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HepODBMS A higher level interface to ODBMS

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1 HepODBMS A higher level interface to ODBMS
Goals of the Package Package Components Status & Plans

2 Tight Binding & Dependency
ODBMS use a tight binding to programming languages like C++ or Java Why a tight binding? Seamless integration of I/O on demand No explicit I/O or data copies, just navigation between objects Efficient down to single object granularity Heavy use of inline methods, avoids virtual function calls Drawback Tight binding means usually compile time dependency between application code and ODBMS API Application code relies on details of a particular ODBMS implementation

3 ODBMS Binding Standard
Need an API standard - e.g. ODMG only a subset of the API is defined in the ODMG standard only a subset of the ODMG standard is actually implemented by most vendors HepODBMS Goals Provide an insulation layer for HEP applications minimise database vendor and release dependencies Provide a higher level interface that encapsulate clustering & locking strategies, database session and transaction control event collections, selection predicates, tagDB access, indexing

4 HepOBMS Overview ODBMS Implementation Application Insulation Layer
TagDB CalibDB Collections Clustering Naming HepODBMS

5 HepODBMS Packaging Low Level odbms - Insulation Layer (header file only) Higher Level goodies - Objectivity Helper Classes (transient) rd45 - Miscellaneous Utilities naming Logical Data Organisation collections - Persistent Collections clustering - Physical Data Organisation tagdb - Data Selection & Extraction Interface calib - Calibration DB etc - Schema & Build Support Each sub-package is organised as a separate include directory and library higher level packages depend on insulation layer transient user interface to persistent lower level implementation

6 “Neutral” Implementation Strategy
No performance penalties A thin insulation layer no virtual functions for classes that don’t have them already no function call overhead for inline methods no increase of storage size for persistent objects No loss of ODBMS functionality I/O on demand with transaction control navigation in arbitrary object graphs No additional portability constrains Runs on all platforms supported by Objectivity/DB Persistent data should be usable in a heterogeneous environment

7 Insulation Layer ODMG Base Types d_Long, d_Short, d_Boolean, d_Float, d_Double Persistent Object Base Class d_Object, HepPersObject Object References HepRef(T) Simple Collections and Associations HepVector(T), HepRefVector(T) Trivial Implementation mostly just a compile time type name indirection, some “all inline” wrapper classes insulation is certainly not complete but the number of source lines containing ooXXXX is much lower! More complete insulation could be done at higher level typically trading insulation against performance and functionality

8 Database Session Control
HepDbApplication - End-user access to database session control, naming and clustering Heavily based on the ooSession class from Objectivity minor local bug fixes and extensions Start/commit/abort transactions Set lock handling options, lock wait time, number of retries High level interface that allows to open/create FDBs, DBs and containers Provide job or transaction level performance statistics cache efficiency disk I/Os object accesses and updates container and variable length object extension operations Configuration using a method interface and/or environment variables

9 Setting up a DB session using the HepDbApplication class
main() { HepDbApplication dbApp; // create an appl. object dbApp.init(“MyFD”); // init FD connection dbApp.startUpdate(); // update mode transaction dbApp.db(“analysis”); // switch to db “analysis” // create a new container ContRef histCont = dbApp.container(“histos”); // create a histogram in this container HepRef(Histo1D) h = new(histCont) Histo1D(10,0,5); dbApp.commit(); // Commit all changes }

10 Physical Data Clustering
ODMG-like bindings use the new operator to specify the object clustering e.g. which db file, which container, close to which old object should be used to store a new object Encapsulate the clustering strategy in “Clustering Hint” objects HepAbstractClusteringHint abstract base class HepContainerHint clustering into single physical containers (< .5 GB for 8kB pages) HepClusteringHint clustering into logical containers (infinite size, spread over several db files) parallel writing without lock contention parallel load balanced reading persistent definition of clustering

11 Clustering by Class // class definition in Track.ddl class Track : public d_Object { d_Double phi; d_Double theta; d_ULong noOfHits; // more stuff public: static HepContainerHint clustering; }; […] // define clustering at startup Track::clustering = dbApp.container(“tracks”); […] // use the clustering defined for tracks HepRef(Track) aTrack = new (Track::clustering()) Track;

12 Persistent Clustering for Parallel Writers
// class definition in Track.ddl class Track : public d_Object { d_Double phi; d_Double theta; d_ULong noOfHits; // more stuff public: static HepClusteringHint clustering; }; // find the clustering for tracks if ( !Track::clustering.find(“tracks”)) Track::clustering.create(“tracks”)); Track::clustering.setParallelWriterMode(noOfProcs,myID); // clustering use spread all over the source code HepRef(Track) aTrack = new (Track::clustering()) Track;

