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Warm-Up (2/1) 1) Please pick up the booklet page for today and a glue stick from the side table. 2) Please complete answering the Washington/Adams policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up (2/1) 1) Please pick up the booklet page for today and a glue stick from the side table. 2) Please complete answering the Washington/Adams policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up (2/1) 1) Please pick up the booklet page for today and a glue stick from the side table. 2) Please complete answering the Washington/Adams policy questions from yesterday’s warm-up.


3 President Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809
After winning the vote taken in the House of Representatives Thomas Jefferson is officially elected as the 3rd president of the United States in 1800. From the very beginning Jefferson will prove to be very different from both Washington & Adams.

4 Jefferson’s America

5 Jeffersonian Changes Smaller, More Effective Government
Jefferson’s views: Laissez-faire – (“let go” or “let alone”) government should play a very small role in nation’s economics This policy is also known as “Free Enterprise” = businesses should be governed by the laws of supply and demand… government should stay out of the way in most cases Government

6 Jefferson’s popularity rises…
Upon taking the Presidency Jefferson will reverse some very unpopular decisions: 1) Repealed the Whiskey Tax… and fired ALL federal tax collectors 2) Stopped prosecutions under Sedition Act – (pardoned those convicted) 3) Gets Congress to change Alien Act - made it possible (once again) for immigrants to become citizens after 5 years. 4) Reduced government spending - reduced size of Army & Navy 5) continued paying off state debts 6) Louisiana Purchase

7 Louisiana Purchase

8 Embargo Act

9 Embargo Act Jefferson’s way of remaining neutral in European affairs (sound familiar?) Embargo = ban on trade with another country Goal - hoped the embargo would hurt the British and French and would lift the trade ban once each nation agreed to respect the neutrality of the US Reality - embargo’s greatest damage was to Americans: 1) exports dropped 2) sailors were out of work 3) farmers lost money 4) New England merchants had fewer goods to sell

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