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Ging-Sou Maaih Laamh Longc

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1 Ging-Sou Maaih Laamh Longc
Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Sunday/August 24, 2014 The Useful of The Bible Ging-Sou Maaih Laamh Longc 2 Ti^mo^tai (2 Timothy) 3:16-17

2 16 Douc-douc Ging-Sou, Tin-Hungh dorh mienh fiev yaac maaih lamh longc weic njaaux mienh, weic gorngv-hemx mienh, weic zorc mienh zoux dorngc nyei dorngx, weic njaaux mienh zoux horpc nyei jauv. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, (NIV). 2

3 17 Hnangv naaic ziouc bun Tin-Hungh nyei mienh duqv dunh yunh nzoih weic zoux nyungc-nyungc kuv sic.
17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (NIV). 3

4 Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Ih hnoi mbuo oix hoqc taux Tin-Hungh nyei waac fai Ging-Sou ndongc haaix maaih laamh longc nyei jauv bun taux mbuo nyei maengc. Today we are going to learn about the word of God or Bible. How it so useful to our lives. 4

5 Ging-Sou se haaix nyungc? What is the Bible?
“Ging-Sou” naaiv joux waac se gorngv cing-nzengc nyei sou. “Ging” naaiv joux waac se faan yiem Janx-kaeqv waac daaih. Janx-kaeqv gorngv “Shen Jing” eix-leiz se gorngv “Singx Waac”. Janx-Gikc waac gorngv “Byblos” fai “Biblos” eix-leiz se longc “Papyrus” ndopv fiev daaih. The word “Bible” in Mienh is call “Ging-Sou,” it translated from Chinese word “Shen Jing” meaning God’s word or (Holy Book). “Shen” mean “God” “Jing” mean “word.” In Greek Word is call “Byblos” or “Biblos” meaning written word on “Papyrus”

6 Written by approximately 40 different writers over about 1,600 years
Yietc zungv maaih (Composed of): 66 books (39 OT and 27 NT) 1,189 chapters ,102 verses 773,746 words ,566,480 letters Written by approximately 40 different writers over about 1,600 years

7 Tin-Hungh qiqv zeix maanc muotc nyei hnyangx-daauh: 4004 B.C.
ETERNITY 2500 years 1500 years 1900+ years Tin-Hungh qiqv zeix maanc muotc nyei hnyangx-daauh: 4004 B.C. Cod Created Heavens and the earth 4004 B.C.

8 80,000 copies sold daily 25 million annually Some years ago “Forever Amber” sold 750,000 copies in one year while the KJV sold 12,243,000

9 Doqc Yie Maah! Read Me!

10 BACK to the BIBLE

11 Back to the Bible To Learn of God Ging-Sou gorngv. The Bible says:
Tin-Hungh se Singx Lingh. God is a Spirit – Jn.4:24 Ninh yietc liuz yiem. He is Eternal – Psa.90:2 Ninh hiuv duqv nyungc-nyungc sic. He is Omniscient – Acts 15:18 Ninh maaih lingc yaac nernh haic. He is Omnipotent – Gen.17:1 Ninh yiem norm-norm dorngx. He is Omnipresent – 1 Kings 8:27 Ninh se baengh fim nyei. He is Just – Rom.3:26 Ninh se cing-nzengc haic. He is Holy – Rev.4:8; 16:5,7

12 Back to the Bible For the Word of God Ging-Sou gorngv. The Bible says:
Tin-Hungh gorngv waac yangh Ninh nyei Dorn daaih. God speaks through His Son – Heb.1:1,2. Yesu jiu bun Ninh nyei gong-zoh mbuo. Jesus gave it to His apostles – Jn.17:8,14 Ninh fungx ninh mbuo cuotv mienh zunh mbuox lungh ndiev mienh. He sent them to preach it to the world (Lk.10:16; Matt.28:19; Mk.16:15,16).

13 Back to the Bible For Our Practice Ging-Sou gorngv. The Bible says:
Mbuo horpc zuqc ei jienv zoux Tin-Hungh nyei waac zoux. We are to be doers of the word (James 1:22; Philippians 4:9). Maiv dungx tipv waac bieqc. Not to add to the word (Revelation 22:18-19). Mbuo norm-norm jiu baang zungv horpc zuqc zoux fih hnangv nyei. Practices to be the same in every church (1 Cor.4:17; 7:17; 16:1; Acts 14:23; 1 Thess.1:6,7; 2:13,14).

