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Warm-Up: 9/25/2017 Come in, take a seat and begin working on your warm-up question. We will go over questions and announcements after the warm-up. Write.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: 9/25/2017 Come in, take a seat and begin working on your warm-up question. We will go over questions and announcements after the warm-up. Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: 9/25/2017 Come in, take a seat and begin working on your warm-up question. We will go over questions and announcements after the warm-up. Write the question below that is in GREEN and then write your response. How would you justify the British view that the colonists owed loyalty to the existing government and gratitude for past actions?

2 Announcements Extra Credit Opportunities begin today:
Monday: The Patriot ( Viewing/Film Discussion) 2:45-3:30pm Wednesday: The Patriot (Viewing/Film Discussion) 2:45-3:30pm -Podcast Selections from Stuff You Missed in History Class: 13 Reasons for the American Revolution (27 min) Hercules Mulligan, Spy on the Inside (Pt. 1) (27 min) Ch.4-6 Test is Wednesday, 9/27/17

3 How to Correctly Email Teachers/Professors/People*
Address/Greet the recipient(s) of the Ex) Good Morning ________, Ex) Hello ______________, Be courteous in your . If you ask the recipient a question, it is POLITE to say please and thank you. Once you have written out your in your body paragraph, then you need to close the /letter. When you finish your , you need to thank the recipient for their time and PUT YOUR NAME at the end of your .

4 Upcoming Assignments Fall Project Check-In #2 (Daily Grade): Rough Draft Bibliography due BEGINNING of Class THIS WEDNESDAY, 9/27/17. Fall Project Check-In #3 (Daily Grade): Rough Draft of Statement of Learning due BEGINNING of Class NEXT THURSDAY, 10/5/17. Fall Projects are DUE for a MAJOR GRADE on Thursday, 10/12/17. (~ 2 weeks from now). If you have not already purchased, The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, by Carol Sheriff, you need to do so. You will be receiving your Essay Prompts/Discussion Questions for the Analysis Paper this Friday (9/29/17). The paper is scheduled to be turned in on Wednesday, 10/25/17 as a MAJOR GRADE for the next marking period.

5 Classroom Policy Updates/Reminders
Please note the following information regarding the Willis High School Homework, Late Work and Retesting Policies: Homework Policy for Pre-AP/AP/DC Courses: Students in Advanced Academic courses should expect homework on a frequent, if not nightly basis throughout the marking periods. Late Work Policy 10th ,11th, 12th grade Pre-AP/AP/DC Courses: Daily Work= No late daily work accepted Major Work = -25 Points PER DAY, Nothing accepted after 2 days Retest Policy for Pre-AP/AP/DC Courses: No retesting opportunities will be available for these courses. **Assignment grades are entered into Ms. Taylor's online grade book on Mondays and Fridays after school.**

6 Classroom Policy Updates/Reminders
The Use of Technology and Personal Electronics in my Classroom for Dual Credit Classes (Periods 2, 4, and 6): *The use of cellphones will no longer be allowed during the class period during my Dual Credit U.S. History classes for the remainder of the school year.  Any digital or electronic quiz or assignment on google classroom will be taken on a WHS Tablet from the tablet cart in my classroom from this point forward, no exceptions. If you are absent the day of  an assignment or quiz that is originally administered digitally or on Google Classroom, you will complete a paper version of the assignment or quiz the day you return to class.**

7 In-Class Work Day Students have the remaining time in class today to work on their rough draft of the bibliography assignments -OR- Read Chapter 6 /Take-Notes/STUDY

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