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Reciprocal Pronouns.

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Presentation on theme: "Reciprocal Pronouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reciprocal Pronouns

2 ¿Ayudas a tu mamá?

3 Juan ayuda a Ana. Ana ayuda a Juan.

4 Juan ayuda a Ana. Ana ayuda a Juan. Juan y Ana se ayudan.

5 Reciprocal pronouns Reciprocal actions involve two or more people doing something to or for each other, such as helping one another or calling one another To show that action is reciprocal, use the reciprocal pronouns nos, os, se with a plural verb form

6 Ayudarse to help each other

7 Nosotros nos ayudamos. We help each other.

8 Ustedes se ayudan. You help each other.

9 Ellos se ayudan. They help each other.

10 abrazarse to hug each other

11 Nosotros nos abrazamos.
We hug.

12 quererse to love each other

13 Ellos se quieren. They love each other.

14 Nosotros nos queremos. We love each other.

15 respetarse to respect each other

16 They respect each other.
Ellos se respetan. They respect each other.

17 pelearse to fight...

18 Don't fight! ¡No se peleen!

19 More verbs with reciprocal pronoun

20 contarse cuentos to tell stories

21 contarse chistes to tell jokes

22 decirse la verdad to tell the truth

23 decirse mentiras to tell lies

24 prestarse ... to lend...

25 prestarse ropas prestarse dinero

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