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(سخت افزار – نرم افزار و رسانه ها)

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Presentation on theme: "(سخت افزار – نرم افزار و رسانه ها)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (سخت افزار – نرم افزار و رسانه ها)
بنام خدا ابزارهای آموزش بیمار (سخت افزار – نرم افزار و رسانه ها) Hamid Allahverdipour ,PhD Associate professor Department of Public Health & Management Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

2 Barriers to Learning among Patients
Functional Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Decreased mobility Illness-Related Pain Fatigue Cognitive Impairment Dementia Delirium Depression Medications

3 How Adult Learners are Different

4 Adults mental ability for learning
Primary mental ability Secondary mental ability Fluid Intelligence Crystallized Intelligence

5 Quality of Patient Care
communicating clearly with patients is essential to quality patient care. interactive exchange between the patient and the provider technology has greatly expanded your choice of communication tools and methods in recent years.

6 Develop a keen understanding of
How your patients perceive your communication materials? How they process the text and graphics? What factors make a difference in how your message comes across?

7 Tailoring & Translating of Information
Tailoring information to meet the unique needs of different age groups, racial groups, and low literacy levels. Translating the inherent complexities of health care into a format that eliminates confusion and enables patients to function optimally as partners in their care.

8 Characteristics of Individuals with Limited Reading Skills
Take words literally Read slowly Skip over uncommon words Lack adequate frame of reference Depend on visual cues Have a short attention span Hide their inabilities

9 Patient Education Methods and Materials
Verbal Communication Print Materials Visual Materials Action-Oriented Exercises Audio Materials Audio-Visual Materials Computer-Based Education

10 Verbal Communications skills
 Talk slowly  Encourage questions  Explain things in clear, simple language  Avoid using too many statistics Use analogies and metaphors Focus on key messages and repeat these messages often.  Use a “teach back” or “show me” technique to make sure your patient understands you.  Use other communication strategies and materials to enhance your interaction. 10 10

11 Explain things in clear, simple language
   11 11

12 Verbal Communications skills
Teach Back: “I want to make sure I explained everything clearly. If you were talking to your husband/wife/friends, what would you tell them we talked about today?” “Let’s review the next steps. Can you tell me the 3 things that you need to do before the next visit?” “How would you know (if your blood sugar was low)? 12 12

13 Print Materials: Easy-to-read format
Reading for information is different than pleasure Print materials should not be relied upon as the only source of important health information. Print materials should be used to reinforce verbal communication and other methods. Low-literate patients need simple, basic information. Audiences of all reading capabilities prefer and better understand information that is presented in a simple, concise, clear manner. 13 13

14 Visual Materials Visual materials help people remember information they hear. Research suggests people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see and 70% of what they see and hear. The use of visuals can help teach about something that can not be easily seen. Visuals can illustrate a specific point and demonstrate steps to follow to complete a task. 14 14

15 Visual patient teaching methods
Pictographs Posters Flip charts Talk boards Flannel or display boards Real objects and models Fotonovelas 15 15

16 Action-Orientated Exercises
Role play Theater Songs Storytelling Games 16 16

17 Computer-Based Education
Touch screen technology Interactive multimedia Websites E-Monitoring On-Line Support Groups 17

18 Steps can improve the accessibility to websites
Use 11-point type or larger to make it easy-to-read. Use contrasting foreground and background colors. Use consistent style and navigation. readers can find the information they are looking for quickly. Use short sentences and paragraphs with headers Use a simple design. Avoid distracting elements like flickering designs and pop-up windows. Use simple language, clear, concise and action-orientated text. 18

19 Social Media * Storm of Social Media like FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube have become of daily language. 19

20 Social Media is Sharing means Easy to comment Easy to send No costs
Always available.

21 Peer Endorsement Peer endorsement is the single greatest decision-making accelerant. Decision making is clearly becoming more social

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