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Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA

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1 Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA
Mutations Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA

2 Mutations Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that code for a protein Mutations are caused by mutagens (means “to generate a mutation”) Examples: UV Radiation Cigarette Smoke Viruses Chemicals: Laboratory, pesticides, insecticides

3 Point Mutations One nucleotide base is replaced with another (A single nucleotide mutates thus affecting one codon.) It’s like changing one “word” in a DNA sentence.

4 Silent Point Mutation For Example
This is a harmless mutation. Since many amino acids have multiple codons, it is possible that a mutated codon will still translate into a correct amino acid. For Example Original Sequence: G A A  G A G mRNA: C U U  C U C Amino Acids: Leu  Leu

5 Missense Point Mutation
This mutation changes the amino acid coded for (MIStake). This is seen in the mutation that causes Sickle Cell Anemia For Example Original Sequence: C T T  C A T mRNA: G A A  G U A Amino Acids: Glu  Val Glutamate Or glutamic acid becomes Valine

6 Sickle Cell Anemia


8 Frameshift Mutations These mutations alter the codon sequence and shift the ‘reading frame’ (A reading frame is a set of 3 consecutive nucleotides (codon) read in the 5’  3’ direction). It’s like changing the DNA “sentence.” Frameshift mutations are normally very serious. If the codons aren’t read correctly, they will be translated into incorrect amino acids and make nonfunctional proteins.

9 Insertion: adding nucleotides to the sequence
Original sequence: THE BIG TAN DOG RAN Original with Insertion: THE BOI GTA NDO GRA N For Example Original Sequence: CAT TGA  CAT ATG A mRNA codons: GUA ACU  GUA UAC U Amino Acids: Val Thr  Val Tyr --

10 Deletion: taking nucleotides out of the sequence
Original sequence: THE BIG TAN DOG RAN Original with Deletion: THE BGT AND OGR AN For Example: Original Sequence: CAT TGA  CTT GA mRNA codons: GUA ACU  GAA CU Amino Acids: Val Thr  Glu --


12 Chromosomal Mutations
Mutations in chromosome structure Deletion: sections of the chromosome are missing Duplication: sections of a chromosome are repeated

13 Mutations in Chromosome Number
Monosomy: only one copy of a chromosome Turner Syndrome: when a female has only one X chromosome. Females with this condition have short stature, are sterile and have other physical abnormalities.

14 Trisomy: one extra copy of a particular chromosome (three copies total)
Down Syndrome (trisomy 21): mental retardation, short stature, wide set eyes Occurs in about 1 in 691. Most individuals live to adulthood, but may have shorter lifespan than average

15 Who is Affected? Somatic Cells Gametes
If a mutation happens in a body cell, only the person that the mutation occurred to will be affected Mutations in body cells can lead to cancer Gametes If a mutation happens in a sex cell, only the organism created from that sex cell will be affected. Mutations in sex cells affect future generations and this is a cause of evolution, i.e. change in DNA over time

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