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Year One Parents Information Evening Introductions. Sarah

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1 Year One Parents Information Evening Introductions. Sarah

2 Welcome to Year One Becky
How we keep in contact? Communication is key. Home-School Diaries – Ask you child to show us important messages. You can speak to us any time, just ask and we will make time for you. It is tricky before and after school for a long chat. Write anything down – Verbally messages can be forgotten if anything occurs at drop off. Mornings can be hectic. Parent Volunteers. School website – tour Homework Weekly homework will be set every Friday and will be due back on the following Thursday. Reading homework – we recommend at least 5 times per week. We are checking homework diaries and asking the children about their reading at home to praise their efforts.

3 FS – Year One Transition Sarah
Structured play opportunities. Class books. Gradual transition to more formal learning.

4 Trips Sarah Blue Planet – Linked to Science and topic about Oceans.
Parent helpers Wednesday 4th October

5 Simple View of Reading Natasha
This is where we want all children to be.

6 Reading Strategies Natasha
Phonic skills Blending Picture clues Checking for meaning. 1:1 correspondence (up to band 5) after this point place finger at the start of a line. Tricky words and High Frequency Words. Games

7 Comprehension Natasha
Comprehension is how well we can understand and interpret a text. Many children become good readers but are unable to fully comprehend/ understand what they have read. Good readers can read for purpose. E.g. Reading for pleasure and/ or reading for specific meaning.

8 Comprehension. Natasha
Recalling information from the text Who, What, Where, Why, When, How? Predicting What do you think this book is about? How do you know? What do you think might happen next? What clues are in the text? Structure of the text (fiction and non-fiction) What does a glossary/ index/ contents do? How does the text layout help the reader? Why is the word in bold? Discussing the authors viewpoint Why do you think the author has chosen to use this word? How does this poem make you feel? Story Setting Where do you think this story is set? Why? Can you think of a similar story?

9 Inference: Reading between the Lines - Natasha
Inference is using prior knowledge to draw conclusions from a text. Why do you think that the children are sitting in that way? Who do you think they are? How can you tell? What do you think they are doing? How do you know from the picture? How do you think they are feeling? How can you tell? What do you think happened before this picture was taken? What do you think will happen next?

10 Interpreting a Sentence Natasha
Sleepy Tom was late for school again. What do we know about the person in this sentence? Why was he sleepy? How do we know that he is often late for school?

11 Guided Reading Becky Read in small groups at least once a week.
Interpret texts and focus on specific reading skills/strategies. Share a variety of texts. Focus on various phonemes and spelling patterns that link with writing. Encourage a love of reading. Link with topic we are focusing on.

12 New Curriculum Sarah September 2014 saw the introduction of the New National Curriculum. What does this mean for my child? Maths English Grammar Computing Spelling Handwriting – cursive style.

13 Writing Natasha Main focus is on the formation of a sentence.
Finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. ‘and’ to connect simple clauses. Beginning to use simple adjectives to describe. Extend writing to simple narratives and writing for different purposes. Encourage incidental writing as much as possible (shopping lists, cards etc..) Phonetically plausible attempts at words. Handwriting.

14 Maths Becky How can you help at home?
Counting, writing, recognising and ordering numbers (up to 100). Visualising a number line e.g. begin to be able to say one more/ less, counting on and counting back. Mental strategies for adding and subtracting. Number bonds to 10 and 20. Recognising money, including being able to pay and receive change. Days of week, months of year. Telling the time at o’clock and half past the hour.

15 Assessment Sarah On-going assessment – observations, marking, guided/individual reading, POP tests, discussions Half term/termly assessment – benchmarking, maths tests End of year

16 Phonic Screening Check Sarah
All Year One children will undertake the check during a week in June. The check is very similar to tasks the children already complete during their daily phonics lessons. Children will be asked to ‘sound out’ a word and blend the sounds together. E.g. d-o-g = dog. The focus of the check is to see which sounds the children know and therefore the children will be asked to read made up ‘nonsense’ words. This is not a reading test.

17 Phonic Screening Check Sarah

18 Partnership Q & A

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