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SAT 10 Problem words REND – p.t.: They rent the cloth to shreds.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT 10 Problem words REND – p.t.: They rent the cloth to shreds."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT 10 Problem words REND – p.t.: They rent the cloth to shreds.
We observed with tears in our eyes the mourners rending their clothes in grief. BANEFUL -- Reading Wuthering Heights proved baneful to some students’ sleep for they were haunted by Catherine’s ghost. DESIST -- Desist from making so much racket, please; I am trying to concentrate! INSULARITY -- Her insularity comes from never interacting with people, watching the news, or partaking in any social, political or religious activities.

2 Baneful – most often used as a noun: bane
Potable – used to describe water (as in safe to drink) Preponderance – used with “of” (the preponderance of evidence points to his guilt) Exacerbate – be specific about what is being exacerbated (Her screaming only exacerabeted the chaos and pandemonium at the scene where the accident occurred.) Foible – usually refers to flaws in humans. Effrontery – a noun, not an adjective.

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