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Birds of Florida and Birds of Mountain States

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Presentation on theme: "Birds of Florida and Birds of Mountain States"— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds of Florida and Birds of Mountain States

2 Wood Duck

3 Wilson’s Warbler

4 Whimbrel

5 Western Sandpiper

6 Sparrowhawk

7 Sora

8 Sooty Tern

9 Snowy Plover

10 Sanderling

11 Roseate Spoonbill

12 Ring-necked Duck

13 Redwinged Blackbird

14 Reddish Egret

15 Pied-billed Grebe

16 Orange-crowned Warbler

17 Noddy Tern

18 Marbled Godwit

19 Mallard

20 Louisiana Heron

21 Limpkin

22 Laughing Gull

23 House Wren

24 Great White Heron

25 Great Horned Owl

26 Dowitchers

27 Common Nighthawk

28 Common Gallinule

29 Cattle Egret

30 Cliff Swallows (with nest)

31 Caspian Tern w/young

32 Burrowing Owl

33 Brown Pelicans (adult and young)

34 Black Vultures

35 Anhinga

36 American Wigeon

37 Redwing Blackbird (female and young)

38 Yellow-headed Blackbird (displaying)

39 Mountain Bluebird (male and female)

40 Clark’s Nutcracker

41 Mallard on nest

42 Golden Eagle (young and nest)

43 Prairie Falcon Young

44 Canada Goose (adult with nest)

45 Ferruginous Rough Leg Hawk (young in nest)

46 Red Tailed Hawk (on nest)

47 Canada Jay

48 Magpie

49 Meadowlark

50 Bullock’s Oriole (male and female)

51 White Crowned Sparrow (with nest, young, and Eggs)

52 Raven

53 Western Robin

54 Tree Swallow (nesting)

55 Trumpeter Swans

56 Western Tanager (Male and Female)

57 Turkey Vulture

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