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Sentence Structure: Fixing fragments & Run-ons

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1 Sentence Structure: Fixing fragments & Run-ons

2 Tutorial #1 p121 Avoid fragments (incomplete thoughts) in your writing! Fragments can be caused by -a missing subject or a missing helping verb -a dependent clause used alone (not attached to an independent clause)

3 4 Level analysis & Fixing Fragments p122
How do Parts of a Sentence help me fix fragments? *If the fragment is missing a subject or complete verb, add one.* 1. I going to a writing tutor to work on my fragments. 2. Has a crazy hairstyle.

4 How do Clauses help me fix Fragments?
*Connect the fragment to an independent clause to complete the thought* (make the sentence an ID or a D, I) 1. Sam was devastated. When the teacher wasn’t fooled by his hairstyle. 2. Whenever my dog sees Tanya’s hair.

5 Avoiding run-on Sentences
A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses (sentences) are joined together incorrectly.

6 How do Clauses help me Fix Run-On Sentences? p122 MIDDLE
*Insert a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS). (Turn the run-on sentence into an I,ccI). 1. Betsy was really in the Christmas spirit she spent five hours at the salon having her hair styled.

7 WARNING! Do NOT insert a comma everywhere you see a FANBOYS. Only use the comma between two complete sentences. INCORRECT: James disliked his haircut, but could not find a hat to hide it.

8 CORRECT: James disliked his haircut but could not find a hat to hide it.
CORRECT: James disliked his haircut, but he could not find a hat to hide it.

9 Fixing Run-Ons p123 *Insert a semi-colon (Turn the run-on sentence into an I; I). 1. Jeff had a mohawk it was several different colors. 2. Jeff’s hair won first prize for most creative hairstyle he used the prize money to buy a matching outfit.

10 Fixing Run-Ons * Insert a period (Turn the run-on into two separate “I” sentences). **AVOID short, choppy sentences unless it is for a specific purpose. AVOID THIS: See Jane run. Jane runs fast. Jane runs down the street.

11 Practice Fixing Fragments & Run-Ons
1) Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks, the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving. 2) Ran down the stairs, across the hall, and into the kitchen. 3) The hill was covered with wildflowers, it was a beautiful sight.

12 4) The artist preferred to paint in oils, he did not like watercolors.
5) He looked carefully in the underbrush but he failed to notice the pair of green eyes staring at him. 6) Snapped at me.

13 Fragments on the ACT #1 A. missing the helping verb that makes it a question B. the helping verb needs to be moved so that it is a question not a statement C. the helping verb is in the right spot! D. Wrong tense/not a question

14 Fused (run-ons) sentences on the act #1
If “they” is removed the second half is no longer an ind. clause, so there is no need for a comma Don’t start a sentence with a fanboys (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) Always put a comma after the fanboys when connecting two independent clauses

15 Fused (run-on) sentences on act #2
A. Two independent clauses run together B. Comma splice C. Subordinating conjunction correctly joins clauses (D, I D) D. If you remove “they” you no longer have an ind. clause, so you would not need a comma (it would be a compound predicate)

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