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Year 10 Core Information Evening

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1 Year 10 Core Information Evening
Mathematics Ingrid Kosch – Curriculum Leader Aindreas Gilmore – Assistant Curriculum Leader

2 The Mathematics Department Year 10 teachers
Ms Ingrid Kosch - 10B5 Mr A Gilmore - 10A3 and 10B3 Miss Parkinson – 10A1 and 10B1 Mr Fiaz Mojid – 10A2 and 10B2 Mr Mitch Soon - 10A4y Mrs Nirvasha Jithoo – 10A4x Mr R Thorne – 10B4 In year 10 students have a maths lesson every day They started the GCSE course in the sumer term of year 9

3 Exam Board is Edexcel Higher tier: grades 4-9
Grade 4 equates to a former C grade. The top end of Grade 9 equates to upper A*. The higher paper is very much harder than before. Foundation tier: grades 1-5 Foundation students are now able to achieve the equivalent of a B grade. The foundation paper is very much harder than before.

4 Decision about tier of entry
All set 1 and 2 take higher All set 4 and 5 take foundation Set 3 are taught with a focus on grade work (foundation and higher tiers) over the year. Set 3 write overlapping grade assessments. The final decision regarding tier of entry is therefore based on the whole year’s work with particular emphasis on the year 10 exam in May. This year most of set 3 are taking foundation. The classes are relatively small with the focus to achieving a grade 5 (good pass).

5 The GCSE – exam structure
Three papers, 80 marks each. Paper 1 is non-calculator. Papers 2 and 3 are calculator. Fewer formulae available in examinations.

6 Feedback from the Edexcel Chief Examiner after Summer 2017 & 2018 exams
Write answers in more organised way Show working for each step, particularly calculator papers as only 1 mark for answer (rest is for method) Read the question carefully Write numbers clearly Don’t overwrite numbers, cross out and write again Be able to multiply and divide, using any method Be fluent with fractions

7 Tests and exams Checkout test every 3-4 weeks at end of a module.
Termly tests on several modules of work. The first of these is in early November. Mock exam in Summer term 2019. Students follow the same schedule for both tiers. This facilitates set changes, although students will need to do some extra work when moving up.

8 Tests and exams Following checkout tests and term tests, we allow time for students to review their errors and practise similar questions again (directed improvement tasks) These are titled as DITs or on yellow paper, in green pen.

9 After the Mock exam in Summer term 2019
We provide detailed feedback about areas of strength and weakness in the form of Personalised Learning Checklists. We allow for 4 lessons to review individual errors and improve (Directed Improvement Tasks).

10 Resources for students to use at home
Kerboodle - an online system for reading textbooks and homework books which are published by Oxford University Press. MyMaths - an online teaching and revision website up to end of A-level. CGP Revision guides and workbooks - available to buy in the library. Practice exam papers – some set as Homework, with more available on Firefly (schools VLE).

11 Kerboodle

12 MyMaths

13 CGP Text books in class

14 Firefly Maths Year 10 page

15 How you can help your child succeed
Homework is set twice a week and should be 45 minutes each time. Please ensure that your child has homework and has done it on time. HW is posted in Show My Homework. Liaise with teachers Ask your child to show you Kerboodle, MyMaths and Firefly. Look for their Personal Learning Checklist after the Summer Mock.

16 The right attitude counts
Attitude to learning is graded 1 to 4 on reports Come prepared to every lesson: Protractor Scientific Calculator Rubber Pencil Ruler Compasses Book Pen Diary

17 OCR Additional Maths We teach some content of this course in lessons to extend and deepen students’ knowledge when a related topic is taught. From January in Year 10 there is an after school club to teach the content which does not fit into the GCSE scheme of work. No restriction by set – although your child must have a good algebra ability, be numerically fluent, and be committed. We do not monitor attendance or effort of students as it is more akin to a voluntary club. They must want to do this. They may attend and learn but not write the exam. Excellent preparation for A level and will also support GCSE particularly for students targeted grade 7 and above.

18 Any further questions If you have any further questions regarding your child’s progress contact should firstly be made with your child’s maths teacher. Thank You

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