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Conservation by cultivation: Linkages between an endangered endemic fir (Abies guatemalensis Rehder) and peasant economies in the western highlands of.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation by cultivation: Linkages between an endangered endemic fir (Abies guatemalensis Rehder) and peasant economies in the western highlands of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation by cultivation: Linkages between an endangered endemic fir (Abies guatemalensis Rehder) and peasant economies in the western highlands of Guatemala Faculty of Life Sciences Department of Ecology Faculty of Agronomy USAC José Pablo Prado Córdova Barcelona, January 2008

2 Contents Background Field highlights Main findings
Problem Objectives, research questions and hypothesis Field highlights Main findings Conclusions: Livelihoods implications Photo show Discussion

3 I. Background Townships, local power and collective action
67-57 85% 43-25 80-65 58% 81%

4 NR conservation + improved rural welfare
Problem statement Increased illegal extraction of a threatened species for Christmas decorations whose commercial value might improve income levels for poor rural households Conservation by cultivation approach Forest dependency Multidisciplinary NR conservation + improved rural welfare

5 Specific objective and research questions
SO4: Characterise subsistence rural systems within the natural area of distribution of A. guatemalensis and assess the importance of utilisation of this species for local livelihoods strategies within the peasant economies RQ1: What is the role of A. guatemalensis within the local peasant economies in its natural area of distribution? RQ2: What other associated forest goods and services are relevant for local small-scale agriculture? RQ3: What is the degree of forest dependency in these communities?

6 Hypothesis: H2 Benefits from A. guatemalensis
Market driven extinction path Improved livelihoods as a result of: Strengthened local capacities for land husbandry Enforced local rules and regulations Adjusted national policies

7 II. Field highlights Field assistance: 4 bachelor students + 20 local enumerators + USAC infrastructure Household sampling = Random selection + Practical matters 190 households across 12 villages in three townships Relatively high levels of attrition (  23%) Enumerators: Trade off between local support and technical qualifications


9 III. Main preliminary findings Forest related income

10 Income structure and costs
Potatoes Income structure and costs Townships incomes and costs (GTQ/year) Maize Firewood Wage

11 Wage structure

12 Poverty thresholds 5780 2560

13 IV. Conclusions: Livelihoods implications
RQ1: Scarce evidence (11%) was found of linkages between A. guatemalensis and income sources (pull driven) RQ2: Linkages between forest ecosystems and small-scale agriculture (litter and firewood) RQ3: Significant dependency on forest related income for subsistence purposes

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