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Chapter 8 The History of Life.

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1 Chapter 8 The History of Life

2 Worldviews and the History of Life
Chapter 8A Worldviews and the History of Life

3 Worldview The frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him Everyone has a worldview, and this worldview affects every choice he makes.

4 The Christian Worldview
Creation (“ex nihilo”) The Fall Redemption

5 I Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

6 Creation and evolution do not mix.
Key point 1 Creation and evolution do not mix.

7 The earth is NOT billions or even millions of years old.
Key point 2 The earth is NOT billions or even millions of years old.

8 The Bible and science do not disagree.
Key point 3 The Bible and science do not disagree.

9 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
Psalm 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

10 Noah’s flood is a significant catastrophe.
Key point 4 Noah’s flood is a significant catastrophe.

11 The genetic basis of biological evolution is statistically impossible.
Key point 5 The genetic basis of biological evolution is statistically impossible.

12 Evolution A belief about all the changes that have transformed life on the earth from its earliest beginnings to the diversity that characterizes it today

13 Change over time toward greater complexity
Evolution Change over time toward greater complexity

14 Results of Believing Evolutionary Theory

15 Results of Believing Evolutionary Theory
God does not exist. Man is not responsible to God. Man no longer needs a Savior.

16 Results of Believing Evolutionary Theory
Man is a highly evolved animal. Man’s religion should be scientism. the belief that science is the only path to truth

17 “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”
Psalm 53:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”

18 A Matter of Viewpoint

19 A Matter of Viewpoint A person either accepts the Bible or not.
Many are unwilling to admit that there is a God to whom they are accountable. Based on faith, not science

20 Evolutionary Beliefs & the Word of God

21 Is there proof for evolution & against the Bible?
Science cannot prove. Both creationists and evolutionists have the same physical evidence. It is our interpretations of that evidence that differ.

22 Is there proof for evolution & against the Bible?
Any accurate observation of God’s creation could not contradict the revealed Word of God.

23 How Should a Christian View Biology?
A Proper Balance A Proper Motivation A Proper Perspective

24 Chapter 8B Biological Evolution

25 Jean Lamarck Theory of need Theory of use and disuse
Theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics

26 Analysis of Lamarck’s Theory
Basic problem: passing on acquired characteristics to future generations

27 The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859)
Charles Darwin Theory of natural selection The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859)

28 Artificial Selection Vs. Natural Selection

29 Descent with Modification
Proposed that all living things descended from a single common ancestor

30 Survival of the Fittest
peppered moth

31 Analysis of Darwin’s Theory
There is not always overpopulation.

32 Analysis of Darwin’s Theory
The “fittest” do not always survive and reproduce.

33 Analysis of Darwin’s Theory
An organism must have the gene for a certain characteristic in order for it to be produced.

34 Analysis of Darwin’s Theory
The theory does not allow for the formation of new characteristics. It only selects for already existing traits.

35 Analysis of Darwin’s Theory
Natural selection regroups existing characteristics. No new genetic information is created.

36 Later Developments in Evolutionary Theory

37 Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
Hugo De Vries Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation

38 Mutation-Selection Theory (Neo-Darwinism)
Blending of Darwin’s theory of natural selection & De Vries’ theory of mutations Mutations supply the variations, and natural selection determines which variations survive.

39 Mutation-Selection Theory (Neo-Darwinism)
For evolution to occur, new genes must form. Mutations are the only known way for this to happen. However, mutations have not been shown to increase the amount of genetic information.

40 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
Mutations are random. Scientists cannot control or predict which genes mutations will affect.

41 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
Mutations are rare. It is estimated that uncorrected mutations occur once in 10 million cell divisions.

42 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
To be passed on, mutations must occur in the germ cells. Mutations in somatic cells will not affect the organism’s offspring.

43 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
Requires “good mutations” Must be beneficial Mutations are either neutral or harmful.

44 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
Requires “good mutations” happening repeatedly In many, many organisms all over the world Not just unlikely impossible!

45 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
Too many mutations will kill an organism. Genetic load

46 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
The mutation theory of evolution is statistically impossible. Mathematicians have proved that it could not have occurred, even given billions of years.

47 Problems with the Mutation Theory of Evolution
What about the missing links?

48 Punctuated Equilibrium Stephen Jay Gould
The view that evolution occurred in periods or leaps of time, while at other times, no or very little evolution took place

49 Chapter 8C Biblical Creationism

50 The Short-Day Theory A literal interpretation
Each day (morning and evening) was a 24-hour period.

51 The Short-Day Theory “Morning and evening”
Use of the Hebrew word “yom” Exodus 20:9-11

52 Nonliteral Interpretations of Creation

53 Theistic Evolution A mixture of the Bible and evolution
Tries to interpret biblical statements to support evolution as God’s method of creation

54 Day-Age Theory (Long-Day Theory)
Holds that the seven days in Genesis 1 were long periods of time or ages

55 Progressive Creationism
Holds that the earth is millions of years old and that at particular moments in time, God created new creatures

56 Framework Hypothesis Tries to interpret Genesis in a literary light

57 The Gap Theory Holds that there was a long period of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 First creation fall of Satan new creation

58 Arguments Against The Gap Theory
1 Corinthians 15:45 Romans 5:14 Romans 5:12 Exodus 20:11

59 Noah’s Flood & Fossils

60 Noah’s Flood Antediluvian Postdiluvian The earth before the flood
The earth after the flood

61 Reasons for a Universal Flood
God’s revelation to Noah Purpose of the flood Genesis 6:13, 17

62 Reasons for a Universal Flood
Confirmation in the New Testament Luke 17:27 2 Peter 2:5 and 3:6

63 Reasons for a Universal Flood
The covenant of the rainbow Genesis 9:11-15 The continental shelves and seamounts

64 Reasons for a Universal Flood
Universality of the fossil record The waters covered the mountains to over 20 feet. Fossils have been found on mountaintops.

65 Reasons for a Universal Flood
The duration of the Flood was over a year. If the Flood was local, the ark would have been unnecessary.

66 Fossil Fossilization Lasting evidence of a once-living organism
The formation of fossils

67 Types of Fossils Preservation of parts Preservation of carbon (coal)
Preservation of forms Preservation of tracks Petrification Freezing

68 The Deluge & Fossilization
The Flood described in Genesis 6-9 is referred to as the deluge.

69 The Deluge & Fossilization
Sedimentation laying down of materials Sedimentary rock layers of rock deposits

70 The Deluge & Fossilization
Evolutionists propose fossil formation by many smaller catastrophes. Suggest that fossils are a progressive record

71 Support for the Deluge-Fossilization Theory
Abundant fossilization is not taking place today. Fossil arrangement & abundance Polystrate fossils

72 Support for the Deluge-Fossilization Theory
Fossilization must be rapid. Most fossils required water for formation.

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