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Russia and the Republics
History of Expansion Settled by Slavic and Scandinavian people.
s invaded by the Mongols. Early 1500s Ivan the Great regained Russia and expansive growth occurred. Czar Peter the Great moved capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Industrialization did not come to Russia until the late 1800s which resulted in harsh working conditions and low wages.
Soviet Union USSR
1917, Russia was a powerful world country controlled by the Czar monarchy.
Russian Revolution occurred due to anger at working and living conditions. Vladimir Lenin, leader of the communist party overthrew the czars and took control of the country/economy. Put a command economy in place.
Command Economy Communists owned property together, and everyone would share the wealth. Government took control of land, mines, factories, banks, and transportation systems. Government decided what products factories would make, what crops would be farmed, and what price merchants would sell goods.
Lenin, with the help of his advisors Trotsky and Stalin, created the Red Army and started to get rid of anti- communist people in the USSR. Thousands of people were killed as suspects. Russian Civil War broke out until 1921 when the Communist Party won and the Soviet Union was created. Party decision were made by the Politburo, group of high up Party officials, and obeyed down the line. Secretariat in charge of Party loyalty. Goal was to create a classless society, so all enemies were eliminated through execution or exile.
Stalin began the 5-Year Plan Policy:
brought drought and social confusion resulting in 2-5 million deaths. 1924, Lenin died. Stalin defeated Trotsky who was exiled and later murdered by Stalin agents with an ice pick. Stalin began the 5-Year Plan Policy: Idea to turn the Soviet Union into an industrial power with the majority of people working in industry, and the peasants farming collectively to provide food.
Farmers who resisted were killed or deported.
Farmers forced to pool their land and resources into collective farms of about 75 households. Collectivism destroyed the way of life of the peasantry which was 80% of the people. Farmers who resisted were killed or deported. Farmers slaughtered animals rather than share them resulting in ½ of the nation’s livestock dying. Drought continued between resulting in another 6 million deaths. By million country people had left for the cities to work in industry. 1st decade under Stalin produced faster growth than any Western country every showed.
Stalin began the Great Purge to rid more anti- communist supporters.
Many new mines and factories were placed in Siberia where the key labor force was from concentration camps (gulags). Gulag inmates were farmers and people suspected of not being enthusiastic enough about Stalin. Inmates became part of the slave trade industry. By 1938 there were 8 million gulag inmates. Average life expectancy 2 years. 90% of inmates died.
Used the KGB as secret police to prevent any rebelling, and sent any suspects to the gulags.
Encouraged citizens to turn on each other. Estimated that 20 million Soviets died during Stalin’s Reign of Terror. Stalin and the USSR entered WWII against Germany in 1941; ally of the United States. After WWII, Stalin installed pro-Soviet governments in the Eastern European countries that were liberated from Germany.
U.S. leaders feared Soviet communist expansion.
By the 1940s, tension between U.S. and Soviet Union began called the Cold War. Communism vs. Capitalism New Soviet demon became “cosmopolitanism” or warm feelings toward the west. . War was cold due to no direct fighting. Intervention with other countries and fighting with words occurred. Korea and Vietnam intervention Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1953 Stalin died and the Soviet Union began to dismantle slowly.
Focus was put on beating the U.S. economically. 1957, Soviets launch first satellite in space, Sputnik. 1961, 1st person in space. 1961, Berlin Wall set up 1962, Cuban missile crisis. Morale, economy, and political corruption continued for decades. 1984, Mikhail Gorbachev took over the Soviet Union and started new policies to help the economy.
Gorbachev gave more economic and political freedom to Soviets.
1988, a new parliament was created and members were elected by the people. Collapse of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991. Moved to a market economy. 15 independent countries were created from the former Soviet Union, including Russia.
Moving toward authoritarian?????
Russian politics dominated by Vladimir Putin since 2000 president, prime minister, president again! Former KGB member who controls almost all aspects of society/business, and removed opposition. Russian citizens protested against Putin and a crack down began which continues today…
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