGEND: High Medium Low Status Update H ctcLink CS – Student Financials (SF) Conversion Logic – Negative Charges/Fee Code Transfers Meeting with Student Financials (SF) team, Legacy and Technical resources on Nov. 14 to discuss and review SF extract logic for conversion. Clark – CS Conversion of Sensitive Data Cycle #2 data – sexual orientation and gender identity are being converted into service indicators, which makes this information available to all that are validating data. CS team did try to resolve this by getting security added to this. In the future, this should not be viewable during data validation or should be uploaded for a small test group or during Cycle #5. H M L 1
Budget Status – as of October 31, 2018
Moran Technology Quality Assurance Report
Report Recommendations as of October 2018 Y Status/QA# Findings ctcLink Responses R QA 0132 Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS) CEMLI Status is a QA concern. During the Remediation Project, due to resource constraints, this work was put on-hold. Reporting to State OFM has now resurfaced and the ctcLink Project team needs to get this work completed and operational to meet SBCTC reporting requirements to the State OFM. The AFRS CEMLI is a priority for SBCTC including the ctcLink project. Resources are allocated to complete the AFRS CEMLI work. We will continue to track this work to make sure the work is progressing. SBCTC has requested this work be complete by new Fiscal Year, July 2018. UPDATE: The team has made great progress, but has requested a separate testing environment to complete testing. The new timeline to complete testing and the migration to production is late October 2018. Y QA 0140 The new concept for Training Delivery has major benefits for the ongoing education of college administrative staff in ctcLink business process and PeopleSoft functionality. QA would recommend that the revised scope of the training model be widely communicated to the stakeholders at this time given the positive expectations for the resulting outcomes. The training team is working on the new training approach for ctcLink. We are developing a prototype of the new approach and will evaluate once it is complete. We are also looking at the overall content development scope and looking at external vendors to help build out the self-paced training. As we finalize the approach, we will work with the colleges for feedback. QA 0142 QA recommends that SBCTC ensure that The Burgundy Group delivers a fully documented Technical Architecture of the ctcLink System as they have implemented it in the Amazon Web Services environment. ctcLink Technical and ERP Support staff require this documentation. This Technical Architecture documentation has been requested at this time. QA will continue to report on this Open item until it has been received, reviewed, and accepted. The ctcLink Technical Project Manager will work with the SBCTC Application Services Director to work with our managed services provider Burgundy to develop the ctcLink production and project fully documented Technical Architecture. QA 0143 During the FLC Phase Project, the status of CEMLI delivery and testing was problematic. Many of these CEMLIs were not delivered until 2 weeks before Go-live, were not tested, and resulted in many operational errors. QA team recommends that a list of all CEMLIs be made available for review and maintained, indicating the pillar and business process related to the CEMLI, the latest status of testing, and any issues that will impact software readiness. This list should be made the responsibility of the Pillar PM with periodic reviews with the Technical Lead responsible for CEMLIs. QA team would like to review this list monthly. Deployment Group 2 implementation includes the retrofit development for all Campus CEMLIs (Customizations), The original list had not been consistently updated so the team has rebuilt the CEMLI Master document for Project and Support in parallel with the development retrofit.
