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Presentation on theme: "NOW YOU SEE ME... NOW YOU DON'T!."— Presentation transcript:


2 A QUICK REVIEW... adaptation a characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment A cheetah’s speed allows it to hunt and capture prey.

3 animals that kill and eat
prey animals hunted as food predators animals that kill and eat other animals


5 Let's think about it... What did the M&M’s represent?
What did we represent? What did the candy corn represent? Why did some colors survive while others did not? What would happen to the population if we replaced the candy corn environment with an environment of red hots?

6 OBJECTIVES At the end of this lesson you will be able to…
investigate how body color helps animals survive. name specific ways animals and humans adapt to survive in their environments. predict which “animals” will be camouflaged in our activity.

7 What does camouflage mean to you?

8 Camouflage is the disguising of some object by patterns or colors that make the object hard to see.

9 Camouflage is important to both humans and animals in order for them to survive in their environments.

10 How do humans use camouflage in real life?
Hunters camouflage themselves to catch prey. Armies camouflage buildings, weapons, and other targets. Soldiers wear camouflage uniforms.

11 How do animals camouflage themselves?
Chameleons are best known for their ability to change the color of their skin. The snowshoe hare changes color with the season.

12 What color do you think the snowshoe hare would be in the summer?
What color do you think the snowshoe hare would be in the winter when it is snowing? What color do you think the snowshoe hare would be in the summer?

13 Can you find the crafty chameleon?

14 Which colors do you think will be the easiest to find? Why?
PREDICTIONS Which colors do you think will be the hardest to find? Why?

15 Let's think about it... Were your predictions correct?
Why did we find all of some colors, but only a few of other colors? What did the chenille stems represent? What did we represent? How would this activity have been different if we would have done it in January?

16 What did you learn today?

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