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Subregions of the U.S..

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1 Subregions of the U.S.

2 The United States

3 Northeast New England & Mid-Atlantic states
5% of land area but 20% of US population “Rustbelt”=declining & abandoned traditional industries Primary economic activity: services Cultural and financial center of the country “BosWash” megalopolis=500 mi. of heavily urbanized areas of Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, & Washington D.C.

4 Midwest 20% of land & 25% of population
Fertile soil, adequate rainfall, & favorable climate“breadbasket” of nation Central location & excellent waterwaystrade, transportation, & distribution center Industries leaving for warmer climates (similar to “rustbelt”)

5 South 25% of land/35% of population quite diverse culturally “Sunbelt”
Warm climate hindered dev’t but a/c in the 1950s & abundant energy reourcesboosted industrialization mid/late 20th century

6 West 50% of land area but only 20% of pop. Most rapidly growing
Because of region’s desert, semarid, & highland climates, it is region aided most by irrigation and a/c. Tourism, film making, computer production

7 Subregions of Canada

8 Atlantic Provinces PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland
Rugged terrain, severe weatheronly 8% of pop. Pop. concentrated in coastal cities Primary economic activities- fishing & logging World’s richest fishing area

9 Core Provinces Quebec & Ontario
60% of pop.=“Canada’s heartland” Ottawa, Ontario=federal capital Center of economic activity Toronto, on Lake Ontario, is banking and financial hub & most populous city Quebec=center of French-Canadian Culture

10 Prairie Provinces Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
location on Great Plains Canada’s “breadbasket” Primary economic activity is agriculture—grain & cattle Biggest Asian Influence

11 The Pacific Province- British Columbia & the Territories
located in Rocky Mtns pop. centered in SW Vancouver is Canada’s largest trading port

12 The Territories 41% of land but harsh climateleast populated
Nunavut, made a separate territory in 1999 to settle land claims of Inuit, is home to most of Canada’s Inuit pop.

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