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Key new features in the research data archive
Presented by the Data Support Section (DSS) of SCD Introduction ·················································· Steven Worley ERA-40 Data ·················································· Joey Comeaux NARR Data ···················································· Chi-Fan Shih Near Real-time Data from the IDD ···················· Doug Schuster Metadata: Building Data Discovery and Access ··· Bob Dattore NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Research Data Archive definition
Collection of reference datasets used in atmospheric and related sciences Over 600 datasets Add new datasets annually Maintained by 9 staff Established 40 years ago All RDA on the MSS 548K files 100.5 TB NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
RDA Content Many categories of data Observations
Model Output (NWP & Reanalyses) Climatology Data Station summary data Satellite derived datasets Global topography Much more …. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access
MSS All RDA data RDA(DSS) Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access
MSS All RDA data RDA(DSS) Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User metadata NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access
MSS All RDA data RDA(DSS) Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User metadata data NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access
MSS All RDA data RDA(DSS) Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User metadata data future data NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
User Metrics, January-April 2005
Archive Source Unique Users Data Amount (TB) NCAR MSS 242 19.1 RDA Server 1604 6.4 Highlight from RDA Server: Dataset Description Users Amount (GB) 2.5° Tropospheric Analysis 123 36 1.0° Tropospheric Analysis 480 1884 Global Upper Air Observations 128 23 Global Surface Observations 154 220 The most recent year of each archive is online NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
ECMWF ERA-40 Data from NCAR by Joey Comeaux Data Support Section
NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Atmospheric model coupled to an Ocean Wave model
Model Specifics Sept, 1957 – Aug, 2002 T159 spectral truncation Reduced N80 (~125km) 60 Hybrid Levels Ingested one of the largest archives of observational data ever assembled Atmospheric model coupled to an Ocean Wave model NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Analysis Fields on RDA web server
PRODUCTS ANALYSIS TIMES Daily at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC FORMAT: GRIB LOCATION: All Data on MSS Analysis Fields on RDA web server NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Products Horizontal Resolution Surface Pressure Level Model T159/N80
ds117.0 ds117.1 ds117.2 2.5 ds118.0 ds118.1 T106/N80 ds127.1 T85/N64 ds124.0 ds124.1 ds124.2 T159/N80 FCST ds121.0 ds121.1 ds121.2 Values in table indicate DSS dataset IDs Web pages available at Monthly Means available for ALL products NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
PRODUCTS Variable Lists
Surface 109 variables Wind, temp, mslp, sfcp, cloud cover info, precip, fluxes radiation, stresses, Vertical Integrals, & more Pressure Level Z,T,W, RH,Q,Vort, Div, ozone mixing Model Level Same as pressure level + cloud liquid & ice water content, cloud cover NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Other Products available 4X Daily at Model Resolution
Ocean Wave Analysis Fields ds123.0 Isentropic ds117.3 PV ±2 PVU ds117.4 Ocean Wave Forecast Data ds123.1 Chemical Transport ds117.5 Net Tendency ds117.1 Radiative Tendency ds117.6 Feedback Records ?????? NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
DSS ERA-40 web page More Info Available
WEB links in all DSS talks available in handout NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
North American Regional Reanalysis NARR Data Chi-Fan Shih
Good afternoon. My name is Chi-Fan Shih. I’m going to give you a quick tour of our NARR data archive.
