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Jeopardy Chapters 16/17 World War II.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Chapters 16/17 World War II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Chapters 16/17 World War II

2 Famous People Politics Battles Japanese Americans History Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Famous People $100 He transformed the Soviet Union from a rural nation to an industrial power. Who was Stalin?

4 Famous People-$200 Who was Patton?
This famous general led the 3rd Army into Paris to liberate the city. Who was Patton?

5 Famous People-$300 To protest discrimination, he ordered a march on Washington in 1941. Who was Phillip Randolph

6 Famous People-$400 This person vowed, “I shall return,” when he left the Philippines. Who was MacArthur.

7 Famous People-$500 This general led battles in Iwo Jima, Battan, and Leyte. Who was MacArthur?

8 Politics$100 The problem of inflation was tackled by this govt agency.
What was the Office of Price Administration?

9 Politics-$200 This made it possible for veterans to attend college for free. What was the GI Bill?

10 Politics-$300 This policy allowed the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries What was the Lend Lease Act?

11 Politics-$400 This was decided at the Yalta Conference.
What is how to deal with Germany post-war. Specifically, that Germany would be divided?

12 Politics-$500 New democracies established in Europe after WWI were eventually replaced by this. What were dictatorships?

13 Battles-$100 What was the Battle of the Bulge?
The last German offensive. What was the Battle of the Bulge?

14 Battles-$200 The reason Germany engaged in the Battle of the Atlantic.
What was to keep food and supplies from Great Britain and the Soviet Union?

15 Battles-$300 The use of the atom bombs was done for this reason.
What was to save American lives?

16 Battles-$400 Supreme Commander of US forces in Europe.
Who was Eisenhower?

17 Battles-$500 This battle marked a turning point in the war for the Russians. What was the Battle of Stalingrad?

18 Japanese-Americans $100 First generation Japanese Americans living on the West Coast were subject to this. What is internment?

19 Japanese Americans- $200 The relocation of Japanese Americans into camps occurred because of this. What is US military authorities considered them a security threat?

20 Japanese Americans-$300 Japanese Americans that were relocated were forced to do this. What is sell their homes, property, and belongings?

21 Japanese Americans-$400 What was strong anti-Japanese sentiment?
FDR’s decision to place Japanese Americans in internment camps was based on a response to this. What was strong anti-Japanese sentiment?

22 Japanese Americans-$500 This Supreme Court case justified the internment. What was Korematsu v US?

23 History-$100 The battle for this island forecasted what an invasion of Japan would be like. What was Okinawa?

24 History-$200 To combat inflation, the US did all of the following:
What was raise income tax, encourage purchase of war bonds, and impose wage and price controls

25 History-$300 What was the battle of Iwo Jima?
At this battle, the US faced the most heavily defended spot on earth, but it was important to be a base for US bombers. What was the battle of Iwo Jima?

26 History-400 The scientist in charge of the Manhattan Project.
Who was Oppenheimer?

27 History-$500 Your History teacher’s favorite drink. What is coffee?

28 Potpourri- $100 The scientists on the Manhattan Project were responsible for this. What was the development of an atomic bomb?

29 Potpourri - $200 The Germans surrendered on this day.
What was V-E Day, or May 8th, 1945?

30 Potpourri - $300 Where was Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Atomic bombs were dropped on these two cities. Where was Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

31 Potpourri - $400 The 3 leaders at the Yalta Conference.
Who was Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.

32 Potpourri - $500 What is to ensure US troops were adequately supplied?
A major reasoning for wartime rationing was this. What is to ensure US troops were adequately supplied?


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