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Faculty Senate Meeting

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1 Faculty Senate Meeting
September 13, 2018

2 Agenda Call to Order and Roll Call S. Raper, Secretary

3 Agenda Approval of Minutes A. June 14, 2018.

4 Agenda III. Campus Reports A. Staff Council B. Spencer for J. Cook

5 Staff Council Campus Listening Session – October 16
September 13, 2018 Campus Listening Session – October 16 Staff Fall Appreciation Day – October 31 Staff Council Open Forum – November 7 Staff Council Bylaw Review

6 Agenda III. Campus Reports B. Student Council, M. Moore

7 Student Council

8 Student Council

9 Agenda III. Campus Reports C. Council of Graduate Students
A. Melnyczuk

10 Agenda IV. President’s Report M. Bruening

11 Brief Orientation Faculty Senate Officers for 2018-2019
Michael Bruening, President Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Past-President, chair of RP&A Steve Corns, President-Elect Richard Dawes, Parliamentarian Steve Raper, Secretary Conduct of meetings Rules of Order (as per bylaws): 1) bylaws, 2) senate resolutions, 3) Robert’s Rules Meetings start on time (as per bylaws), at 1:30 Senator responsibilities Department representatives Reporters to departments Vigorous but civil debate

12 Robert’s Rules Primer “Call the question” (requires second)
Motion and second Discussion “Call the question” (requires second) Vote to end debate (2/3 majority) Vote on motion (simple majority), Aye or Nay No further discussion

13 Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC)
Retreat September 10-11 President Choi Address on Friday, Sept. 14 at 10:00 a.m. to announce “significant investments” (live stream link on ) Increasing concern about academic espionage Mark McIntosh, VP for Research and Economic Development Focus on increasing research expenditures on all campuses through collaborative interdisciplinary research, e.g., TPMC (Translational Precision Medical Complex) 100 Strategic hires over next 5 year Each college to develop a research growth plan

14 IFC Retreat Marsha Fischer, Assoc. VP for HR
Expect modest increases in premiums, copays next year Possible new retirement plan for NEW hires, moving to “defined contribution” Ryan Rapp, VP for Finance and CFO State appropriations forecast Need to “act entrepreneurially” to increase revenue Steve Owens, General Counsel Curators’ Task Force Report

15 Faculty Senate Initiatives for 2018-2019
Bylaws Revision (ad hoc committee) Committee members: T. Schuman (chair) L. Acar, M. Bruening, M. Davis, W. Fahrenholtz, M. Schlesinger, S. Sedigh, K. Swenson Policy on Department Creation and Realignment (ad hoc committee) Committee members: S. Raper (chair), L. Acar, N. Maerz, G. MacSithigh, J. Winiarz Likely will result in policy memorandum rather than CRR revision Proposed Library Renovations (Library and Learning Resources Committee) University seeking $10M for renovations to S&T library

16 Faculty Senate Committee Referrals
NTT Promotion (Personnel committee) Still no deans Number of appeals Composition of campus committee Course Evaluations (Effective Teaching committee) Incorporate suggestions from IFC policy paper on Evaluating Teaching Invention Assignment Agreement (Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer committee) Concern about required agreement to future documents

17 Chancellor Search Open Forum, Monday, Sept. 17, 9:30-10:30, Leach Theater Committee Members: Co-chairs: Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, Geology and Bio. Tom Voss, alumnus and trustee Members: Michael Bruening, Senate Pres., History G. Dan Waddill, Physics Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, ECE Xianbiao Hu, assist. Prof. CAEE Merilee Krueger, NTT, Psychology Joel Burken, chair, CAEE Shannon Fogg, chair, History/Pol. Sci. Marsha Fischer, UM System HR Beth Abner, past chair, S&T Staff Council John Cook, chair, S&T Staff Council Palash Kumar Bhowmik, chair, CGS Madison Moore, pres. Student Council Stephen Roberts, CASB VP and dean Richard Wlezien, CEC VP and dean Joan Nesbitt, VC, University Advancement Debra Robinson, VC, Student Affairs Constantinos Tsatsoulis, VCR, GS dean Sue Simmons, alumna and trustee Kathryn Walker, alumna and trustee Mike Woessner, Alumni Association Stephen W. Rector, pres.-elect, Alumni

