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Which minority rights should be granted in Sweden?

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1 Which minority rights should be granted in Sweden?
Erik Jennische Swedish International Liberal Centre SILC

2 Minority rights and liberalism
In classical liberalism minority rights are unnecessary – Human rights are enough.

3 Minority rights and liberalism
In classical liberalism minority rights are unnecessary – Human rights are enough. But in reality, the state is always dominated by one nation, which excludes individuals from minority nations.

4 Minority rights and liberalism
In classical liberalism minority rights are unnecessary – Human rights are enough. But in reality, the state is always dominated by one nation, which excludes individuals from minority nations. How do we cope with this? Will Kymlicka – Multicultural Citizenship. A Liberal theory of Minority Rights National minorities Ethnic groups

5 The liberal objective Minority rights should be used to ensure individual rights, and as a measure to include minorities in the community that builds the state.

6 Kymlicka's three minority rights
The right to self determination Area of self government,

7 Kymlicka's three minority rights
The right to self determination Area of self government, Right to special representation Seats in parliament, right to opinion

8 Kymlicka's three minority rights
The right to self determination Area of self government, Right to special representation Seats in parliament, right to opinion Polyethnic rights Right to internal restrictions Right to external protection

9 National minorities Sami people Tornedalers Swedish Finns Roma Jews

10 National minorities The minority policy of Sweden is founded in a government bill from 1998 and in two Council of Europe conventions: The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages Sweden ratified these conventions in 2000.

11 National minorities The main objectives of the Swedish minority policy is to provide support for historical minority languages in order to keep them alive. Sweden has not ratified the ILO convention no. 169 on rights of indigenous peoples.

12 Which minorities? The last 40 years have completely changed the demographic composition of Sweden.

13 Sweden – pop 9 300 000 14 % born abroad 1,9 % born in Finland
1,4 % born in Yugoslavia 1,2 % born in Iraq

14 Södertälje – pop 84 000 30 % born abroad
21 % born in Iraq, Turkey, Syria or Lebanon 25 % of the pop Assyrian 1400 are taking Swedish classes right now Södertälje welcomed more refugees from Iraq than USA and Canada together.

15 Stockholm – pop 810 000 21 % born abroad 3 % in Africa 6 % in Asia
Kista-Rinkeby 53 % born abroad Skärholmen 42 % born abroad

16 Malmö – pop 286 000 29 % born abroad 5 % in Yugoslavia 3 % in Iraq
3 % in Denmark Rosengård (pop ) 60 % born abroad 12 % in Iraq 18 % in Yugoslavia

17 What minority rights? Who is responsible for the inclusion of minorities in the Swedish community, the majority or the minority? When should the Iraqi, Bosnian, Kosovar, Assyrian etc peoples be granted minority rights? And which rights?

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