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Presentation on theme: "Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress

2 Constitutional Foundations
Bicameral legislature Senate: Upper House House: Lower House Powers of Congress Congressional Powers Senate Powers House Powers

3 Congressional Elections
Advantages of Incumbents: Visibility and name recognition Credit for service to constituents Advantage in raising campaign funds Safe districts and gerrymandering

4 The Incumbent Advantage

5 Legislative Districts
Reapportionment Redistricting Malapportionment Gerrymandering

6 Racial Gerrymandering
NC Congressional District 12—1992 to 1997

7 Racial Gerrymandering
NC Congressional District 12—1998

8 Post 2010 Districts

9 What reform could look like:


11 Alternate for future: Single Transferable Vote

12 Who are the Members? The job Demographics of Congress

13 Organization of Congress
Leadership in the House Speaker of the House Majority/Minority Leaders Whips Leadership in the Senate Vice President President Pro Tempore Majority/Minority Leaders and Whips

14 Organization of Congress
Committee System Standing Committees Select Committees Conference Committees Assignment to Committees

15 Organization of Congress
Caucuses Congressional Staff Staff Agencies

16 Organization of Congress
Special Procedures in the House Rules Committee Open/Closed Rule Special Procedures in the Senate Amendments Filibusters

17 The Legislative Process
Introduction Committee Action Floor Action Conference Committee Presidential Action

18 Influences on Legislation
President Party Ideology Constituents Lobbyists and Interest Groups

19 Other Congressional Action
Oversight of Other Branches Oversight of the Bureaucracy Casework Investigations

20 Congress and Democracy?
The Public Good Earmarks and Pork Reciprocity and Logrolling Theories of Representation Substantive representation Descriptive representation

21 Congress and Democracy
Access to Legislators Ethics rules Campaign finance rules Incumbent Advantage Term limits? Campaign finance reform?

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