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Ways to Lose Your Job Career Week March 13-17, 2017.

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1 Ways to Lose Your Job Career Week March 13-17, 2017

2 Friday is Career Day 7th Grade Students – Job Shadow
Remember you don’t have to spend the whole day at your work site. If you don’t have a Job Shadow site, we have an alternate homework packet for you. 8th Grade Students- Career Day Presentations You will be divided up by English teacher and class period. You will rotate through 8 different speakers from a variety of career fields. Each presentation will last about minutes. A teacher will be your guide to each session. You will have 2nd lunch on Friday. 9th Grade- Reality Town You will experience what it’s like to be a working adult with adult responsibilities. You will have 1st lunch on Friday.

3 Workplace romances. You are hired to get a job done not to get a date. Dating at work can also lead to gossip and rumors that can ruin your career.

4 Making too many personal phone calls on company time.
Conducting your personal business on company time may leave you with a lot more personal time—Looking for a new job.

5 Excessive internet use.
Cruising Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, etc. . . can put you a point and click away from searching for a new job.

6 Not getting along with your co- workers.
Not having the skills to work cooperatively with your peers may get you replaced by someone who can work well with others.

7 Sloppy or careless work.
Make sure you are always doing your best each day. Everyone has an off day now and again, but shoddy work leads to unemployment.

8 Poor Personal Hygiene or non- professional dress.
Practicing good hygiene shows respect for others and your self. Visible tattoos, gauged ears, and sloppy dress may not be acceptable. Remember, at work you represent your employer, so looking and smelling your best counts.

9 Pulling a “Sickie” or abusing vacation time.
Pretending to be sick or taking a “Ferris Bueller” demonstrates poor judgement to say the least. Many people have been fired for posting pics on social media of their play days while they were supposed to be “sick.”

10 Tardiness Tardiness in the work place is cause for dismissal. Being a few minutes late can throw off the rest of the work crew. Even worse is making up lame excuses for being late such as “There was a deer blocking the road.” or “The line at Starbucks was really long.” If you’re going to be late call and be honest about why you are late.

11 Swearing or inappropriate language.
Swearing and inappropriate language is unprofessional and inappropriate. If you can’t speak without swearing, it’s best to not speak at all.

12 Lying on Your Job Application or Resume.
A few years ago a woman made headlines after losing her high paying job because she claimed she had earned a college degree. Turned out she had attended McDonalds Hamburger University and was qualified to cook at Micky D’s.

13 Thinking Take some time thinking about what you want to do for your career and whether or not you have the skills, abilities, knowledge, and desire to be successful. Set some goals to achieve your potential. This will help you ensure you have the lifestyle you want when you are an adult.

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