14 The Usefulness word of God:
I. Tin-Hungh Nyei Waac Maaih Laamh Longc Nyei Jauv Se: The Usefulness word of God: 14

15 1. Njaaux mbuo (Teaching us). 2. Gorngv-hemx mbuo (Rebuking us)
3. Zorc mbuo zoux dorngc nyei dorngx (Correcting our mistake) 4. Njaaux mbuo zoux horpc nyei jauv (and training us in righteousness). 15

16 “Hnangv naaic ziouc bun Tin-Hungh nyei mienh duqv dunh yunh nzoih weic zoux nyungc-nyungc kuv sic.” (ys.17) “so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (vs.17). 16

17 God’s Word Useful To Our Lives IS:
II. Tin-Hungh Nyei Waac Maaih Laamh Longc Bun Mbuo Nyei Maengc Nyei Jauv Se: God’s Word Useful To Our Lives IS: 17

18 1. Hnangv dang nor ziux mbuo nyei jauv
1. Hnangv dang nor ziux mbuo nyei jauv. “Meih nyei waac se hnangv dang ziux yie nyei zaux-mbiec, yaac zoux yie jauv zaangc nyei njang.” (Singx Nzung 119:105). As a Lamp gives us direction: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105 NIV). 18

19 2. Hnangv mienh nor orn mbuo nyei hnyouv
2. Hnangv mienh nor orn mbuo nyei hnyouv. “Jangx jienv meih caux meih nyei bou laengz nyei waac, weic zuqc meih nyei waac bun yie maaih lamh hnamv dorngx. Meih laengz nyei waac bun yie maaih maengc ziangh, yie zuqc naanc zingh nyei ziangh hoc ziouc orn yie nyei hnyouv.” (Singx Nzung 119:49-50). As people gives us encouragement. “Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” (Psalm 119:49-50). 19

20 3. Hnangv mienh nor baav jienv mbuo maiv bun ndortv njiec zuiz
3. Hnangv mienh nor baav jienv mbuo maiv bun ndortv njiec zuiz. “Weic naaiv, mbuo gauh oix zuqc muangx longx mbuo haiz jiex nyei zien leiz. Maiv zei aeqv, nziex mbuo haih leih zien leiz go.” (Hipv^lu 2:1). As people to prevent us from drift away. “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” (Hebrews 2:1). 20

21 4. Hnangv gingx nor aengv mbuo zoux nyei sic cuotv bun mbuo buatc (Yaagorpc 1:22-25).
As mirror reflected our deeds and attitude for us to see (James 1:22-25). 21

22 5. Hnangv i maengx laic nyei nzuqc ndaauv nor haic gaatv zuiz nyei cancer guangc (Hipv^lu 4:12). “Tin-Hungh nyei waac se nangh nyei, maaih qaqv nyei, gauh laic jiex yietc zungv i maengx laic nyei nzuqc ndaauv. Haih nzopv bieqc taux hnyouv caux lingh wuonh gapv nyei dorngx, mbungv-fim caux mbungv-daaux gapv nyei dorngx. Zungv haih siemv duqv mienh hnyouv nyunc zoux nyei caux hnyouv hnamv cuotv nyei sic.” As double-edged sword that can cut through sin cancer (Hebrews 4:12). “ For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” 22

23 6. Tin-Hungh nyei waac hnangv nyorx nor tengx mbuo nyei lingh wuonh haih duqv hlo (1 Bide 2:2). “Meih mbuo oix zuqc hnangv coqv hoqc cuotv seix nyei gu'nguaaz oix hopv nyorx nor, zanc-zanc oix hopv yungz lingh wuonh nyei cing-nzengc nyorx. Meih mbuo ziouc haih hlo daaih duqv njoux.” God’s word as milk that help our spiritual to growth (1 Peter 2:2). “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” 23

24 1. Oix zuqc doqc (To read it). 2. Oix zuqc muangx (Hear it).
III. Hnangv naaic, mbuo oix zuqc hnangv haaix nor zoux? (Laauc Yaangh 1:3; Yaagorpc 1:22-25). Therefore, how can we do? (Revelation 1:3; James 1:22-25). 1. Oix zuqc doqc (To read it). 2. Oix zuqc muangx (Hear it). 3. Oix zuqc ei jienv zoux ( and do as it says). 24

25 IV. Wuov nyungc mbuo oix duqv haaix nyungc? What benefit we get?
1. Oix duqv benx dunh yunh nyei mienh. Will be blessed or as perfect people (James 1:25). 2. Oix duqv orn-lorqc. Will be blessed or happiness (Psalm 1:1-6). 3. Oix duqv dunh yunh nyei fuqv. Will get perfect blessed or prosperous and successful life (Joshua 1:8). 25

26 Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion Ih hnoi mbuo duqv buatc Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo gorngv, Ging-Sou ndongc haaix longc jienv bun taux mbuo nyei maengc yiem naaiv seix zangc weic nyungc-nyungc jauv. Weic ceix mbuo, weic zorc mbuo, weic dorh jauv mbuo mingh lorz Tin-Hungh, weic njaaux mbuo zorpc horpc nyei jauv, tengx mbuo haih duqv benx kuv mienh. Se gorngv mbuo nqemh maiv muangx se hoic zuqc mbuo ganh hnangv. Today we had see that how Bible so important to our life in many way. It builds us up, training us in righteousness and direct our paths. Therefore, if anyone who does not listen to the word or obey it. He is harm himself or endanger himself. 26

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