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Members of Group Anjar Fatimah Avif Furoh L Mahraodatul Abidah

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2 Members of Group Anjar Fatimah Avif Furoh L Mahraodatul Abidah
Nensi Arfika Dewi Julia Iskandar


4 INTRODUCTION Voice is the grammatical category expressing the relationship between participan roles and grammatical relations borne by those same nouns phares (trask 1993). There are at least seven voice system: active, passive, antipassive, middle, reflexive, causative and reciprocal.


6 ACTIVE It is donating a construction, usually involving a transitive verb, in which the S (subject) of the verb typically represents the A (agent) perfoming the action, and the O (object) represents the P (patient). Example: 1. Andy kicked the ball KLIK ME <-

7 Examples: The ball was kicked by Andi
PASSIVE Passive can be described as a counterpart of Active. Both passive and active are semantically the same but syntactically different. They can be distinguished in the word orders and the markings on the verbs as well. Examples: The ball was kicked by Andi KLIK ME <-

8 Example : John struck at Bill
ANTIPASSIVE Is a superficially intransitive construction whose subject is an agent and which contains an obligue noun phrase representing an underlying direct object. Example : John struck at Bill KLIK ME <-

9 Example: John is shaving
MIDDLE A distinctive form in which its verb serves to express that the subject is acting on or for herself/himself. Example: John is shaving KLIK ME <-

10 REFLEXIVE It denotes a construction in which two noun phrases are understood as having the same referent. The reflexive in English are myself, himself, themselves, etc. Example: I cook myself He hanghimself KLIK ME <-

11 Example: He made his brother take a bath
CAUSATIVE It is a clause involving two arguments in which the causer fills the subject position and the initial subject is pushed to object position, and the verb is marked with an affix, glossed. Example: He made his brother take a bath KLIK ME <-

12 Example: Janet and Elroy are not speaking to each other
RECIPROCAL It is a construction expressing the action of two entities on each other or several entities on one another,. English reciprocal anaphor is each other. Example: Janet and Elroy are not speaking to each other KLIK ME <-

13 Any Question?

14 SUMMARY A number of languages have been used to show voice systems. English, for instance, covers active, antipassive, middle, causative, reflexive and reciprocal. In summary, we can see their morphological markings for voices across languages.

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