18 Other Upcoming Issues Policy Committee upcoming open forums (dates TBA) Use of cameras to monitor facilities and/or activities (III-10) F&A costs recovery (III-30) and Distribution of Sponsored Research Indirect Recovery (III-27) The Plus/Minus grading policy Individual Meetings with Senators to continue

19 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees A. Curricula Committee A. Midha

20 Total Committee Activity
CCC Meetings 15 August 3 October (upcoming) Total Committee Activity 3 Degree change request (DC forms) 46 Course change requests (CC forms) 2 Experimental course requests (EC forms)

21 Degree Changes (DC) Requested
File: AE ENG-BS: Aerospace Engineering BS File: COGNEUR-MI: Cognitive Neuroscience Minor File: I/O PSY-MI: Indus/Organization Psych Minor

22 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: BIO SCI 4333: Exercise Physiology File: 4544 BIO SCI 4423: Introduction to Astrobiology File: CER ENG 3417: Characterization Of Inorganic Solids Laboratory File: CER ENG 3517: The Engineering Design Process File: CER ENG 6040: Oral Examination File: CHEM 1351: Accelerated General Chemistry File: CHEM 6310: Principles Of Inorganic Chemistry File: CHEM 6311: Principles Of Inorganic Chemistry File: CHEM 6421: Quantum Chemistry II File: CHEM 6710: Advanced Nuclear Chemistry File: CHEM 6830: Inorganic Polymers File: CHEM ENG 5096: Industrial Chemical Processes

23 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: CHEM ENG 5097: Intermediate Process Design File: CHEM ENG 5160: Introduction to Molecular Modeling and Simulation File: CHEM ENG 5180: Industrial Pollution Control File: CHEM ENG 5230: Bioprocess Safety File: CHEM ENG 5360: Pollution Prevention Via Process Engineering File: CHEM ENG 5370: Intermediate Process Dynamics And Control File: CHEM ENG 5380: Intermediate Separation Processes File: CHEM ENG 6130: Advanced Chemical Reactor Design File: CHEM ENG 6160: Advanced Chemical Process Design File: CHEM ENG 6170: Advanced Fluid Flow File: CHEM ENG 6320: Plasma Polymerization

24 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: CHEM ENG 6340: Philosophy of Scientific Research File: COMP ENG 6880: Advanced Topics in Robotics File: ELEC ENG 6690: Topics in EMC and High Speed Digital Design File: ELEC ENG 6880: Advanced Topics in Robotics File: ENG MGT 5314: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems File: ENG MGT 5413: Introduction To Intelligent Systems File: ENG MGT 6311: Advanced Manufacturing Systems Integration File: HISTORY 2210: European Diplomatic History 1814 – Present File: HISTORY 3120: Ancient Greece File: HISTORY 3450: American Intellectual History II File: MATH 3103: Matrix Algebra File: MATH 3329: Elementary Differential Equations And Matrix Algebra

25 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: MATH 3940: Mathematical Software Applications In The Classroom File: MATH 6425: Hilbert Space Structures And Methods For Application File: MATH 6426: Green‘s Function Structures And Methods For Application File: 78.1 MATH 6435: Calculus Of Variations I File: MATH 6436: Calculus Of Variations II File: MET ENG 6040: Oral Examination File: MS&E 6040: Oral Examination File: PHYS ED 1500: Administration Of Interscholastic Athletics File: PHYS ED 2300: Methods In Physical Education K-4 File: STAT 1116: Statistics For The Social Sciences II File: STAT 5120: Statistical Methods

26 Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions
Discussion: Questions or comments?

27 For Informational Purposes; No Senate Approval Required
Experimental Course (EC) Requests File: 4543 MATH : Mathematical Foundation of Finite Element Methods II File: 4549 PET ENG : Drilling Automation

28 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees B. Budgetary Affairs -NO REPORT

29 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees C. Public Occasions
S. Corns for S. Sedigh Sarvestani

30 Public Occasions Committee Report
Motion for changing the date of international student orientation for spring 2019. Discussion about fall break(s).

