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What is Efficacy and Our Solution

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Presentation on theme: "What is Efficacy and Our Solution"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Efficacy and Our Solution
Training Part 3 What is Efficacy and Our Solution

2 Training Part 3 – Learning Objective
What is Efficacy Personalized Efficacy Efficacy Engine at Work Scientific grading system Shopping cart results Knowledge base Abstract Training Part 3 – Learning Objective

3 What is Efficacy? The word “efficacy” is a term most commonly used in medicine with a specific meaning: “The extent to which a specific intervention, procedure, regimen, or service produces a beneficial result under ideal conditions”.

4 Personalized recommendations with accompanying Efficacy Report Cards
The Efficacy Engine: Personalized Efficacy Your Wellness & Fitness Goals Your Health Concerns Personalized recommendations with accompanying Efficacy Report Cards Your Dietary Restrictions Your Allergies Clinical Research Ingredients in Products, Foods, & Recipes

5 Efficacy Engine at Work
Our Efficacy Engine drives our core proprietary technology: the product “Report Card”. Other proprietary technology works behind the scenes for channel management and price matching.

6 Scientific Evidence Grading System
 (Strong Scientific Evidence) (Good Scientific Evidence) The result is a powerful tool that assigns a letter grade (A, B, C, D,or F) to food, ingredients, and micro- nutrients based on how clinically effective they are relative to a specific health condition or fitness goal (Unclear or Conflicting Scientific Evidence) (Fair Negative Scientific Evidence)  (Strong Negative Scientific Evidence)

7 Shopping Cart Results Graded shopping cart recommendations from the Efficacy Engine are tailored towards your health and wellness goals.

8 Knowledge Base Our database gives you all the research in one location, making it easy learn which ingredients are effective Ingredient grader identifies the efficacy on what the ingredients have been proven to prevent and treat

9 Abstract Select ‘View Abstract’ to view the actual summary of the study referenced

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