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Imperialism Chapter 23, 24, 25.

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1 Imperialism Chapter 23, 24, 25

2 Victorian Age She had the longest reign in British history
Really had not political power Married a German Prince and had several children Set the stage for the Victorian Age: Duty, thrift, honesty, hard work, and above all respectability

3 British Colonies Britain conquered Australia, parts of Africa and India A British Viceroy in India governed in the name of the queen. (representative ruling in another country) Set up penal colonies: places where people convicted of crimes are sent Usually indigenous (original or native to a country or region) people who are conquered by another country

4 Famine in Ireland Irish Potato famine:
Not rotating their crop caused lack of production Mass migration to the U.S. Also, trying to fight off Britain and gain home rule: local self government

5 France Massive Urban Renewal projects all over Paris
France’s economy is finally revitalized after years of revolution Organized the building of the Suez Canal: man-made waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea

6 United States Civil War is on the breech
Segregation is prominent: forced separation by race, sex, religion, or ethnicity Look at the map on pg 742

7 Imperialism Taking complete control over another country
Imperialism is prominent because: Land Equals Power! Look at the map on pg 757

8 Imperialism Scramble for Africa
Many countries saw Africa as an easy target to gain territory Africa has many natural resources such as oil and diamonds Berlin Conference: the scramble for Africa was getting out of hand, so European delegates met in Berlin, Germany to discuss some regulations. They decided that you can no longer take over another country unless you establish a government headquarters first

9 Imperialism Coalition: temporary alliance of various political parties
Protectorate: a country with its won government but under the control of an outside power Isolationism: isolating one’s country from outside affairs, keeping to yourself Sphere of Influence: area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges Extraterritoriality: right of foreigners to be protected by the laws of their own nation

10 Ottoman Empire Many problems were arising within this Ancient Empire
Countries were wanting autonomy Turks were wanting reform Armenian Genocide: Turks killed this Christian group; deliberate attempt to destroy a racial, political, or cultural group

11 China Had a favorable balance of trade with other countries: difference between how much a country imports and exports China had a trade surplus with most countries: export more than you import However, several Western countries (including us) have a trade deficit with China: import more than you export

12 China v Britain China and Britain were fighting over land that Britain had gained control of. Read page (Opium War) China defeated Britain but provided Britain with a large indemnity (or payment for losses)

13 Russo-Japanese War Russia challenge Japan in ruling Korea and Manchuria However, Russia still lacking in many areas (military being one), underestimated the Japanese and lost

14 Spanish-American War This war was over Cuba trying to win independence from Spain The American Navy defeated the Spanish and helped Cuba gain their independence Pg 793

15 Wrap-Up All in all, the Imperial Age was a time when most developed countries were trying to increase their power by taking over other lands. Some were successful and some were brutally defeated.

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