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2 Paul’s Epistles To The Churches & Saints In
Galatia Philippi Ephesus Colossae

3 Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians
What do we know about Colossae? In Phyrigia On the East-West trade route through the Lycus river valley Named for a particular type of die for wool that was probably a reddish purple, Colossinus Lost its prominence to Laodicea and Hieropolis Roughly 100 miles from Ephesus Known for the existence of an angel cult What is the theme of the letter? Christ is all you need

4 Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians
I work so that: You may be comforted by your unity Sharing in riches… (Col. 2:2; Eph. 4:1-16) You may know the mystery of Christ Where all treasures are hidden (Col. 2:3; Eph. 4:14-16) You may not be deceived by those with plausible arguments (Col. 2:4; Eph. 4:14-16)

5 Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians
As you were taught Walk in Him Remain rooted Build yourself up in Him ESV, NKJV – Established in faith, NIV – strengthened Remain thankful

6 Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians
Beware of philosophical Judaism (2:8-15) Do not let anyone take away what you have The fullness of Deity dwells in Him (v.9) In Him you are made full (v.10) In Him the body of flesh is put away (v.11) You were buried with Him in baptism (v.12) Made alive in Him (v.13) Delivered from the old law by Him (v.14) Christ won the victory (v.15)

7 Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians
Do not submit to men’s restrictions (2:8-15) Do not let anyone condemn you in regard to food, drink, or special days (v ) Do not be enticed by those who devise their own worship to impress people with their piety (v ) Do not subject yourselves to commandments men make up to impress others with their holiness (v )


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