13 Logical Data Organisation
Need a way to organise/lookup objects which are entry points into disconnected domains of our object model e.g. Event Collections or Histograms e.g. “well known” containers, databases Each user might need to reference thousands of those objects Flat name space would become difficult to manage Tree like approach (as used in file systems) is familiar to most users At the RD45 Workshop in February/April ‘98 Hierarchical naming service for (any) persistent object Agreement on the main requirements

14 Naming Requirements External Naming Logical Naming
any persistent class may be named no change to object schema Logical Naming Naming hierarchy is independent of physical location Multiple Names for the same Object Scalable Lookup E.g. One hash table per directory Not meant to replace associations with names!

15 HepNamingTree Abstract Naming Interface Concrete Implementation
HepNamingTree (transient) Provides “file system”-like methods to navigate within the logical tree structure nameObject(objRef,path), findObject(path), removeName(path), removeObject(path) makeDirectory(path), changeDirectory(path), removeDirectory(path) startItr(), nextItr() Concrete Implementation HepMapTree - based on Objectivity’s persistent hash tables (ooMap) Internally uses persistent node objects

16 Limited Support for Meta Data
HepMapNodes allow to keep some Meta Data always time of creation object type optional extendible list of property value pairs (strings) e.g. comment = “my higgs candidates”; Basic support for finding objects by property iteration over directory or complete subtree application of search predicate object Browser Example Programs Text based simple shell, Java/Swing based GUI

17 HepODBMS Collections Why yet another set of collections?
Our requirements are different very large collections efficient set operations efficient iteration order problems with exposing the underlying implementation of many different collection types need some integration of queries Collections and Iterators are another MAJOR part of the visible interface of an ODBMS E.g. Using Objectivity’s physical containers directly is a major source of source code coupling Extension of the HepODBMS insulation layer

18 Collection Implementation
Templated collection of any type of persistent object typedef h_seq<Event> EventCollection; Single class interface STL interface independent of implementation Single User visible collection class : h_seq<T> Single STL like iterator: h_seq<T>::iterator Uses hybrid of templated classes and delegation User extensible through strategy objects Currently Implemented Strategies vector of references (based on STL) paged vector of references (based on raArray) single container group of containers ooVarray(ooRef(ooContObj))

19 Writer Example HepRef(Event) evt; for (int i=0; i<500000; i++) {
h_seq<Event> seq(”collections/myEvents", asSingleContainer ); HepRef(Event) evt; for (int i=0; i<500000; i++) { // create a new event using the clustering hint provided by the event sequence evt = new(seq.clustering()) Event; // store the new object ref in the sequence (only needed for ref collections) seq.push_back(evt); // fill the event evt->setEventNo(i); }

20 Reader Example // find a collection using the naming service
h_seq<Event> seq(“/usr/dirkd/collections/myEvents”); // STL like iterator h_seq<Event>::const_iterator it = seq.begin(); while( it != seq.end() ) { cout << "Event: " << (*it)->getEventNo() << endl; ++ it; } // support for (some) STL algorithms int cnt=0; count(seq.begin(),seq.end(),1,cnt);

21 Ntuple versus TagDB Model
Event Data Files Ntuple File Ad hoc extraction prg. Object Association Federated DB of Event & Tag Traditional analysis: based on a set of files containing event data bank. You will have to know their filename the hosts on which they are and you as a user are supposed to write an ad-hoc program which extracts interesting quantities into yet another another file. The so called Ntuple file implements a simple (or sometimes not so simple) table structure The file is needed for two very different reasons 1) the data stored tightly clustered 2) the format is much simpler than the original data, so that an interactive visualisation programs (like PAW or others) can interprete the data. The resulting Ntuple file is completely unconnected to the original event data and is therefore invalidated by each re-reconstruction. There is also no way back from the Ntuple to the event data. E.g. once you have selected 50 very interesting events from a dataset of 10 million, you can’t look e.g. at the raw data since it is not part of the NTuple In the tagDB model we start from the same assumtions: we want to recluster the data and we want to visualise it. In LHC++ library both things are not necessarily combined (e.g. sometime you want the speedup but not the the constraind introduced by the visualisation) but the can be combined as so called explorable tags. Tag are similar to a row in ntuple a set of variables connected to one event

