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LCA English and Communications

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1 LCA English and Communications
Vox Pop LCA English and Communications

2 Vox Pop Shortened form of “vox populi” Latin for voice of the people
Effectively recording the voices and opinions of passers by

3 Vox Pop Consist of a montage of voices/opinions usually recorded in a public place Often in street or shopping centre

4 Vox Pop Generally cut together rather than carefully mixed
Short - normally seconds. Any more will sound laboured

5 Vox Pop Represents views of the public
Is not scientific - it is the 6 people who were willing to talk A range of voices/opinions

6 Vox Pop Include range of Age Gender Ethnicity Sensible Crazy Outraged

7 Vox Pop Audibly on location
Backgound noise e.g. traffic makes it sound real Not drowned out!

8 Vox Pop Best ones are quirky/odd Fast paced

9 Vox Pop Normally reporters voice DOES NOT appear
Question is edited out Avoid big complex questions e.g. How much do you like shopping?

10 Next Work in teams of 3 Get headphones and splitters
Go to Follow the link to the BBC training site Make notes as you go


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