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2 10% Leadership Development
This course focuses of the development of leadership & co-ordination skills related to recreational activities. FSE: 20% Project(s) 10% Leadership Development EDHS MOTTO: We Make A Difference How does this relate to our 2014 Leadership class? We will organize, plan and implement events that will make a difference. Where will we make a difference? In our school In our feeder schools In our “Essex” community


Work constructively on all individual & group projects Attend meetings for group work etc. Follow through on responsibilities & commitments REPRESENT THIS CLASS & THIS SCHOOL IN A POSITIVE & RESPECTFUL MANNER Be honest Contribute/Do your fair share Take personal risks/challenge yourself No whining!!!!

5 CLASS PROJECTS Possible Pep Rally – Feb. 12th Dodgeball Tournament
End of Year Assembly/Pep Rally – May 15th Grade 1 Mentors (EPS) Teaching Phys-Ed Classes – Colchester, Gosfield, EPS STEPS -Special Olympics – May 9/10 (SSS) 3km Run for EDHS P.E. classes Mahoney Mondays Essex Community Fitness Project

6 11 Commandments For An Enthusiastic Team
Help each other be right-not wrong Looks for ways to make new ideas work – not for reasons they won’t If in doubt-check it out! Don’t make negative assumptions about each other. Help each other win & take pride in each other’s victories. Speak positively about each other & about your organization at every opportunity

7 Maintain a positive mental attitude no matter what the circumstances.
Act with initiative & courage as if it all depends on you. Do everything with enthusiasm-it’s contagious Whatever you want give it a way. Don’t lose faith-never give up. Have Fun!!!

A group of people with a full set of complimentary skills required to complete a task, job or project. Synonyms for team: squad, gang group, crew What skills will be required to complete out projects this semester? Communication, responsibility, self-management, organization, accountability

9 WHAT DEVASTATES TEAMS???? Negativity devastates teams
An individual’s negative outlook has the biggest and most devastating impact on the rest of the team. Teams feed off of the energy and emotions of the rest of the team. As a result, even a single negative attitude will eventually spill over and impact others members of the team. And though the attitudes of other team members may not spoil entirely, the negativity has begun to spread – and left alone it will continue to do so, eventually infecting the team as a whole. Negativity is a self-fulfilling prophecy and a team with a negative outlook is condemned to failure. Team members with a negative attitude are thieves, robbing the team of its potential, its moral, and often its success.

10 THOUGHTS FOR A LEADER Accept the fact that you are a leader and you should act like one. This is not a time for coyness or false modesty. You have accepted a job as a leader-so be a good one. Be confident. Learn all you can about your job and what is expected of you. There is a leadership style. Every person has his own. Don’t try and copy someone else; after all, it should reflect your personal goals… your values on ethics, morality, and what you ultimately want to achieve. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Improve on your weaknesses. But above all, recognize your strength with no false modesty to mask them. That can be a fatal flaw. Learn to decide. A leader is expected to ACT. To lead. To make decisions. To react to problems. To solve them as well. And to admit when he or she doesn’t have the answers. A sense of humour will carry you a long way. So will common sense! Be professional; in action, speech, and in the way you perform. Dave Schlothauer

11 LEADERSHIP QUOTES You’re critics are often the ones telling you they still care and want to make you better” “No matter how bad things are you can always make things worse. At the same time it is often within your power to make them better.” “Complaining doesn’t work as a strategy, it wastes time and it won’t make you happier.” “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.”

12 “Failure is important and essential”
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” “Tell the truth.” “People lie for lots of reasons, often because it seems like a way to get what they want with less effort. It’s ineffective in the long-term.” “A bad apology is worse than no apology.” “Just because you’re in the driver’s seat doesn’t mean you have to run people over.”

13 IF I COULD I WOULD… If I had formal authority over this school, I would: Stop … Change… Create … Accept …


15 MY PERSONAL STRENGTHS!!!! Able to give orders Committed Diligent
Able to take orders Common Sense Calm Eager Accepts advice Communicates Well Creative Appreciative Compassionate Patient Efficient Articulate Considerate Assertive Co-operative Generous Fair Disciplined Artistic Funny Honest Good Listener Bright Dependable Hard Worker Can be firm if necessary 1/30/13

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