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Information Technology Department Weekly Status

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1 Information Technology Department Weekly Status
8/22/16 Information Technology Department Weekly Status Highlights Poster for the upcoming Mercy IT student video game tournament GAME ON – Thursday, marketing began for the “Mercy Rushdown” student video game tournament, hosted by Mercy IT, which will be held in the Mercy Hall Rotunda on Friday, September 16th. EARLY RISERS, PART I – Mercy IT staffers Ken Soohoo, Jonathan Haldar, Jouvelle Aguiar, Angelo Balbuena, and Shabad Sood worked 5:30 am to 1:00 pm Saturday to shut down and start up the Mercy Hall data center while Facilities made needed upgrades to power. EARLY RISERS, PART II – In the words of a Mercy VP, IT staffer Deborah Stark did an “outstanding job over the past week, sometimes working to 10 pm or starting at 5 am” to help prepare critical reports for a special project. DRAFT FOR FEEDBACK – Wednesday, the 14 members of the online education task force began discussing the first draft of a new 3-year plan to take online education at Mercy to the next level.

2 Information Technology Department Weekly Status
8/22/16 Information Technology Department Weekly Status Goals and Accomplishments Department Goals Current Initiatives Priority Status Complete all items in the 90-day interim IT strategic plan by Sept. 6, 2016 On target. Eight items are already complete. Establish clear and concise charters for IT-related governance committee(s) ACU – complete LEC – complete Other – TBD Establish an institutionally supported and prioritized technology strategic plan Draft being reviewed Establish an enterprise wide approach to data and reporting. In progress. ACU approved ideas Maintain CRM tool(s) serving Admissions and Student Affairs Finishing EAB rollout and expanding Talisma 33 items in the 90-day plan, including 24 construction-related items, online ed. strategy, reporting, and IT procurement redesign 15 projects in the portfolio (major one-time initiatives with written plans designed to meet specific goals) 1,110 requests pending (minor customer-initiated technology changes) 21 incidents pending (I.T. problems to solve) Challenges/Items for Escalation Recent Accomplishments Item Due Who? Large number of web requests jeopardizing completion of priority tasks. Placing 71 tickets on hold. 9/6 S. Birmingham Description Date 39 incidents were resolved this week, 388% more than this week last year. 864 requests were completed this week, 2% less than this week last year. 8/15/16 – 8/21/16 In this cell, future editions of this report will contain a summary of training provided in the past week. No major issues or unplanned outages last week (Current Ellucian uptime credit: $X coming soon)

3 Information Technology Department Weekly Status
8/22/16 Information Technology Department Weekly Status Metrics for 7/25/16 – 7/31/16 Incident and Request Summary Data Top Five Incident and Request Types Project Portfolio by Phase Target: 50% or greater closed on initial contact Target: no more than 10% incidents (problems)

4 Information Technology Department Weekly Status
8/22/16 Information Technology Department Weekly Status Definitions Incident and Request Summary Data Incident and Request Types All incident and request customers receive an automated from the Service Now work tracking system asking about the timeliness of the support and the competency and customer service skills of the individual who helped them. About 6% of customers complete the survey. Ratings are very satisfied (5), satisfied (4), neutral (3), dissatisfied (2), and very dissatisfied (1). Scores are averaged and converted to a percentage using the formula 25*(score-1). The target is 90% or greater, which corresponds to average scores of 4.6 and above. Charts include scores for tickets handled by the onsite and remote members of the Mercy Central IT Department, as well as by the offsite Ellucian help desk. Based on SNOW reports Mercy IT 8a, 8b, and 8c. All incidents and requests are categorized as one of the following topics: Academic websites, Application/ File Servers, AV/Media, BI/Reporting, Collaboration Tools, Core Network, Data Center, Database Administration, Desktop Support, Directory, ERP Apps, Help Desk, Hosting, Lab/Classroom, LMS, Mail, Mobile, Other Enterprise Apps, Platform/OS, Portal, SaaS Apps, Security Services, VoIP/Telecomm, or Web Content Management. Based on SNOW report Mercy IT 9 Project Portfolio Each project managed by the IT Department progresses through the 5 phases of the Mercy IT project lifecycle. In phase 1, discussion, stakeholders explore ideas, gather information, and consider alternatives. When all discussions are complete, they determine whether to move on to the planning phase or abandon the ideas. In phase 2, planning, a project manager is assigned, a team is assembled, and a detailed project plan is created. In phase 3, approval, the detailed project plan is reviewed and approved by the appropriate individuals or groups. If all necessary approvals are not gained, the project may be cancelled, or may return to the planning phase. During phase 4, execution, the project manager coordinates the activities of the team according to the approved plan. After all elements of the approved plan have been completed, the project enters phase 5, closing, when any necessary closeout tasks are performed, a wrap-up meeting is held to document lessons learned, and a team celebration is held. Incidents (problems) are either resolved by the original analyst during the initial telephone call, resolved by that analyst at a later time, or escalated to someone else. This pie chart shows the percentage of problems resolved by the original analyst on the initial call. s are not counted. Based on SNOW report Mercy IT 7 Routine work for customers is categorized into requests (minor customer-initiated technology changes), and incidents (technology problems to solve). This pie chart shows the percentage of each. The goal is to keep the percentage of incidents low. Based on SNOW report Mercy IT 10

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