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Mrs. Nigliaccio’s Class

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Nigliaccio’s Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Nigliaccio’s Class
Welcome to Fifth Grade Mrs. Nigliaccio’s Class

2 Let’s Get Started!!!! Collect classroom items
Organize desks and lockers Label folders and notebooks Cover text books Discuss handbook

3 Welcome to Mrs. Nigliaccio’s Class
Class Procedure

4 Morning Routine Locker Backpack Rack Desk Morning Work

5 Absent Makeup Assignments Form One day for everyday absent
Turn into box with assignment form

6 Leaving the Room Ask permission Pass goes on your desk
If you are sick, leave QUICKLY

7 End of Period or Day Wait to be dismissed

8 Quieting the Class Clapping Bell Hand in the Air
Stop what you are doing and give all attention to the teacher STOP

9 Asking/Answering a Question or Getting the Teacher’s Attention
Raise your hand

10 Sharpening Your Pencil
Before class or during homework time Small pencil sharpeners BE CAREFUL

11 Turning in Papers Homework Box Hold to be collected Hold to be graded
Remember failure to grade papers honestly is cheating

12 Heading on Papers All assignments that are turned in.
Name- First and Last Name!

13 Rules of the Classroom 1. Respect yourself and those around you.
2. Be responsible for every thing you do. Brainstorm a list of respectful and responsible behaviors Brainstorm a list of behaviors that may occur in the classroom that disobey the rules

14 Rewards 1st trimester = initials 2nd trimester= coupons
3rd trimester= auction Sit by a friend, homework pass, rewards box, etc.

15 Penalties Action Plan Detention Sent to Office Phone Call Home
Removal From Group

16 What Do I Do? I’m Done! Read Work on Homework

17 Late Homework Take Home Folder and Form
Assignment notebook Online 7:45 and after school Late Grades

18 Grading Scale LOOK UP :)

19 How Do I Know What My Grade Is?

20 Letters from Home OFFICE NOTES


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