Moran Technology Quality Assurance Report
Report Recommendations as of October 2018 – cont’d Y Status/QA# Findings ctcLink Responses Y QA 0144 The current status of the Training Materials is a major area of QA concern. There are approximately 60 Courses to be developed for use with DG2 and DG3. QA recommends that a list of all planned Training Courses be made available for review and maintained, including the status of course components including Quick Reference Guides (QRGs), Step-wise Tutorials/Instructions, On-Line References materials linked to Business Processes, and Videos. QA team would like to review this list monthly. Training is a critical area within the ctcLink project. There is a new training manager and training approach. The scope of courses, their mode of delivery, and actual content is being evaluated by the new manager. Once the scope has been finalized, the team will begin to develop the training content as well as we are preparing for a vendor to help with the self-paced training content. QA 0145 11/2/2018: The schedule for development of Training Course materials required for DG2 has now become YELLOW and probably will be RED next month until the PMO has implemented a series of corrective actions to fully recover it. There are 60 courses to be developed. The pilot course was to be completed in September and is still not completed. QA recommends that the PMO expedite bringing on qualified contractors/consultants to recover the schedule. QA 0146 The current delay in completing the new Security framework for the ctcLink could benefit from the colleges completing a work effort in parallel to completion of the security software. One approach could be to use a spreadsheet to collect information regarding business process/tasks, approval authorizations, and assign organizational roles. The security redesign is currently underway and is scheduled to be completed on time in order to utilize it in UAT. OCIO Investment Plan Conditions – October 2018 G Condition Status G 6 OCIO approval of the 3 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application Planned Y 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live
Deployment Group 2 Timeline (High Level Phases)
Overall Timeline (All Deployments)
Pillar Status – November 12 to 23, 2018 Human Capital Management
Campus Solutions G Accomplished this period Cycle 2 data validation workshop with all DG2 colleges OAA workgroup prep for application experience from other PeopleSoft colleges and universities Continue work on SAP Modification Continue work on Student Financials 3rd Party Billing/Invoice DG3 Business Process Fit Gap session planning Build High Level Business Process Flow for End-to-End Testing Held Dual Processing overview with Clark College Planned for next period Continue SAP CPW modification work Continue SF remediation work UAT material build Cycle 2 data validation follow up with Clark College Continued Dual Processing testing SF conversion logic review Planned, but not completed n/a *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Human Capital Management Y Accomplished this period Completed preparing data validation materials for Conversion Cycle 2 Held Conversion Cycle 2 conversion kick off sessions on Nov. 14 Continued configuration build out in FNC environment Planned for next period Hold first week of Conversion Cycle 2 conversion validation support WebEx sessions Complete DG3 BPFG Session Schedule Begin GDA content development Complete review of preliminary security matrix for “HR Core and Base User Security” Begin review of preliminary security matrices for TAM and Faculty Workload Continue configuration build out in FNC environment Planned, but not completed n/a *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 implementation work progressing on schedule but team resources continue to be involved in Production support activities, which is putting stress on implementation work due dates. Delay in review materials for Security Redesign will also put strain on activities as that work extends into December. Financials Y Accomplished this period Held FirstLink Chart of Accounts Redesign adoption kickoff planning sessions with Tacoma CC and CCs of Spokane Completed preparing data validation materials for Conversion Cycle 2 Held Conversion Cycle 2 conversion kick-off sessions on Nov. 15 Continued configuration build out (including Chart of Accounts) in FNC environment Planned for next period Hold first week of Conversion Cycle 2 conversion validation support WebEx sessions Complete DG3 BPFG Session Schedule Provide Security Redesign Matrix information to Finance ERP Support leadership for review Begin GDA content development Continue configuration build out (including Chart of Accounts) in FNC environment Planned, but not completed n/a *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 implementation work progressing on schedule but team resources continue to be involved in Production support activities, which is putting stress on implementation work due dates Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018
Workstream Status – November 12 to 23, 2018