NARR Data Archive at NCAR
Introduction Products A Few Details How to Access the Data Summary First of all, the URL of our NARR web site is My talk includes an introduction, brief description of different subgroups, a few details to be aware of, how to access the data and a summary. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
NARR & Eta-212 Domain NARR Archive NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS
Before NARR data become available, Eta-212 archive is the only operational mesoscale product we have from NCEP. This slide shows the coverages of both Eta-212 and NARR. Next slide shows differences between NARR and Eta-212. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Introduction NARR Eta-212 32 km 40 km 29 levels 26 levels
Archive Introduction NARR Eta-212 32 km km 29 levels levels Lambert-Conformal same 3 hourly same May-continuing Gridded Data: GRIB-1 same Analysis Init, Anal, Fcst Monthly Means Climatologies On-line, Mass Storage Mass Storage NARR’s resolution is 32km in the horizontal direction and has 29 vertical levels. It is on Lambert-Conformal projection. It is 3 hourly and we have the data from 1979 to All data files are in GRIB edition 1 format. You need a GRIB decoder to read, unpack the data. Currently we have 3-hourly analyses, monthly means and climatologies on-line as well as on mass storage systems. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
3-hourly Data Products Raw Files from NCEP
NARR Archive Products 3-hourly Data Raw Files from NCEP - daily “a” & “b” tar files, 466 MB/day - MSS - Total volume: 4.2 TB, Regrouped Files - subgroups: 3D, clm, flx, sfc, pbl - file sizes from 16 MB/day to 269 MB/day - tar files, on-line, MSS The 3-hourly analyses were downloaded from NCEP. The total data volume is about 4.2TB. We call those original files the “raw” files. They are on the mass storage systems only. To better serve data users, we have regrouped those “raw” files into 5 subgroups: 3D,clm,flx,sfc and pbl. Their filesizes range from 16MB/day to 269MB/day. In comparison to the 466MB/day of the “raw” files, the regrouped files are more manageable. Those regrouped data are available on-line or from mass storage in tar files. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
Products Monthly Means Climatologies ( )
NARR Archive Products Monthly Means - averages of all data in a month, monthly averages of data every 3 hours - from NCEP - from 1979 to 2003, total volume 144 GB - on-line, MSS Climatologies ) - from 1979 to 2001, total volume 20 GB - including monthly means Both the monthly means and climatolgoies are also available on-line or from mass storage. They are archived in the same way as when we download them from NCEP. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
NARR Archive Products Regrouped 3-hourly Data 3D: 10 variables, 269 MB/day,H,T,U,V,W,RH,.. on 29 pressure levels (from 1000mb to 100mb) clm: 12 variables, 16 MB/day, atmospheric column precipitable water, convective cloud, water vapor zonal & meridional fluxes, .. flx: 81 variables, 87 MB/day, U & V at 10m, soil moisture & temperature, radiation, .. not at surface sfc: 44 variables, 50 MB/day, T, Pres, heat fluxes, radiation, .. at surface pbl: 39 variables, 45 MB/day, T,U,V,W,.. in layers between surface and 180mb above ground Here let me explain a little bit about the regrouped 3-hourly data files. The 3D files contain all 10 variables on 29 pressure levels. Those 10 variables include geopotential height, temperature, U, V and vertical wind, relative humidity, etc. The clm files have 12 variables and they are integrated throughout one atmospheric column. The flx files contain flux terms not at surface. The flux terms at the suface are saved in the “sfc” subgroup. The properties of near-surface layers between the ground and 180mb above the ground are saved in the “pbl” subgroup. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
A Few Details NARR has its own GRIB parameter table
Archive A Few Details NARR has its own GRIB parameter table wgrib with NARR GRIB table to get correct parameter names U, V of NARR are different from U, V from operational Eta output Constant (or fixed ) fields are on-line Before telling you how to get NARR data from DSS RDA server, here is a few reminder about NARR data. First, NARR has its own GRIB parameter table. Because of numerous new variables, you’ll not see their names if wrong GRIB table is used. For wgrib users, you can build wgrib with “user-defined” GRIB table option. That will assure you to get the correct NARR variable names. An important difference between NARR data and the operational Eta data is the wind. The U,V winds in NARR are true east-west, north-south winds. The U,V winds in operational Eta products are grid-relative. Finally, users who need the fixed fields used in NARR, such as surface geopotential height, surface land-sea coverage, etc., they are available on-line. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
NARR Archive How to Access the Data NCAR Users - msrcp from MSS in /DSS/DS608.0/{3HRLY_TAR,MONTHLY,CLIMATOLOGIES,UCSD}/… web – ftp – to be implemented, contact place a data order – tapes, etc., fees apply small amount of data – How do you get the NARR data? NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
If you go to our NARR web site, its top page looks like this
If you go to our NARR web site, its top page looks like this. The data flies are listed in the left frame. After a simple registion, you click on 3-hourly Data files. It leads you to select the year,month. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Clicking on, say 198002, you’ll see the list of regrouped tar files.
NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Clicking on the check boxes and “download files now”, the web download process will begin. To avoid downloading too many files for a 32-bit system, we have limited the total file size to be about 2GB. You’ll see a window poping up if this limit is exceeded. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
NARR Archive Summary All NARR data files are on-line on DSS RDA server as well as on MSS (in ds608.0 dataset) ftp download from DSS RDA server will be available Examples for NCAR users to retrieve MSS files will be added NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS Chi-Fan Shih 5 February 2019
Near Real-time Data from the IDD by Doug Schuster Data Support Section
NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Near Real-time Data from the IDD
Dataset Background Observational Data Products Model Data Products IDD Data Access NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Unidata’s Internet Data Distribution Service
IDD Distributes Meteorological Data to private and public institutions subscribing to the service via internet nodes. Data is captured by subscribers and used for real-time weather analysis, forecasts, model initialization, misc. research, etc… NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Near Real-time Data from the IDD
Contents - Includes real-time observational and model data captured and archived from the IDD. Purpose - Provide a resource to examine events in a near real-time setting (e.g. examine last week’s tornado outbreak). - Provide a permanent backup of the selected data to complement Unidata’s distribution service. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Observational Data, May2003 - current
Original reports, transmitted across the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), are captured and decoded by Unidata software. NO QC of observations is performed. The decoded reports are stored and archived in netCDF format. Used to supplement DSS’s ADP and ISH (DATSAV) dataset archives. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Available Obs Data, May 2003 - current
COVERAGE REPORT TYPE FREQUENCY Land Surface SYNOP 3-Hourly METAR Hourly Marine Surface BUOY Upper Air RAOB NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
00 UTC Upper Air Station Coverage
Sample 00Z IDD Upper Air Stations NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Gridded Model Data, Dec 2002 - Current
Stored in GRIB format on standard NCEP transmission grids. Used to supplement gridded and reanalysis datasets. Includes initialization and forecast grids. NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Available Model Data, Dec 2002 - Current
Init Times Forecast Length Coverage Grid Res RUC 3-hr int 3-hr int CONUS 81km LC Grid 211 ETA/NAM 00Z, 12Z 6-hr int GFSNH 6-hr int 6-hr int N. H. 381km PS Grid 201 GFSEXT 00Z 12-hr int Global 5˚ Lat/Lon NCEP ENS 6-hr int. 0-90˚ N ˚ E 1.5˚ Grids 39 and 40 ECMWF 12Z 24-hr int. 5˚ Mercator NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
IDD Data Access Most Recent 3-months of data are available on RDA server. RDA server archive populated daily. RDA server archive copied to MSS weekly. IDD Obs Data (May current, RDA server & MSS) IDD Model Data (Dec current, RDA server & MSS) NCEP Grid Definitions NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Metadata: Building Data Discovery and Access Bob Dattore dattore@ucar
Metadata: Building Data Discovery and Access Bob Dattore NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
History of Metadata DSS has been compiling metadata in digital form for 20+ years Dataset-level metadata for all datasets in a quasi-standard format File-level metadata for all data files on the NCAR MSS Format of this information varies by the dataset specialist who creates/enters it NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Dataset-Level Metadata
Identifies and locates datasets having required data Allows searches by “key” fields (e.g. - date, parameter, project, platform, etc.) Drives main methods of discovery: Search Engines Dataset Catalogs (precipitation, MM5) Interaction with DSS Staff NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
File-Level Metadata Identifies and locates files containing needed data Gives information about the data (format, obs or gridded?, etc.) Gives information about the files (COS-blocking, volume, etc.) Drives access methods: Read directly from MSS (msrcp) Download from web servers (DSS, CDP) NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Goals for Improvement Standardize all metadata
DSS standards (XML) Controlled keyword lists Common formats for describing data files Easier to build software to process the metadata Capture all the metadata necessary to completely describe our datasets and files Allows us to map our metadata into other standards (THREDDS, DIF, etc.) NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Goals for Improvement Use databases for quicker access
Faster searches for data discovery Faster access to metadata by software (e.g. - program to subset a large dataset) Create the ability to access information and data files over aggregations of data NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
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Improvements to the MSS File Lists
Provide more information about each data file Allow users to create customized lists (e.g. - show only the files for 2004, only files containing temperature, etc.) NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
The RDA on the CDP The Community Data Portal is a collection of datasets from participating organizations The next session, “New data portals for the community”, will talk about the CDP in more detail All of our datasets are represented on the CDP NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
The RDA on the CDP Datasets can be searched alongside those of other participants As our metadata improves, so will the THREDDS catalogs We are working to build MSS file lists for all datasets Will allow NCAR users to access our MSS files through the CDP NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
Comments? Questions? NSF/NCAR/SCD/DSS 5 February 2019
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