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Ringwood Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)

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1 Ringwood Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
Transitions Between Schools and Programs October 18, 2018

2 Transitions Between Programs & Grade Levels
Process | Changes | What to Expect Early Intervention (EI) → Preschool Instruction for the Exceptional (PIE) Program PIE Program → Kindergarten / Elementary School Elementary School → Hewitt Intermediate School Hewitt Intermediate School → Ryerson Middle School

3 Transition Between Early Intervention (EI) and PIE Program
At the agreement of the parent, Early Intervention (EI) requests a Transition Planning Conference Program, interventions, progress, and presenting concerns are discussed EI and parent decide whether to request an Initial Determination meeting with the district Child Study Team (CST) meets within 20 days of receiving written request Student accepted into the PIE program once child meets criteria for classification as Preschool Child with a disability as determined by evaluations conducted as a result of the Initial Determination (ID) meeting Student is then eligible for Special Education for the duration of preschool years The PIE program is housed at Peter Cooper, regardless of student’s home elementary school

4 Transition Between PIE Program and Kindergarten / Elementary School
Reevaluation Planning meeting is held prior to completion of last preschool year to decide what evaluations will be conducted to determine whether student is eligible for Special Education and Related Services at the elementary school level as a school aged child Evaluations focus on the presenting concerns and will at a minimum an Educational and Psychological to determine Specific Learning Disability (SLD) classification If student is subsequently found eligible, an appropriate elementary school IEP will be developed. Programs available at the elementary level include: In-Class Support with Paraprofessional, Resource Center, Self-contained PATH or REALM programs

5 Transition Between PIE Program and Kindergarten / Elementary School
If student is not found eligible (does not meet the criteria for any of the 14 possible classifications), student will be declassified as of the start of Kindergarten (will remain eligible for PIE until the completion of the current school year) Student attends their home elementary school (i.e., either Peter Cooper of Robert Erskine depending on home address) Robert Erskine Elementary School Principal: Mr. Gregg Festa Peter Cooper Elementary School Principal: Mr. Tim Johnson

6 Changes from the PIE Program to Kindergarten / Elementary School
PIE is half day: 135 minutes | AM Session: 8:30 – 10:45 & PM Session: 12:15 – 2:30 Kindergarten / Elementary School is a full day: 360 minutes | 8:45 – 2:45 | Eight 40 minute periods PIE is self-contained Special Education with at least two Paraprofessionals, Kindergarten instruction may take place in the following settings: general education, inclusion, resource, or self-contained. PIE Related Services (e.g., OT, PT, Speech) are also offered to Special Education students provided they still qualify and is specifically stated in student’s IEP

7 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Principal’s message - “Hewitt is a bridge from elementary to middle school.” Mrs. Dondero’s team likes to keep the coziness of K-3, but gradually increase independence and expectations, skills critical not only to middle school but life in general. Forgetting homework, etc. Homeroom starts at 8:55am and students are considered tardy if they arrive after 9:20am; students may enter the building at 8:50 (10:20 when delayed opening - that is late and you are urged to make plans ahead of time. Pick-ups beginning at 3:10; buses beginning at 3:15. Students are encouraged to bring a working snack - healthy, limit to 1 finger food.

8 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Safety & Security Do not let anyone into the building - new deck box Classroom doors are locked during the day Do not arrive before 3:00 for pick –up Students need pick up notes turned into the office Drills - fire alarm very loud

9 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Academics Continuing the work we began last year Teaching for application and understanding Writers Workshop last year, added Reading workshop this year. Authentic Assessment Differentiation Homework is relevant to classroom learning

10 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Academics Anytime a student misses class (Band etc.) they are responsible to follow up with teacher and to make up work. This is not to be harsh but to instill responsibility given the short window of transition students will be held accountable for late and missed work. Strong focus on Character Education - Principal starts the day with Words of Wisdom. Discipline referrals often include writing reflections that correlate to the Words of Wisdom message.

11 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Scheduling Modified Departmentalized Model. Math & ELA teachers are homeroom teachers. The students have the homeroom teacher for everything but one subject. Math and LA are 80 minute blocks Science & Social Studies are 20-day cycles - Alternate the same period. This is the same in 5th grade (in 5th will switch teachers). BSI and Math Coaching (for students who qualify) Active I&RS Committee intervention

12 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Scheduling Special Education classes offered: general education, in-class support, resource center, PATH, and REALM program. APE for students in need. Other related services: Speech & Language, Physical Therapy, Counseling, and Occupational Therapy. Specials are the same as 3rd grade: Physical Education, Spanish, Technology, Art, and Music.

13 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
School Counselor - Mrs. Kristy Flatierre Role: Meets with students individually & in small groups. Her primary responsibility is to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. She has an open-door policy and students are encouraged to see her anytime they need or want to talk. She provides students with support and empowers them to make good life choices. Activities: Team Builders; Book Buddies; Lunch Bunch CST representative with a satellite office at Hewitt to better serve students.

14 Transition Between Elementary School and Hewitt Intermediate School
Communication: Hewitt eNews (if no printer, public library Friday Folder (Your link - Info about school & community) Website - calendar dates Parent Portal: Check regularly

15 Transition Between Hewitt Intermediate School and Ryerson Middle School
Differences: Lockers Homeroom teachers Movement in the building throughout the day all day Teacher changes with each subject Child Study Team department is in the building After school activities- dances, clubs, sports

16 Transition Between Hewitt Intermediate School and Ryerson Middle School
Differences: Time change – school starts at 7:50 AM and ends at 2:22PM. Creative problem solving Questions: Band Study skills Foreign language

17 Ringwood Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
Transitions Between Schools and Programs October 18, 2018

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