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The Euler-Lagrange Equation

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1 The Euler-Lagrange Equation
Finding a Klein-Gordon Lagrangian or The Klein-Gordon Equation L Provided we can identify the appropriate this should be derivable by The Euler-Lagrange Equation L L

2 I claim the expression L serves this purpose

3 L L L L L L L L

4 LDIRAC(r,t) L(r,t) L = LK-G + LDIRAC + LINT
You can show (and will for homework!) show the Dirac Equation can be derived from: LDIRAC(r,t) We might expect a realistic Lagrangian that involves systems of particles L(r,t) = LK-G LDIRAC but each term describes free non-interacting particles describes photons describes e+e- objects L + LINT But what does terms look like? How do we introduce the interactions the experience?

5 We’ll follow (Jackson) E&M’s lead:
A charge interacts with a field through: current-field interactions the fermion (electron) the boson (photon) field from the Dirac expression for J particle state antiparticle (hermitian conjugate) state Recall the “state functions” Have coefficients that must satisfy anticommutation relations. They must involve operators! What does such a PRODUCT of states mean?

6 or We introduce operators (p) and †(p) satisfying either of 2 cases:
Along with a representation of the (empty) vacuum state: | 0  such that:

7 † † The Creation Operator It's alive! ALIVE! X (p) X (p)

8 | 0  “creates” a free particle of 4-momentum p
The complex conjugate of this equation reads: The above expression also tells us: | 0  which we interpret as:

9 THE ANNIHILATOR The Annihilation Operator X (p) X (p) | p > = 0

10 the orthonormal states we’ve assumed:
If we demand, in general, the orthonormal states we’ve assumed: 1 an operation that makes no contribution to any calculation

11 | 0  †(p)|0 = [ (p-q)  †(p)(q) ] |0 = (p-q)|0
Then †(p)|0 = [ (p-q)  †(p)(q) ] |0 zero = (p-q)|0 This is how the annihilation operator works: If a state contains a particle with momentum q, it destroys it. The term simply vanishes (makes no contribution to any calculation) if p  q. |p1 p2 p3 = †(p1)†(p2)†(p3) | 0 

12 †(p)†(k)|0 = †(k)†(p)|0 †(p)†(k)|0 = -†(p)†(k)|0
or in contrast †(p)†(k)|0 = †(k)†(p)|0 †(p)†(k)|0 = -†(p)†(k)|0 |pk = |kp |pk = -|kp |pp = |pp and if p=k this gives and if p=k this must give This is perfectly OK! These must be symmetric states These are anti-symmetric states BOSONS FERMONS

13 The most general state

14   dk3 g h a b† a b k s s s {(r,t), †(r´,t)} =d 3(r – r)
Recall the most general DIRAC solution: dk3 k s s g h s that these Dirac particles are fermions If we insist: {(r,t), †(r´,t)} =d 3(r – r) we can identify (your homework) g as an annihilation operator a(p,s) and h as a creation operator b†(-p,-s) a b† a b

15 d d [A(r,t), A†(r´,t)] =d 3(r – r)
Similarly for the photon field (vector potential) [A(r,t), A†(r´,t)] =d 3(r – r) If we insist: Bosons! -s -k -s -k d d Remember here there is no separate anti-particle (but 1 particle with 2 helicities). Still, both solutions are needed for mathematical completeness.

16 a†b†d† a†ad† a†ad† a†ad bb†d† bb†d bad† bad Now, since
interactions between Dirac particles (like electrons) and photons appear in the Lagrangian as It means these interactions involve operator products of (a† b ) (a b† ) (d† d ) creates an electron annihilates an electron creates a photon annihilates a photon annihilates a positron creates a positron giving terms with all these possible combinations: a†b†d† a†ad† a†ad† a†ad bb†d† bb†d bad† bad

17 a†b†d† a†ad† a†ad† a†ad bb†d† bb†d bad† bad 0|daa†|0 a†b†d† a†ad†
What do these mean? a†b†d† a†ad† a†ad† a†ad bb†d† bb†d bad† bad In all computations/calculations we’re interested in, we look for amplitudes/matrix elements like: 0|daa†|0 Dressed up by the full integrals to calculate the probability coefficients creates a positron e+ e- e- a†b†d† a†ad† e- creates an electron creates a photon annihilates an electron

18 e- a†ad† time e- e- a†ad time e-

19 In Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
All physically are ultimately reducible to this elementary 3-branched process. We can describe/explain ALL electromagnetic processes by patching together copies of this “primitive vertex” p3 p4 …two final state electrons exit. e- e- …a  is exchanged (one emits/one absorbs)… Our general solution allows waves traveling in BOTH directions e- e- p1 p2 Calculations will include both and not distinguish the contributions from either case. Two electrons (in momentum states p1 and p2) enter… Coulomb repulsion (or “Møller scattering”) Mediated by an exchanged photon!

20 bad†  What does this describe? time e- e+
These diagrams can be twisted/turned as long as we preserve the topology (all vertex connections) and describe an equally valid (real, physical) process bad† What does this describe? time e- e+

21 Bhaba Scattering

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