22 Purpose of Using Tags Tags are mainly used to speedup selections
Tag data is better clustered than the original data A collection of Tags defines an Event Collection Tag collections are only a special case of an event collection Tag attributes may be visualised interactively without the need to write any code abstract interface class HepExplorableCollection Association to the Event may be used to navigate to any other part of the Event even from an interactive visualisation program

23 Collections of Tags Generic Tags
concrete implementation of ExplorableCollection interface Generic content: No need to define a new persistent class May use predefined types: float, double, short, long, char Additional attributes may be added later Interactive display using IRIS Explorer // create a new tag collection GenericTag highPt(“high pt events”); // define all attributes of my tags TagAttribute<long> evtNo(highPt,"event number"); TagAttribute<float> pt1(highPt,”p_t track1"); TagAttribute<float> pt2(highPt,”p_t track2"); TagAttribute<long> nTracks(highPt,”number of tracks”); Explorable Collections: collections of analysis attributes or variables which can be interactively be visualised using IRIS explorer. Even though this interactive analysis is quite intuitive and simple, the private datasets you are working on have to created in the database before you can use them. The next two slides show how this is done. LHC++ assumes an hierarchical approach: There are some explorable collections provided for all events of an experiment. Those are refined by physics working groups which add additional attributes used to do their particular analysis job. And last but not least the analyzing physicist may add some more attributes that he defined. We provide different implementations for the different levelof these collections: in this presentation I will only discuss so-called “generic tags”. I.e. tag which the easiest to use (no persistent class) and provide the most flexibilty during the analysis work. - define one or more tags (and loop over them in parallel or independent) - define tag attribute variables: this does two things in one go: 1) define the structure of the tags: I.e. which fields of which type 2) define a convienient and efficient way to access the tag attributes - all integral types are supported also the ODMG standard types which have a defined value range on all platforms in contrast to buildin types. - only those attributes which are still used are placed in the tag - you may later extend the tag with a new field without loosing the other attributes - if you do not define attributes, the tag will shrink automatically to only - the C++ compiler will warn you if you defined tag fields but did not use them

24 Filling a Tag Collection
Tag Attributes are used just like other C++ variables TagAttribute<long> evtNo(highPt,"event number"); TagAttribute<float> pt1(highPt,”p_t track1"); TagAttribute<long> nTracks(highPt,”number of tracks”); if (highPtTracks > 2) { // create a new tag for this event highPt.newTag(evt); evtNo = evt->eventNo; pt = evt->Tracker.trackList[highPt1].pt; nTracks = evt->Tracker.trackList.size(); } - reading or writing tags looks like a normal C++ program. - access to tag fields very intuitive: assign a value to the attribute variable or use the tag attribute in some mathematical expression or histograming call. - efficient: No name lookups - no common block variables

25 Calibration Database Experiment independent toolkit for calibration data based on the BaBar conditions package integrated as a new package by Eva Arderiu-Ribera Calibration values are user defined objects like any other persistent object each re-calibration is stored as a new version Old data is not deleted or updated may be accessed via time of validity Indexing: each new calibration value is stored in a B-tree for fast random access Users may access any version of a calibration value one particular version can be declared to be default Enhancements requested concept of global tags


27 Schema Decoupling & Build Support
HepODBMS defines named schemata to de-couple the type number allocation two areas are used by HepODBMS itself experiments are supposed to add additional named schemata perl scripts are provided to exchange contents of single named schemata HepODBMS comes with platform independent makefiles Abstract user makefiles Platform dependent includes define global compiler and runtime system settings Allows to build library and examples without changes on all supported compiler/platform combinations Currently used by most of LHC++ Intention to move this service into a separate package

28 Documentation & Examples
Reference Manual using DOC++ Class public and private interfaces Inheritance graphs and alphabetic index Generated from source code Either as HTML and Postscript documents User Guide prepared by Eva Arderiu-Ribera Complete Example Programs (part of LHC++ examples) /afs/ populate a database with event objects create a tag collection from events batch analysis of tag collections naming shell creation and use of new collection classes

29 Status & Plans Version has been released as part of LHC++ 99a
all LHC++ platforms now including Linux in use by NA45, CMS, Atlas, LHC++ and Geant4 Main new features new compilers, Objectivity 5.1 {-beta for Linux} packages CalibDB, Naming, Collections completed shared lib support (Windows/NT) Plans for the next release move to Objectivity 5.1.2 and alternatively Espresso 0.0 use naming to replace “hard-coded” database and container names distributed registry of collections support end-user collections reduce lock contention on collection registry additional clustering options for generic tags e.g. clustering by attribute

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