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Module 1: Unit 2: Lesson 7 Analyzing the Model Analytical Mini-Essay

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1 Module 1: Unit 2: Lesson 7 Analyzing the Model Analytical Mini-Essay
Elements of Mythology And Theme of “Cronus”

2 Materials The Lightning Thief
Model Analytical Mini-Essay: Elements of Mythology and Theme of “Cronus” Structure of Model Analytical Mini-Essay about Myth anchor chart Elements of Myth Graphic Organizer (for Body Paragraph 1) Theme Graphic Organizer (for Body Paragraph 2) Theme Graphic Organizer sample response Homework—Purpose for reading chapter 16

3 The Lightning Thief Routines Sharing Evidence Flags
Refer to your novel to answer the vocabulary questions that follow. On page 222, Percy describes how “the music’s volume decreased drastically.” What does decreased mean in this context? On page 224, Percy described how the waitress “raised her eyebrows skeptically.” What does skeptically mean? How do you raise an eyebrow skeptically?

4 The Lightning Thief Routines Sharing Evidence Flags
At the top of page 227, Ares has a proposition for Percy. What is a proposition? On page 230, Ares’s girlfriend is described as, “very temperamental.” If someone is temperamental, what is he or she like? What does temperamental mean? On page 233, the boat is described as, “marooned at the bottom of the pool.” What does marooned mean?

5 The Lightning Thief Routines Sharing Evidence Flags
As you can see, Percy, as the narrator, has a very strong vocabulary. This is part of what makes the story so engaging to read.

6 Learning Targets I can describe the structure of an analytical mini-essay. I can describe the details the author used to make a claim about the elements of a myth. I can describe the details the author used to make a claim about the theme of a myth. I can explain why an author chose particular details to support a claim. Choose three words to focus on.

7 Learning Targets For your mid-unit assessment for this unit, you will be writing a mini-essay with a short introduction and conclusion and two body paragraphs. Through this, you will begin to learn about writing essays in general.

8 Learning Targets In order to understand what an analytical essay is and what its structure is like, what might you need? The learning targets mentioned the word claim. In this context, what does the word claim mean? You need a model so that you can plan and write your own essay. A claim is a statement the author is making about the text.

9 Model Analytical Mini-Essay
In your workbook Pg. 73 you will find a model analytical mini-essay.

10 Model Analytical Mini-Essay
This is an example that focuses on the myth of Cronus, which you should be familiar with. For the mid-unit assessment, you will write your own mini-essay, but will focus on a different myth. At first, you will read the myth just to think about the content or what the writer is telling you. Follow along as I read the essay aloud.


12 Model Analytical Mini-Essay
Think-Pair-Share What is the text about? What is the author trying to tell us? The author has described the significant elements of mythology in the Cronus myth and also the theme.

13 Model Analytical Mini-Essay
Focus on the first sentence, the introduction. What is the main idea that the author is trying to tell you in this very first sentence? What is good about the introduction? What about the introduction needs work? This sentence tells the main idea of the entire essay.

14 Analytical Mini-Essay
Go back to the essay as a whole. Label the parts of the essay: Introduction Body paragraph 1 Body paragraph 2 Conclusion


16 Analytical Mini-Essay
Now you will reread the essay to think about how it is structured. Focus on body paragraph 1. What does body paragraph 1 include? How is it structured?

17 Analytical Mini-Essay
Label the parts of the essay: Introduction sentence—gives the significant theme


19 Analytical Mini-Essay
Body Paragraph 1: Describes the elements of mythology seen in “Cronus” Explains why “Cronus” is a myth. Describes a key element of mythology and gives evidence from “Cronus” Describes a key element of mythology and provides evidence from “Cronus”


21 Analytical Mini-Essay
Body Paragraph 2: What is the main idea the author is telling you in the second paragraph? How are the two paragraphs linked? What does the opening sentence tell you? What does the next part of the paragraph tell you? Label the parts of body paragraph 2.

22 Analytical Mini-Essay
Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence—Describes the theme of “Cronus.” Provides evidence of this theme in “Cronus.” Summarizes how the evidence supports the theme.


24 Analytical Mini-Essay
Conclusion: Links the theme with an element of mythology.


26 Model Analytical Mini-Essay
Look back at the learning targets from the beginning of our lesson. Assess your own understanding of each using a fist to five. Can you describe the structure of an extended literary response? Can you identify the qualities of a strong extended literary response? How will being able to do this help you write your own mini-essay?

27 Partner Work


29 Partner Work The author used this model to help structure his or her writing of the first body paragraph. Think-Pair-Share What do you think the completed model graphic organizer looked like before the author wrote the first body paragraph? What kind of information do you think should go in each box?

30 Partner Writing With your group, reread the first body paragraph and work backward to fill in the graphic organizer about the elements of mythology. Remember that the graphic organizer is a tool that the author would have used when planning his essay.

31 Partner Writing The second organizer looks much like the first organizer we used, but has a different title. This is because it goes with the second body paragraph of the model essay. The basic pattern of thinking is similar.

32 Comparing our graphic organizers to the author’s
To wrap up our lesson, we will compare your completed organizer to the author’s completed organizer.


34 Partner Writing Are there any obvious differences between your organizer and the organizer filled out by the author? Why do you think that might be? How could you improve your organizer?

35 Learning Targets Think back to the learning target that supports this activity. I can explain why an author chose particular details to support a claim. Fist to five… Can you explain why an author chose particular details to support his claim? When might you need to be able to do that?



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