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Antonyms Synonyms Homonyms.

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Presentation on theme: "Antonyms Synonyms Homonyms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antonyms Synonyms Homonyms

2 Homophone Sets Circle the words that are homophones and then write the matching homophone next to the word. Two of these words have three homophones; can you find all of them? red __________________________ green __________________________ blue __________________________ write __________________________ hair __________________________ snare __________________________ pair __________________________ six __________________________ two __________________________ see __________________________ read blew right hare pare, pear to, too sea

3 Homograph Sets Circle the words that are homographs and then write a sentence using both homographs. tire __________________________________ time __________________________________ tear __________________________________ how __________________________________ now __________________________________ bow __________________________________ row __________________________________ man __________________________________ fan __________________________________ can __________________________________

4 Synonyms What synonyms can you suggest for the underlined words?
Pick words that are more specific and descriptive. Yesterday I read a good book. It had a cool plot with many surprises. The main character was very interesting. I think you would like this funny book a lot.

5 What antonyms can you use for the underlined words in these sentences?
1) I despise snakes and spiders. 2) You displayed your cowardice when you picked up that scorpion. 3) This glass of orange juice tastes artificial. 4) Turn the key clockwise to unlock the door. 5) Be sure to wake me up at dusk.

6 Circle the homonyms that make sense
Which Homonym? Circle the homonyms that make sense in these sentences. 1) I [would/wood] like to go to the beach today. 2) My [ant/aunt] nags me about wearing sunscreen. 3) I would rather [bye, by, buy] a beach umbrella. 4) We set [sail/sale] across the [see/sea]. 5) I had a [grate/great] day at the beach but I turned [read/red] as a lobster!

7 Rewrite #1 Someone on the staff used the wrong homophones for these headlines. Can you circle these words and then rewrite the correct homophones below? Fowl Play Suspected in Missing Palm Trees ___________________ Piece Rally Takes Place Tomorrow Boy’s Bazaar Behavior Caused by Allergy Rescued Hoarse Needs New Home Foul Peace Bizarre Horse

8 Rewrite #2 Someone on the staff is at it again, using the wrong homophones for these headlines. Can you circle these words and then rewrite the correct homophones below? No Brake in Rainy Weather ___________________ Bridle Shower Ends in Catfight Outdoor Photography Coarse Canceled Suite 16 Party Filmed for TV Show Break **This slide needs write-on lines. Also, make sure words are circled in order. Bridal Course Sweet

9 Rewrite #3 It must be contagious! Now someone on the advertising staff has used the wrong homophones for these ads. Can you circle the wrong words and then rewrite the correct homophones below? A Solution for Coarse, Curly Hare ___________________ Fruity, Fiber-Filled Serial Your Cat Will Sink His Clause into This Toy Guaranteed to Deter Dear from Eating Your Garden Hair Cereal Claws Deer

10 Rewrite #4 Someone in advertising is at it again, using the wrong homophones for these ads. Can you circle the wrong words and then rewrite the correct homophones below? A Name You Can Trussed ___________________ Keep Currant with a Subscription Are You Ode Money? Our Chocolate Moose Is Delicious Trust **This slide needs write-on lines. Also, make sure words are circled in order. Current Owed Mousse

11 Write the homonyms that make sense
Homonym Nonsense Write the homonyms that make sense in these sentences. 1) A warty _____ _______ the truck. [towed/toad] 2) I used three cups of ______ and then cut the dough in ______ shapes. [flower/flour] 3) My sister ______ ______ lemons in the contest. [ate/eight] 4) The ______ locked his merchandise in the ______. [cellar/seller] toad towed flour flower ate eight seller cellar

12 Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved.

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