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TS Gold Training 9/10/18.

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Presentation on theme: "TS Gold Training 9/10/18."— Presentation transcript:

1 TS Gold Training 9/10/18

2 Good Things Share a high point/victory of the school year so far

3 During the WIDA Screener testing window
for being STAR TESTERS During the WIDA Screener testing window WE APPRECIATE YOU!!

4 What Are We Doing Today? Intro to TS Gold Testing Nirvana Walk-through
Proctor Requirements Site Assignments/Details Review Objectives and Documentation Examples TS Gold Website Walk-through Testing Website Additions Wrap-up Launch

5 What is TS Gold? Teaching Strategies Gold
School Readiness Observations Authentic Assessment Checklists/Rubrics for 31 School Readiness skills Required by the state Live groups – Up to 10 students Online groups – Up to 5 students

6 What students will be coming?
TESTING NIRVANA s go out this week TEACHERS ON-SITE need to make those confirmation calls. Every student must meet EVERY objective. IN-PERSON is our BEST choice. If Objectives are skipped, we won’t get credit for that student!!

7 Testing Nirvana Walkthrough
Confirming Students Reschedules Taking Attendance

8 Proctor Calendar Testing takes place AFTER Blended from 12-2.
Proctor Calendar Link: 2 tabs Proctor schedule Materials Exchange Plan

9 Tab 1- Proctor Calendar Tab 2 – Materials Exchange Plan

10 Interrater Reliability Certification

11 What’s In The Box?? 2 iPads with TS Gold Documentation app installed
Sign-in sheet Parent Permission forms allowing video/picture documentation recording Name tags/Different colored markers Rules page Story Books Vocabulary Cards – What is it? How do you use it? Toys – Blocks, Puzzles Tracing Paper * Feel free to bring other items from home if you would like for these tasks

12 For Each Site You Decide As A Team…
Who will be: Confirming and rescheduling students in TN? Having parents sign in student and fill out permission form? Running activities? Recording documentation and observations? Responsible for the materials?

13 What do I have to do on site?
Have each family sign in and complete forms. Put name tags on the kids. Take attendance in TN. Notify me about absent students for reschedule Go over the rules. Monitor Throughout: Social/Behavioral Objectives 5 Activities: Read Aloud Simon Says Vocabulary Group Play Writing *Can be done in any order*

14 These can happen throughout the testing day.
Obj. 1c: Takes care of own needs appropriately. -Watch for: asking permission to go to the bathroom or get a drink, -Getting supplies/materials on their own -Asking for help when needed -Taking responsibility for his/her actions Obj. 2b: Responds to emotional cues -Watch for: compassion for other students -Identify why someone feels that way (Why is ____ happy/sad/mad?) Obj. 11d: Demonstrates positive approaches to learning by showing curiosity and motivation. -Watch for: wanting to be involved in activities -Engages in activities -Shows enthusiasm for learning new things Obj. 12b: Makes connections -Watch for: responds to quiet signal -Remembers routines/rules -Relates new experience (class) to known experiences (at home) These can happen throughout the testing day.

15 Simon Says Obj. 4: Demonstrates traveling skills.
-Watch for: can move in different ways—walk, jump, crawl. . . -Moves from place to place with control -Coordination with increasingly complex movements (spin your arms & jump) Obj. 5: Demonstrates balancing skills. -Watch for: Jump over small objects, Walk on a line, Hop on one foot -How is their balance? Obj. 6: Gross Motor manipulation skills (blocks or balls) -Watch for: range of motion when they manipulate balls or other objects Obj. 21a: Understands spatial relationships -Watch for: following directions about location (over, under, near, below) Simon Says Play Simon Says or other group games. Watch for their motor skills—running, walking, balancing, changing directions. Also watch for their spatial awareness/prepositions (over, near, far, next to, under, behind)

16 Vocabulary Obj. 9a: Uses an expanding and expressive vocabulary
-Name an object. -Describe how to use it. -Use advanced/mature vocabulary. Obj. 9c: Use conventional grammar -Do they speak in 3-4 word sentences? -Do they speak in 4-6 word sentences? -Do they use correct pronouns (he/she him/her) and verbs? Obj. 9d: Tells about another time or place -Tells stories about other times and places that have a logical order and details (It could be telling about what they did yesterday, retelling a cartoon they’ve seen, or a story they’ve made up.) Vocabulary What is it? game. Students choose a card and describe the object and how to use it. Tell me a story game - tell a short story about an object or person.

17 Read Aloud Time Obj. 17a: Uses and appreciates books and texts.
-Watch for: can hold a book the right way -Knows features of a book (where’s the title, author, cover?) Obj. 18a: Interacts during reading experiences. -Watch for: answers questions about a story -Engages in teacher-led reading activities -Uses print & illustrations to retell & to make connections Obj. 18c: Retells stories and recounts details from text -Watch for: Can retell a familiar story using pictures from the book -(The more details they retell and the more difficult the text, the higher they score.) Read Aloud Time Read a storybook through twice with the students. Ask comprehension questions as you go. At the end of the story, have students retell it. Open to a page and ask, “What happened here?”

18 Obj. 10a: Engages in conversation
-Watch for how do they talk to peers? -Is it one exchange, or does it go on for several turns? Obj. 11b: Persists -Do they keep trying when given a difficult task? (build me a tower. . .) -Do they make up their own tasks and pursue them? Obj. 11c: Solves Problems Obj. 11e: Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking -Watch for: using imagination in play Obj. 2c: Interacts with peers -Watch for the size of group they play with -If they cooperate or sit on the side -If they take turns Obj. 3a: Balances needs and rights of self and others -Watch for how they share, take turns, and work through tasks with others Obj. 3b: Solves social problems -Watch for how they handle problems -If they seek adult help -If they solve problems on their own Group Play Have students stack blocks, build a puzzle, or play with play-doh.

19 Group Play (continued)
Obj. 20b: Quantifies -Can they group items and recognize groups that have less, more, the same, etc? -Can they identify a small number of objects without having to count out loud? Obj. 20c: Connects numerals with their quantities -Can they count to 5 or 10? -Can they identify a number to a group of objects with the same amount? Obj. 22a: Measures Objects -Compare length of 1 block to another & identifies differences -Stacks blocks and identifies how many blocks make up that height Group Play (continued)

20 Writing Activity 7a: Uses Fingers and Hands
-Watch for how they move their arms when writing 7b: Uses Writing and Drawing Tools -Watch for pencil grip Writing Activity -Have student attempt to write name on paper then draw pictures or letters/numbers

21 Online Testing Changes
Using Elementary Zoom Rooms Read Aloud Time –same Vocabulary – same Simon Says – parent survey Group Play – online puzzles, screen drawing, tic-tac-toe Writing Activity – parent survey

22 TS Gold Website - Documentation

23 Testing Website Review

24 More Training Needed? Free TS GOLD Webinar for GOLD Teachers held by Testing Strategies This Wednesday, Sept. 12 from 1:30-3:00 Registration Link in the Assessment Website Webinar covers: • Add Documentation • View Documentation • On-the-Spot • Intentional Teaching experiences • Mobile App • Sharing Documentation

25 Questions? Review of your responsibilities:
Return materials to the Westminster offices ASAP. - Susan if you need a shipping label We are on a deadline for reporting the scores. Please don’t leave the testing site until all students have documentation/ observations for all objectives Make sure you understand and have a plan for how to observe objectives ahead of time. Talk with your teammate to decide how site responsibilities will be divided Look through helpful sites on the Assessment Website to prepare yourself Reach out with any questions Would you like a BOR set up to meet with your team to discuss these questions right now?


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