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20c China: From Republic to Communist Power.

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Presentation on theme: "20c China: From Republic to Communist Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 20c China: From Republic to Communist Power

2 Dr. Sun Yixian (1866 – 1925) (Dr. Sun Yat-sen)

3 Chinese Warlords, 1920s Yuan Shi-kai

4 China in 1924

5 Mao Zedong As a Young Revolutionary
(Mao Tse-tung)

6 Mao With His Children, 1930s

7 Jiang Jieshi Becomes President of Nationalist China, 1928
(Chiang Kai-shek)

8 The Long March 1934

9 The Long March

10 Survivors of the March

11 Japan Invades China 1937

12 Japanese Aggression,

13 Victims of the Japanese bombing of Shanghai.

14 Japanese Soldiers March into Nanking December 9, 1937

15 The Japanese Invasion, 1937

16 Remains of Chinese Children Bayoneted by Japanese Soldiers

17 Japanese Bayonet Practice

18 Beheadings Took Place in Public!

19 Chinese Prisoners Were Often Beheaded & Displayed

20 UNIT 731: Bio-Chemical Warfare

21 UNIT 731: Live Human Dissections

22 The Communist Revolution:

23 The Peoples’ Liberation Army, 1949

24 The Communist Victory

25 Taiwan: The Republic of China

26 Jiang Jieshu ( ) (Chiang Kai-shek)

27 Madame Jiang Jieshu

28 The People’s Republic of China

29 Reasons for the Communists’ Success
Mao won support of peasants – land Mao won support of women Mao’s army used guerilla war tactics Many saw the Nationalist government as corrupt Many felt that the Nationalists allowed foreigners to dominate China.

30 Mao’s First Reforms 1. Re-distributed land. Killed many landlords.
2. Women = Men! 3. Controlled all intellectual life. 4. Socialized Agriculture. Cooperatives. Peasants a little free market. Worked.

31 Collectivization 1953 Cooperatives so successful, began collectivization. Private property abolished. Pressure to join. People unhappy. 600,000,000 collectivized. Grain rations low. Complaints.

32 100 Flowers to Bloom Mao decided to allow criticism of party corruption. People criticized. Party hated it. A year later, anyone who had complained in trouble.

33 Anti-Rightest Campaign
Anyone who had complained denounced. Needed to turn in 10 out of every 100 people. Forced confessions. 1,000,000 condemned. Sent to jail or countryside. SILENCED ALL COMPLAINTS!!

34 The Great Leap Forward (or Backward?)

35 Great Leap Forward, 1958 Communes
5 year plan to increase agriculture and industry Communes Groups of people who live and work together Property held in common Had production quotas Failed due to poor quality of products, poor weather hurt agriculture




39 Problems with Leap 1. People forced to work day and night. Ate in fields. 2. Communes developed. No family life. Communal nurseries. 3. Ordered to make steel. Useless. Cracked. 4. Had to lie about agricultural output.

40 Results of Great Leap 1. Utter disaster. Resulted in starvation. 30 MILLION died in 3 years. (not a typo) Widespread cannibalism. 2. Newspapers too afraid to report.

41 Mao takes a backseat. Government relaxes. Let peasants make a little profit. Workers rested, rewarded. Then Mao awakens …

42 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

43 A Campaign Against the “FOUR OLDS”
Old Thoughts Old Culture Old Customs Old Habits To Rebel Is Good!

44 Communist China Under Mao
Designed to renew revolutionary spirit and establish a more equitable society Mao wanted to put “intellectuals” in their place Schools shut down – students revolted Red Guards – students who attacked professors, government officials, factory managers

45 A Red Guard

46 Red Guards March to Canton

47 Cult of Personality Like a living god. Mao always right.
Stated society too successful – bourgeoisie had formed. Leaders too conservative. Attacked party.

48 With regard to the great teacher Chairman Mao, cherish the word 'Loyalty'. With regard to the great Mao Zedong Thought, vigorously stress the word 'Usefullness'. (1968) Cult of Personality

49 The reddest, reddest, red sun in our heart, Chairman Mao, and us together Zhejiang Workers, Farmers and Soldiers Art Academy collective, 1968 Mao’s Little Red Book

50 Propaganda Poster

51 Go among the workers, peasants and soldiers, and into the thick of struggle! 1967-1972

52 Propaganda Poster

53 Propaganda Poster

54 Propaganda Poster

55 Results of the Cultural Revolution
million died. 2. No one educated for 10 years. 3. Many lost homes, jobs. “Re-educated” as peasants.

56 Communist China Under Mao
Industrialized China Increased literacy Class privileges ended Rural Chinese received health care One-party dictatorship Denied people basic rights and freedoms --> Inner Mongolia, Tibet

57 “Ping-Pong Diplomacy”: U. S. Players at Great Wall, 1971

58 Mao Meets President Nixon, 1972

59 Power Struggle Communist Traditionalists Modernists Zhou Enlai
1976 Zhou Enlai “The Gang of Four”: Jiang Qin, Chen Boda, Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan

60 Communist Government and a Capitalist Economy

61 Deng Xiaoping ( )

62 De-Maoization “The 4 Modernizations” Progress in: Industry Science
Agriculture Industry Science Defense Class struggle was no longer the central focus!

63 Gap Between Rich & Poor Deng: If you open a window, some flies naturally get in!

64 Tiananmen Square, 1989 More democracy!

65 Student activist, Wang Dan, Beijing University
Tiananmen Square, 1989 Student activist, Wang Dan, Beijing University

66 Democracy—Our Common Ideal!
Tiananmen Square, 1989 Democracy—Our Common Ideal!

67 The “Goddess of Democracy”
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The “Goddess of Democracy”

68 The Government Clamps Down
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Government Clamps Down

69 Tiananmen Square, 1989 One Lone Man’s Protest

70 The Massacre: The People’s Army Moves In
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Massacre: The People’s Army Moves In

71 The Massacre: A Human Body Crushed by an Army Tank
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Massacre: A Human Body Crushed by an Army Tank

72 The Army Looks for Dissidents
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Army Looks for Dissidents

73 Student Leaders Are Arrested
Tiananmen Square, 1989 Student Leaders Are Arrested

74 Chinese Students Mourn the Dead
Tiananmen Square, 1989 Chinese Students Mourn the Dead

75 The Reestablishment of Order
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Reestablishment of Order

76 What’s the Message Here?

77 Demography may be no surer predictor of destiny than trade data. But of the two momentous changes championed by Deng Xiaoping a quarter-century ago, coercive population controls and experiments with market economics, the jury is still out on which will do more to shape China's long-term potential.

78 Demography

79 Demography There are too many retirees in China, and not enough young people to replace them.

80 Demography "The evidence is overwhelming that a large population of unmarried adult males is a risk factor for both crime and war," Ms. den Boer said in an interview. "The fact that China is an authoritarian country is another risk factor."

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