31 Change to Spring 2019 Academic Calendar
The Public Occasions Committee moves that the date of international student orientation for the spring semester of 2019 be moved from January 7, 2019 to January 15, 2019. This change was proposed by the Office of International and Cultural Affairs and approved by the Public Occasions committee.

32 SPRING SEMESTER 2019 International Student Orientation January 15, Monday Open Registration Ends January 21, Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition Holiday January 21, Monday Spring semester opens 8:00 a.m. January 22, Tuesday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m. January 22, Tuesday Mid-Semester March 16, Saturday Spring Recess begins 8:00 a.m. March 14, Thursday Spring Recess ends 8:00 a.m. March 18, Monday Spring Break begins 8:00 a.m. March 24, Sunday Spring Break ends 8:00 a.m. April 1, Monday Last Class Day May 10, Friday Final Examinations begin 7:30 a.m. May 13, Monday Final Examinations end 5:00 p.m. May 17, Friday Spring Semester closes 6:00 p.m. May 17, Friday Commencement - 10am May 18, Saturday Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees in Designated Departments Commencement - 3:30pm May 18, Saturday

33 Discussion about Fall Break(s)
We currently have only one fall break – a week for Thanksgiving. The Public Occasions committee has been asked to consider the addition of a second break earlier in the semester. Some options Keeping the full week of Thanksgiving and adding a short break earlier in the semester. Shortening Thanksgiving break to three days and adding a two-day break earlier in the semester.

34 Groups to be Consulted Student Affairs Committee
Graduate Student Council Student Council Others?

35 Agenda VI. Administrative Reports A. Chancellor’s Report

















52 Agenda VI. Administrative Reports B. Provost’s Report R. Marley

53 Faculty Senate Dr. Robert J. Marley September 13, 2018
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

54 OUTLINE Faculty Promotions/Tenure FERRC Award Recipients
Post-Tenure Award Recipients Updates Questions

55 Promotions/Tenure (TT and NTT)
Lana Alagha, promoted to associate professor with tenure, MNE Richard Dawes, promoted to professor, Chemistry K.C. Dolan, promoted to associate professor, English & TechComm Mohamed ElGawady, promoted to professor, CArE Darin Finke, promoted to associate teaching professor, ALP Jie Gao, promoted to associate professor with tenure, MAE Irina Ivliyeva, promoted to professor, ALP Jonathan Kimball, promoted to professor, ECE Edward Kinzel, promoted to associate professor with tenure, MAE Jenny Liu, promoted to professor, CArE James Musser, promoted to associate teaching professor, Physics Terry Robertson, promoted to teaching professor, ALP

56 Promotions/Tenure (TT and NTT)
Katie Shannon, promoted to teaching professor, BioSci R. Joe Stanley, Promoted to professor, ECE Sarah Stanley, promoted to associate professor, BIT Matthew S. Thimgan, promoted to associate professor with tenure, BioSci Agnes Vojta, promoted to teaching professor, Physics Mingzhen Wei, promoted to associate professor with tenure, GGPE

57 FERRC Award Recipients
Gary Long, Chemistry – IBAME Science Award William Fahrenholtz, MSE - Editor in Chief, Journal of the American Ceramic Society Samuel Frimpong, MNE Daniel C. Jackling Award for Technical process in the fields of mining, geology and geophysics Kamal Khayat, CArE ACI Foundation – Strategic Development Council Jean-Claude Roumain Innovation in Concrete Award Kelly Liu, GGPE –Fellow of the Geological Society of America John Myers, Civil, Arch. & Environ. Engr. – AEI Outstanding Educator Award Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, GGPE – Fellow of the AAAS David Rogers, GGPE – Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers V. A. Samaranayake, Math/Stat – Fellow of the American Statistical Association

58 Post-Tenure Awards Keng Siau, Business and Information Technology
Fiona Nah, Business and Information Technology Genda Chen, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Mariesa Crow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Patrick Huber, History and Political Science John McManus, History and Political Science

59 UPDATES Student Enrollment Faculty Numbers Deans’ Resource Task Force


61 Agenda Unfinished Business Plus/minus Grading Motion (pending report from the Student Affairs Committee)

62 Agenda VIII. New Business

63 Agenda IX. Adjourn 63

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