Communications G Accomplished this period Presentation and supporting materials for Nov. 15 Senate Energy, Environment & Technology Committee work session New diagrams for training phased approach and college trainer selection/training process All Hands meeting presentation coordination Steering Committee prep Planned for next period ctcLink Connect blog post All Hands presentation Status Report content-tracking updates based on college feedback Start work on Communications Work Stream Schedule in PWA Technical G Accomplished this period Created and socialized a single environment map across all deployment groups Socialized the 12-month image update schedule with identified go-live versions Applied updated images to CTS and CNV environments to align with image versions in Production by year-end Reviewed conversion program execution times to establish a baseline end-to-end duration for conversion to apply to cutover weekend. Planned for next period Complete the application of image updates to all pillars to align with image versions in Production by year-end Identify delivered CI’s that are candidates for inclusion into the Integration Broker pilot effort. Map baseline of conversion program execution times to end-to-end cutover weekend activities to assess risk of completing cutover within the allotted window. Refresh GLD environments from updated CTS environments; this will update GLD with latest changes from Production and latest Project development changes. Planned, but not completed Identify delivered CI’s that are candidates for inclusion into the Integration Broker pilot effort—reprioritized for other efforts Testing G Accomplished this period Functional test plan in Oracle Test Manager (OTM) is complete and ready to track progress and issues. Met with Kastech to develop an implementation plan and timeline. Continued to build the UAT framework prototype. Planned for next period Finalize the FWL end to end flow used for the UAT framework prototype so it can be vetted with internal staff and college PMs. Finalize the UAT test plan prototype in OTM. Planned, but not completed Training Y Accomplished this period Continued work on prototype of Payroll Course, including assessments and course build in Canvas Finalized Training Strategy/Approach Document Reconciliation of 9.0 content to 9.2 content in ctcLink Reference Center Planned for next period Strong push to define training scope, work assignments, activity durations, and dependencies Build 22 Global Design Adoption (GDA) Canvas course shells New resource onboarding Planned, but not completed Finalize Training Scope Contract with vendor to build self paced training scope *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Material build time estimate still being conducted, which has impacted ability to determine scope. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Met with CPW testing team to discuss new testing proposal Worked with College Relations Manager to determine next steps and crossover between OCM and College Relations Made an offer to OCM/ Communications Specialist candidate – starting Dec. 3. Planned for next period Meeting with CPW Testing Team Meeting with OCM subgroup to finalize survey Completing Roles and Alignment document Planned, but not completed Continuous - working with communications and training on project schedule and timelines.
Deployment Group 2 Self-Reported Status – November 12 to 23, 2018
Clark College G Accomplished this period Held 90-minute validation overview sessions to demonstrate to validators how Clark is conducting validation, where to find information, and basic PeopleSoft navigation. About 30 staff attended. Creating data validation files for staff to validate and track their work. Data Validation Labs – 11 hours of labs over 3 days have been held. Change Action Plans with FM teams Planned for next period Continue data validation Continue meetings to complete Change Action Plans Schedule CS meetings requested by project staff Planned, but not completed Update Communication Plan SBCTC Agency G Accomplished this period SBCTC Liaisons & Governance meeting held (1 of 2) 11/16 HCM & FIN Data Validation Introduction meetings attended 11/14-15 Data Validation completed for “Purchasing Orders” and “Vouchers” Planned for next period Complete one last piece of UAT Homework ECD no later than 12/7 Completion of HCM and FIN Data Validation effort 11/16-12/11 Working Group charter approved ECD 12/7 SBCTC Liaisons & Governance meeting (2 of 2) 11/27 Planned, but not completed Completion/approval of agency work breakdown structure to graphically represent all work needed for success, ECD 12/21/18 Meet to discuss how contracts will go into ctcLink and how different departments might do different parts of the work (new PM will inquire with Working Group on this) ECD 12/21/18 Submit PS query samples/requests – (new PM will inquire with Working Group on this) ECD 12/21/18 Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period 1 Finance resources focused on end of month and FY Close tasks. 2 Initial planning meeting for Chart of Accounts Planned for next period Identify and follow up on any outstanding CCS BPFG homework. Review of Finance Security Roles Matrix Create CCS Chart of Accounts Plan Create CCS Security Redesign Plan Planned, but not completed *If status is yellow or red, describe why. SBCTC progress was being made on Remediation Conditions and Items, but delays and issues have cropped up. FY Close making progress but at Risk with no book to cash detailed reconciliation report or process. Security Redesign slipped out to February. College implementation and mapping will be time intensive impacting all departments Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Local SMEs attend ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Participated in Data Validation Attended PM Summit Participated in PM training (Ivy Brent) Planned for next period Participate in Conversion Cycle 2 Data Validation 1099 BPFG Sessions Planned, but not completed
