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Using the Major Pentatonic Scale

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1 Using the Major Pentatonic Scale
My Girl Using the Major Pentatonic Scale

2 What is so cool about this song?
The introduction contains a few things that are more global than just playing the song. The first part is playing the 1 and 5 notes of the chord. The most used notes for bass. Then the main riff is a C major pentatonic to an F major pentatonic scale. You learn the scale while learning the hook.

3 First position – not the best place but good for beg.
Count & (&2) & 3 (& 4) & etc. This is in 2nd position. A better place to play the riff. But this shows that it can be played in different positions. 2nd position = index on 2nd fret, middle on 3rd fret, ring on 4th fret pinky on 5th fret.

4 Here are the 2 ways to play the main hook in C for this song
Here are the 2 ways to play the main hook in C for this song. In either case the notes make up a C major pentatonic scale. Both should be learned!!! C D E G A C C D E G A C

5 2nd position C D E G A C A G E D C Memorize this scale!! Also do it in 1st position!!

6 Note this scale works with a C Major or a C7 chord
With a partner, one person play the C chord and the other the scale. Reverse roles. Now one person plays the chords the other notes in the scale. See how you almost can’t hit a bad note.

7 Same scale in 1st position!!

8 Now for the riff in F

9 Now the whole introduction
First in 1st position then in 2nd position. Take it slowly. Say the names of the notes if you can.






15 The riff in D.

16 Now just put it all together

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