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Period 2,5,6, & 7 We will examine the rule of absolute monarchs in both France and Russia. Warm Up: Current Events Collect Columbian Exchange Menu Odd.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 2,5,6, & 7 We will examine the rule of absolute monarchs in both France and Russia. Warm Up: Current Events Collect Columbian Exchange Menu Odd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 2,5,6, & 7 We will examine the rule of absolute monarchs in both France and Russia. Warm Up: Current Events Collect Columbian Exchange Menu Odd stories of Louis XIV Primary Source Chapter 5 Notes Absolute Monarchs


3 Chapter 5 Section 2 Absolute Monarchy Causes:
Conflict created fear and uncertainty Armies were created to deal with conflicts Taxes to pay for armies led to more unrest Effects Rulers regulated worship to control ideas Rulers increased size of their courts to appear more powerful Rulers controlled their countries economies


5 Louis XIV became king when he was four
Cardinal Mazarin ran the country until Louis grew up People were willing to have oprressive king rather than face a more difficult rebellion Louis cancelled the Edict of Nantes which had protected Huguenots

6 Louis XIV builds the Palace of Versailles
Centralized all power at Versailles




10 When Louis XIV dies French people are happy
Louis XIV had involved France in many costly wars

11 Wrap Up Match Absolute Monarch with the correct country.

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