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The Rock Cycle Objectives: Define Geology Explain unformitarianism

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Presentation on theme: "The Rock Cycle Objectives: Define Geology Explain unformitarianism"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rock Cycle Objectives: Define Geology Explain unformitarianism
Describe the three main groups of rocks Explain the rock cycle WE WILL ROCK YOU! (The Rock Cycle).mp4 Rock Cycle Rap Song.mp4

2 Geology Root words: “Geo” means Earth “logos” means study of
Geology then literally means “Study of Earth”. In a more academic sense, Geology is the study of the structure of the planet Earth and the forces that make and shape the Earth.

3 Principle of uniformitarianism
Do rocks last forever? Does the Earth look the same as it did thousands of years ago? When did the surface of the Earth start changing? What evidence do we have that the Earth has changed? In the 1700, a Scottish doctor and farmer named James Hutton studied the rocks and landscape around him trying to answer these questions.

4 Geologic processes that operate today also operated in the past.

5 For example: The way to get an A in Social Studies is the same as the way to get an A in Science (study and participate). Your grown-ups will get equally upset with you and your sibling for going $100 over your cell phone minutes.

6 The rates of erosion of a piece of exposed sandstone are the same now as when it was formed (this allows us to estimate age). The rate of radioactive decay of 14C is the same now as 4.6 billion years ago (again allowing us to estimate age)

7 The process that formed the Tatra Mountain in Slovakia is the same process that formed the Rockies in the US.

8 Uniformitarianism the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted from the action of continuous and uniform processes.

9 How does uniformitarianism help geologists understand Earth’s history?
Key question How does uniformitarianism help geologists understand Earth’s history? Think for 30 seconds. Turn to your neighbor and explain (be ready to share out) (1 minute) Share out to the class.

10 Geologists classify rocks into three main groups:
Types of Rocks Geologists classify rocks into three main groups: Igneous – made through fire Sedimentary – made through settling Metamorphic - made through change

11 Igneous Rock Igneous rocks form when molten material from beneath the Earth’s surface cools and hardens. Granite (left) and obsidian (right) are both igneous rocks. These two were found in basically the same spot of the Sierra Nevada at roughly the same location and have the same basic composition. Why are they so different? Think – tell your neighbor – share out.

12 Sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock is made of sediments that have been deposited and then pressed together to form solid rock. Why are most fossils found in sedimentary rocks?

13 Metamorphic rock Metamorphic rock forms when an existing rock is changed by heat, pressure or chemical reactions Shale (sedimentary) heat and pressure = Slate Basalt (igneous) heat and pressure = Greenstone

14 The Rock Cycle The rock cycle is a series of processes on and beneath the Earth’s surface that slowly change rocks from one kind to another. Bill nye rock cycle.mp4 (4 minutes)

15 Crayon Rock Cycle

16 Play the Rock Cycle game:
As you travel through the rock cycle, keep track of where you went, how you got there, and what happened. You will use this information to draw a cartoon.

17 Procedures: Remember inside voices
1. Start at your table. Roll the dice once. Be careful with the dice. Each person rolls their own dice. This is not a group activity. Everyone will go to different stations according to the dice. 2. Note on your worksheet what the dice says. Move to the next station it tells you to go to. It may say to stay at that station. If it does you roll again after the other 1. students who are waiting have rolled. 3. Continue to move to the stations that the dice indicate. 4. When you have filled in your sheet or I stop the game, go to open space near the window and pick up the rubric. 5. Begin reading your rubric and remain quiet.

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