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What do you know about Greek Mythology

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1 What do you know about Greek Mythology
What do you know about Greek Mythology? Tell me anything that comes to mind.

2 Early Greeks and the Rise of City-States

3 Geography Uneven coasts Mountain ranges kept villages separated
Most Greeks became fishers, sailors, and traders Mountain ranges kept villages separated Rivers were short so did not aid trade between villages City-States arose

4 City-States: or Polis: A fort, its city, the lands, and farms around it 3 Basic Ideas- Geographical territory Community it represented Political and economic independence Greece city-states similar by: Small area Population less then 10,000 Acropolis: a hill where the fort is built Agora: a marketplace Sense of patriotism for their own city-state

5 Early Greek Peoples The Minoans: The Mycenaeans:
Nobles had running water Colorful frescoes (paintings on wet plaster walls) Traded for food Destroyed by Volcano erupting and causing tidal waves The Mycenaeans: People split into clans/tribes and headed by a warrior By 1200 BC, all cities were destroyed by earthquakes and war


7 Greek Government and Society

8 Greek Government City-States with Warrior as leader who relied on wealthy to support them Wealthy became known as nobles Nobles overthrew leaders of City-States and took power Armies hired by non noble people started fighting city-states Tyrants took power to relieve the people of the nobles rule The people overthrew tyrants and established Democracy

9 Iliad and Odyssey Epic: long historical poem
Homer wrote two great epics: Iliad: Legend of the Trojan War Helen and Paris, Wood Horse Odyssey: What happened after the Trojan War when King Odysseus heads home from Troy

10 Olympic Games Every four years to honor Zeus (the head god)
Had athletic contests like: Boxing, foot races, javelin and discus throwing, wrestling Winners received wreaths of wild olive branches There were NO 2nd and 3rd places

11 Greek Religious Beliefs
Greek religion is different than others at the time because: DID NOT emphasize highs standards of morality DID NOT believe in the afterlife, just a gloomy underworld 3 basic things: Religion had to explain nature Religion had to explain why people had emotions Religion brought certain benefits

12 Mythology To explain the world around them, the Greeks created Myths: traditional stories about gods and heroes All the gods live on Mount Olympus in northern Greece

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