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Draft Decision 2.3/1 (JCOMM-5) Internal and External Review of JCOMM

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1 Draft Decision 2.3/1 (JCOMM-5) Internal and External Review of JCOMM
Denis Chang Seng Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO JCOMM-5, October 2017, Geneva, Switzerland

2 Background (1) Recalling agenda item 12.2 at JCOMM-4 on JCOMM Programme and Planning, the Commission recommended the opportunity for Members/Member States to provide feedback on JCOMM’s performance. The Commission requested the Management Committee and the Secretariats to establish a mechanism for undertaking this task. 2

3 Background (2) Noting action from JCOMM MAN-12 to carry out a JCOMM Self Evaluation and Review The results of the survey should be used for inclusion in the revision of the JCOMM Strategy

4 Method/Approach JCOMM Performance Assessment: Stakeholder Survey was carried out for a period of five weeks using Google Survey/Manual Forms attached from April-May 2016 84 responses out of 270 successful receipts (Click Rate) Report was prepared by Secretariats and reviewed by JCOMM experts There were 28 questions structured as follows: Experience/familiarity with JCOMM ( 5 Major objectives/activities) Impact /influence of JCOMM on Met-Ocean Institutions Importance/priority of JCOMM activities Management/coordination and capacity building of JCOMM Benefits of JCOMM Needs & new activities/ approaches of JCOMM Investment in JCOMM 3

5 Some Key Findings

6 Experience of Stakeholders with JCOMM
The JCOMM stakeholder survey shows that the majority of people (85.8 %) have been involved for more than 5 years with JCOMM However, only 41.7% are very familiar with JCOMMs activities and its five major objectives Familiarity with JCOMM 5

7 Impact & Influence of JCOMM on Met-Ocean Institutions/activities
35.7 % of stakeholders perceived that JCOMM has positive impact-a key driver for the ongoing development of their marine-weather and oceans services. 36.9 % of the stakeholders perceived that JCOMM has positive influence on the meteorological offices and oceanographic institutions Impact of JCOMM activities on organization & activities

8 Coordination & Trainings
45.7 % of stakeholders perceived that JCOMM is effective in uniquely coordinating the development of an ocean-marine observation system. 50.9 % of JCOMM stakeholders perceived that the provision of relevant training is of moderate and high benefit to them[ 22 % of responses from Northern countries, 80 % of responses from Southern countries] JCOMM coordination of the development of an integrated ocean/marine observation system Northern Countries: United States, Canada, Western Europe, and developed parts of Asia, as well as Australia and New Zealand Southern Countries: Africa, Latin America, and developing Asia including the Middle East & SIDS. 6

9 Documentation 46.3 % of the stakeholders perceived that JCOMM was effective in documentation updates Various documents need to be reviewed and amended: Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting Marine Climatology and related Risk Assessment Marine Services Requirements Effectiveness in documentation updates 7

10 Benefits of JCOMM (1) 20.2 % of stakeholders perceived a low or non-applicable benefit to them from JCOMM sharing of met-ocean products and services [44% of responses from Northern countries,95 % of responses from Southern countries] A majority of stakeholders (83.1%) indicated that they benefit from participating in the JCOMM workshops. 8

11 Benefits of JCOMM(2) 80.7 % of stakeholders perceived the need for promoting the development of local use of ocean analysis and forecast to support local economies [ 77 % of responses from Northern countries, 100 % of responses from Southern countries] Only 25.9 % perceived that JCOMM was effective in facilitating and sharing new technology Development and local use of ocean analysis and forecast support local economic activities Facilitation in sharing of new technology and research 9

12 Stakeholders Suggestions: How to improve JCOMM?
Strengthening JCOMM roles and approaches Effective consultation & less top down governance Inclusive and broader participation of countries and organizations Continue to emphasis on existing areas (e.g. Observations, Data Mang, Services and Forecasting Systems Further opportunities for capacity development and networking Improve communication strategy and coordination mechanisms Organize meetings/workshops to map out strategies/activities Develop new partnerships with the private sector (e.g. instrumentation) 11

13 Decision/action required
Adopt draft Decision 2.3/1— Internal and External Review of JCOMM. DRAFT DECISION Draft Decision 2.3/1 (JCOMM-5) INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL REVIEW OF JCOMM THE JOINT WMO/IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY Recalling agenda item 12.2 at JCOMM-4 on JCOMM Programme and Planning, whereby the Commission noted that a full external review of JCOMM had not been undertaken within the previous intersessional period but, nevertheless, saw value in providing the opportunity for Member/Member States to provide feedback on its past performance and future. The Commission noted that analysis of information from its past performance would assist in the preparation for meetings of JCOMM governing bodies. The Commission requested the Management Committee and the Secretariats to establish a mechanism for undertaking this task. In doing so, the Commission also requested the Management Committee to review the JCOMM priorities for intersessional period to ensure effective use of the available resources, Noting action from JCOMM MAN-12 to carry out a JCOMM Self Evaluation and Review,

14 Decision/action required (Cont’)
Noting also that a JCOMM Performance Assessment: Stakeholder Survey was carried out for a period of five weeks from April-May 2016, and a report was prepared and reviewed by JCOMM experts, Noting further that the aim of the JCOMM Performance Assessment: Stakeholder Survey is to use the results for inclusion in the revision of the JCOMM strategy, Having examined the JCOMM Performance Assessment: Stakeholder Survey (JCOMM-5/ INF. 2.3), Expresses satisfaction with the assessment; Decides that the survey results and recommendations should be included in the revision of the JCOMM strategy and capacity development activities.

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