ctcLink College Remediation Status Reports – November 12 to 23, 2018
Community Colleges of Spokane R Remediation Items progress this period Closing Fiscal Years Absence of a book-to-bank reconciliation process impacting FY 16 Close. CCS still has an $18 million dollar variance in the “book” cash balance. CCS FY 16 Closing Rules adjustments for Pass 11. PC & CAPC journal process not run since Feb State Auditor questioning variance with Head Start grant revenue. Security role redesign – Project pushed out from September 2018 to February Finance Security Roles matrix delivered to working group 11/14. CCS to review. Absence management (adjunct & part time faculty) – Completion date still TBD. DRS & PEBB – Completion date still TBD Faculty Workload Improvements. Onsite HCM training completed on Oct. 18. Improvements to be implemented in December 2018. Student third-party billing – SBCTC request to deliver now in January CCS continues to reformat invoices manually with a labor-intensive task. CCS agreed to January 2019 delivery. *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Was finally seeing SBCTC activity with CCS key remediation conditions, but over last two weeks, issues or delays seen now with all remediation items except for the FWL Package 2 which appears to be on track. No ‘complete by’ dates yet provided for all remaining remediation items. Remediation conditions were identified in December 2016. Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Reached out to local SMEs for updates on 3 HR remediation items: 29976, 20781, and 20491 Planned for next period Receive updates on 3 HR remediation items: 29976, 20781, and 20491 Participate in OAA redesign options ratings See SBCTC update on 10 remediation items Project Team R Accomplished this period Absence Management - Completed development and testing of all the absence balance remediation fixes. We have packaged the absence balance fixes to the CEMLI SE-231 and have migrated the CEMLI to PTS for ERP to System Integration Testing (SIT). Third-Party Billing – Completed 9.0 FDD/TDD and began development work effort Planned for next period Absence Management – The Application Services migrate the project to PQA for Colleges to UAT Test DRS - We are waiting on approval of the formula from SBCTC and then can complete the development. Faculty Workload - Package 2 postponed until spring quarter due to calculations issues discovered during testing; work in progress to resolve Security Role Design – Continue to finalize new role and permission list model. Student Third-Party Billing – Complete development and begin Functional Unit Testing and then begin System Integration Testing. Fiscal Year – Continue to work with FY team and Reporting team on end-to-end Checklist, Queries, and Reporting needed for Month End and Year End close. *If status is yellow or red, describe why. The ctcLink project team in partnership with the FLC’s agreed upon solution plans and completion dates for most of the remaining remediation. A number of the 40 plus remaining remediation items have missed the planned completion dates due to GDR timing, policy decisions as well as impacts from AWS migration and environmental issues.
Deployment Group 3: Gate 1 Initiation Phase Progress - as of Nov
Initiation Phase Deliverables Cascadia Lower Columbia Olympic Peninsula Pierce Resource Plan and Budget C NR College Project Charter Baselined MS-Project Schedule OCM Plan Communication Plan Local College Training Plan IP Risk Management Plan Data Cleansing Plan Legacy Business Process Mapping Supplemental Systems Assessment Legend NR: Not Received, deliverable not posted to cDR IP: In Progress, draft deliverable has been posted to cDR C: Complete, final deliverable posted to cDR
Other ctcLink Project Activities – Status as of Nov. 23, 2018
New Solution Status RFP Publish Solution Decision Physical Inventory (Asset Tracking) Vendor Solutions being evaluated New PS Functionality that will provide integration for asset tracking scanners directly with ctcLink 5/21/2018 Delayed to evaluate new functionality within PS Continuing Education Sub-Committee responding to vendor questions Shortlist vendors for Solution Demo’s Select final solution WG/SC Approval 10/15/2018 1/1/2019 Online Admissions Application OAA Work Group to review other US College/University Solutions Shortlist vendors for US College/University discussions Determine best custom or third party solution / RFP if needed 11/1/2018 1/20/2019 Budget Planning Begin Sub-committee start up to review, finalize and approve Budgeting requirements Review requirements against Oracle PBCS Solution / If needed, develop RFP TBD 2/20/2019 Accessibility Continued discussions with Appsian (formerly Grey Heller) Working with Accessibility testing vendors to test Appsian use cases against ctcLink. N/A Guided Pathways Steering Committee approved approach for gathering business requirements for Guided Pathways
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