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The Spice Trade World Studies.

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1 The Spice Trade World Studies

2 HISTORICAL CONTEXT -The Crusades introduced Europeans to luxury goods from Asia -The Black Death interrupted the trade that once existed -But in the 1400’s Europe’s population was growing along with its demand for trade goods

3 Who controlled Trade Routes?
In the 1400’s, ARAB and ITALIAN merchants controlled most trade between Asia and Europe

4 Cut the Middle-Man But Europeans outside of Italy knew it would be more profitable to gain direct access to Asia

5 Henry the Navigator Prince Henry ( ) led the Great Age of European Exploration through his Christian faith, curiosity, and national pride. He sponsored and encouraged navigators, merchants, geographers. His work required many financial risks but his enthusiasm motivated his navigators to take greater personal risks. Although he sponsored these trips, he himself never traveled the seas.

6 Portugal and Prince Henry
In 1415, Prince Henry’s navigators claimed the Madeira and Azores islands to the West of Portugal

7 Prince Henry and Africa
*Portuguese could convert Africans (most Muslim or tribal religions *Find the source of riches Muslim traders controlled *Find an easier way to reach Asia by going around Africa , then they expanded into Muslim North Africa

8 Cape of Good Hope *In 1488, Bartalome Dias rounded the southern tip of Africa *It opened the way for a sea route to Asia

9 Portugal and India -Portuguese navigator, Vasco Da Gama travels around Cape of Good Hope -After 10 months, Da Gama reaches port of Calicut in India -Many sailors died of hunger, thirst, and scurvy* -Despite hardships, DG acquired a cargo of spices sold for huge profits in Europe -Portuguese set up ports in by Indian Ocean creating a trading empire for Portugal

10 What if the Chinese….?

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