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About Me.

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Presentation on theme: "About Me."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Me

2 I am Nadhif Muhammad Rekoputra
Hello! I am Nadhif Muhammad Rekoputra I am a third year bachelor degree student at University of Indonesia

3 Sports (Football & Basketball) Reading Novel Listening to Music
Hobby Sports (Football & Basketball) Reading Novel Listening to Music Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both.

4 Programming (C, C++, Java) Database (PostgreSQL) OpenCV ROS CCNA
Skills Programming (C, C++, Java) Database (PostgreSQL) OpenCV ROS CCNA

5 Plans for next 5 Years I plan to live the next 5 years by continuing my study until PhD outside of Indonesia

6 My Country Indonesia

7 Lombok Gili Island


9 5G Architecture In 5g virtualization of network function and software defined network is one of the fundamentals in 5g. Network slicing allows multiple virtual networks to be created on top of a common shared physical infrastructure. In 5g architecture every 5g deployment will be provided as a slice involving various software and hardware component

10 SDN

11 NFV

12 👍👍 Thanks!

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