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Major Details June spring 1815

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2 Major Details June 1812- spring 1815
Britain and France at war with each other Foreign policies causing problems for U.S. U.S. attempted at peaceful means Continued British harassment led to James Madison’s declaration of war James Madison declares war on Britain, Congress, with great opposition, approves the declaration Two days before war is declared Britain repeals its Orders

3 Causes and complaints British and French foreign policy
French put hold on any British goods in French territories British took sailors from American ships Blockaded ports in Europe Orders of Council Britain blockaded French ports Forbid trade with French, its allies, or neutrals through French ports Milan Decrees French declared any British allies or neutrals using British ports to be seized

4 Causes and complaints British support of policies not favorable to American shipping USS Chesapeake frigate was seized by British ship HMS Shannon over 80 men killed British continued presence in American states British support of Indian encroachment on American lands

5 Major Battles of the War
American attempt to capture Canada: Lake Champlain to Montreal Niagara frontier Upper Canada to Detroit American Defeat in 1814 British defeat of Napoleon France transferred large numbers of troops to America New York- cutting New England from rest of Union New Orleans to block the Mississippi river Chesapeake bay area, as a diversion

6 British Burn Washington
British are in near victory when they move on to Washington and Burn most of the Public buildings, including the President’s Mansion Once burning Washington, the British move to attack Baltimore, where the famous Battle of Fort McHenry takes place Captain Macdonough wins major naval battle in Lake Champlain, British retreat to Canada

7 Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson
Led an army of free black slaves, American Militia, and other Louisianans Chalmette Plantation British General led his army in line formation across an open field More than 2000 British were killed Only 8 Americans were killed

8 Resolutions of the War Treaty of Ghent
Signed weeks before the Battle of New Orleans Ended the war but did not address any of the problems that brought on the war





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